LinkedIn profiles that are most effective present the user in a professional manner focused on their career and industry. They include a professional headshot, relevant work history, a short summary of skills and strengths, and examples of past successes. Profiles also list specialties in bullet points to clearly communicate qualifications to potential employers. There are two main types of media blogs - instructional blogs that provide tutorials, examples, and industry news, and portfolio blogs that showcase a user's work and career ambitions.
2. Although LinkedIn is still categorized as a social networking site, they have a completely different code of conduct inthe way in which people present themselves, the information people chose to display and the way they communicate with others then more popular networking sites e.g. Facebook/MySpace. The best profiles (by this I mean in my eyes the most professional looking and effective (high numbers of professional contacts)) included the following;
3. The profile picture was either a headshots or an image portraying the industry they are in and not them on a night out. When listing past work, they only put things that might be of interest to people/businesses in the industry they are in and not that he did the paper round as a child.
4. Included in the summary in there own words was what they do, there strengths, talents and also what they enjoy. Also included was any past successes of note. It was kept short and sweet so therefore easy to read and take in.There was in some cases a bullet pointed list of the persons specialties.This makes it easy for a possible employer to quickly see if you are suitable for the job
5. There seems to be two main types of media related blogs.One is more instructional with walkthroughs, examples, discussions and News relating to the industry . The other type is more of a portfolio of their work; presenting past work and explaining what their ambition is.
6. From an instructional media blog: The article is eye-catching due to the bold colours and font. The title is short and snappy and so tells the reader exactly what the article is going to be about.