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Group 5
Sowmya Murthy - FT13246 sowmyamurthy.com
Chandni Gupta  FT13214
Joyeeta Mukherjee  FT13428
Anita Kala FT13108 www.anitakala.com
Vinu Seshadri  FT13291 www.vinsesh.com
Creative Ways To Use LinkedIn
 Design the profile intelligently

 Optimize the company page to engage the audience

 Develop a campaign

 Create leads

 Network Building and Groups

 Find new talent and social CRM
Profile Matters!
            Complete your profile 100% for
             maximum visibility
 Set up     Upload a profile picture for
LinkedIn    Request colleagues, friends and
 Profile     partners for recommendation
            Promote by linking with other
             SM platforms

            Customize the profile URL
Optimize    Customize the anchor text with
  the        the links on your profile
            Optimize keywords in the          http://www.youtube.co
 Profile     summary section, which is         m/watch?v=0glUGk81K
for SEO      indexed by Google; Include high
             importance keywords
Optimize Company Page

Banner Images

Careers and Products

Product Recommendations

Featured and Targeted

Visibility on Mobile Apps
Optimize Company Page
Develop a Campaign

        Traffic,                Create Great
        Leads &                   Content

       Become an

                   Build Your
Create Leads
                                                                   Integrate LinkedIn
 Create a LinkedIn      Use LinkedIn         Answer Questions
                                                                        into your             Dont spam
       group             DirectAds             on LinkedIn
 Use group to        Push relevant ads      Ask and respond      If you are            Contacting
  create thought       to LinkedIn             to relevant           presenting at a        LinkedIn contacts
  leadership in        subscribers             questions on          webinar or trade       directly can be
  concerned            targeted by profile     LinkedIn Answers      show invite your       considered as
  market.              demographic             section               audience to            spam
 Promote and          information            Answered              network with you      Make your
  grow the group                               questions shows       or join your group     message relevant
                                               up in the Network    Notify all             so that people
                                               Updates feed for      members of your        want to hear from
                                               all your              group about an         you
                                               connections           upcoming event
                                              Can win expertise    Redirect these
                                               points if your        members to your
                                               answer chosen as      blog or website to
                                               best answer.          convert them into
Network Building
 Invite thought leaders, from
  the industry to connect with
 Ask and answer questions on
  LinkedIn       Answers     to
  establish yourself as a thought
  leader in the industry
 Update your status frequently
  for getting noticed
 Link LinkedIn and Twitter
  accounts; Post LinkedIn status
  messages to Twitter and pull
  tweets into your LinkedIn
  status     for leveraging your
Groups - Creating
 Include keywords in the name
 Create a group for the industry
  and not your company
 Design the group logo to fit the
  small standard logo size
 Create a custom webpage for
  the group on your website ;
  This will provide more
  context, engagement and
 Display the group in the
  Group Directory and on
  members' profiles
Groups - Promoting
        Leverage your existing network: Invite co-workers, past colleagues, and
         customers to join and start discussions

        Promote the group on your website, blog, email newsletter, and social media

        Invite key industry experts to join and engage

        Cross-market to related groups on different social media networks
        Integrate LinkedIn into all of your marketing efforts. Every time you do a
         webinar or go to a conference, notify your group and invite those you meet
   5     to join the group as well.
Groups - Managing
 Add discussions, news and jobs to create opportunities for interaction in the
 Use Most Popular Discussions to highlight particular content or offers
 Send announcements (e-mails); These will also get added as a discussion thread
  for your group and can be marked as a featured discussion for extra visibility
 Import your blog RSS feed if relevant to the group
 Make your own LinkedIn analytics to track number of the group size; track the
  click through rate of links in your announcements, use a URL shortener with
  analytics like bit.ly
Find New Talent and Social CRM

Career tab a paid feature in LinkedIn

Showcase your company story and job
openings effectively

Show an inside view of what it is like to work
at the company

Provide a compelling and attractive value
proposition for drawing in potential
candidates for employment
LinkedIn the way ahead

 National Positions
 drives 300-500 unique
 visitors/month from
 3 times as much as
 Drive traffic to your
 blogs, videos, webinar,
 presentations and other
Thank You!!

More Related Content

Linked in to grow businesses group 5

  • 1. Group 5 Sowmya Murthy - FT13246 sowmyamurthy.com Chandni Gupta FT13214 Joyeeta Mukherjee FT13428 Anita Kala FT13108 www.anitakala.com Vinu Seshadri FT13291 www.vinsesh.com
  • 2. Creative Ways To Use LinkedIn Design the profile intelligently Optimize the company page to engage the audience Develop a campaign Create leads Network Building and Groups Find new talent and social CRM
  • 3. Profile Matters! Complete your profile 100% for maximum visibility Set up Upload a profile picture for authenticity LinkedIn Request colleagues, friends and Profile partners for recommendation Promote by linking with other SM platforms Customize the profile URL Optimize Customize the anchor text with the the links on your profile Optimize keywords in the http://www.youtube.co Profile summary section, which is m/watch?v=0glUGk81K for SEO indexed by Google; Include high importance keywords yg
  • 4. Optimize Company Page Banner Images Careers and Products Product Recommendations Featured and Targeted Updates Visibility on Mobile Apps
  • 6. Develop a Campaign Optimize Company Page Traffic, Create Great Leads & Content Sales Become an Attract Industry Followers Leader Build Your Network
  • 7. Create Leads Integrate LinkedIn Create a LinkedIn Use LinkedIn Answer Questions into your Dont spam group DirectAds on LinkedIn marketing Use group to Push relevant ads Ask and respond If you are Contacting create thought to LinkedIn to relevant presenting at a LinkedIn contacts leadership in subscribers questions on webinar or trade directly can be concerned targeted by profile LinkedIn Answers show invite your considered as market. demographic section audience to spam Promote and information Answered network with you Make your grow the group questions shows or join your group message relevant up in the Network Notify all so that people Updates feed for members of your want to hear from all your group about an you connections upcoming event Can win expertise Redirect these points if your members to your answer chosen as blog or website to best answer. convert them into leads
  • 8. Network Building Invite thought leaders, from the industry to connect with Ask and answer questions on LinkedIn Answers to establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry Update your status frequently for getting noticed Link LinkedIn and Twitter accounts; Post LinkedIn status messages to Twitter and pull tweets into your LinkedIn status for leveraging your network
  • 9. Groups - Creating Include keywords in the name Create a group for the industry and not your company Design the group logo to fit the small standard logo size Create a custom webpage for the group on your website ; This will provide more context, engagement and visibility Display the group in the Group Directory and on members' profiles
  • 10. Groups - Promoting Leverage your existing network: Invite co-workers, past colleagues, and customers to join and start discussions 1 Promote the group on your website, blog, email newsletter, and social media networks 2 Invite key industry experts to join and engage 3 Cross-market to related groups on different social media networks 4 Integrate LinkedIn into all of your marketing efforts. Every time you do a webinar or go to a conference, notify your group and invite those you meet 5 to join the group as well.
  • 11. Groups - Managing Add discussions, news and jobs to create opportunities for interaction in the community Use Most Popular Discussions to highlight particular content or offers Send announcements (e-mails); These will also get added as a discussion thread for your group and can be marked as a featured discussion for extra visibility Import your blog RSS feed if relevant to the group Make your own LinkedIn analytics to track number of the group size; track the click through rate of links in your announcements, use a URL shortener with analytics like bit.ly
  • 12. Find New Talent and Social CRM Career tab a paid feature in LinkedIn Showcase your company story and job openings effectively Show an inside view of what it is like to work at the company Provide a compelling and attractive value proposition for drawing in potential candidates for employment
  • 13. LinkedIn the way ahead National Positions drives 300-500 unique visitors/month from LinkedIn 3 times as much as Facebook Drive traffic to your blogs, videos, webinar, presentations and other content