This PowerPoint presentation discusses line symmetry in nature, animals, humans, architecture, and 2D shapes. Some key examples provided include butterflies, shells, starfish, human faces, Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of human proportions, the Taj Mahal, and regular polygons like triangles, squares, and hexagons. The presentation shows how line symmetry exists all around us and is considered aesthetically pleasing, appearing commonly in both natural and man-made structures.
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Line symmetry
1. Symmetry:
A Visual Presentation
A PowerPoint Presentation created by Mrs. Gamache using the
collection of web pages created by the Adrian Bruce and students of
2. Line Symmetry
? Shape has line symmetry when one half
of it is the mirror image of the other half.
? Symmetry exists all around us and many
people see it as being a thing of beauty.
5. At the beach there are a
variety of shells with line
6. Under the sea there are also
many symmetrical objects such
as these crabs
and this starfish.
7. Animals that have Line
Here are a few more great examples of mirror
image in the animal kingdom.
These masks have a line of
symmetry from the forehead to the
The human face also has a line of
symmetry in the same place.
9. Human Symmetry
The 'Proportions of Man'
is a famous work of art
by Leonardo da Vinci
that shows the symmetry
of the human form.
If an object is
reflected in water it is
considered to have
line symmetry along
the waterline.
11. The Taj Mahal
Symmetry exists in architecture all around the
world. The best known example of this is the
Taj Mahal.
12. This photograph shows 2 lines of symmetry.
One vertical, the other along the waterline.
(Notice how the prayer towers, called minarets, are reflected in the water and
side to side).
13. 2D Shapes and Symmetry
After investigating the following
shapes by cutting and folding, we