This document provides tips for using LinkedIn effectively. It recommends growing your network by treating LinkedIn like a trade show and networking constantly. The profile should include as much content as possible to come up in searches. LinkedIn groups allow one to engage in discussions and grow their network. Searching hypothetical job titles and target companies can help with finding opportunities. Personalizing connection invites and dedicating time are important, while common mistakes include not accessing your profile, having errors, and only connecting with strangers. Using LinkedIn proactively can lead to new business, revenue, and opportunities.
2. LinkedIn BenefitsLinkedIn is not about connections, it is about productivity. Connections = Stagnant. Network= Alive and Ready to Help. Ireland: Nov 2010- 353,000 users- March 2011 423,000 users.Treat it like a trade show- network, network, network!
3. Your ProfilePutting more content, rather than less, will make your profile more likely to come up in searches.Be as open as possible, you want to be found.Your title is important- It¡¯s what people see when they accept your invite, and it¡¯s probably the fastest first impression one receivesGet Recommended
4. LinkedIn GroupsBecome known in your professional community, engage in discussionsIt makes it easier to grow your network and you can contacting other members in your groupSee who is hiring, get hired
5. LinkedIn ConnectionsMore you grow your network the more effective it is, but do so smartlySearch Functionality is exceptionalSearch hypothetical positions. Narrow search results: the target company name, the location or the possible job title etc
7. Common MistakesNever access your profile but still expect resultsSpelling, grammar and punctuation errors in the main profile. Proof Read! Only invite people that you¡¯ve met or you knowDo not share your thoughts and what you are doing as you would on twitter or other platforms.
8. SummationUsing LinkedIn proactively leads to real resultsNew business Extra revenue New OpportunitiesIs LinkedIn something you can afford to be without?