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Proposed new features for the LinkedIn Mobile App by
Linda Joy
Javier Abanses
Valentina Kogan
Karl Scott 
A project for UXDi Winter 2014 "
at General Assembly, NYC
LinkedIn is the world's largest
professional network, with 280
million users worldwide in 200

Their mission is to connect the
world's professionals to make them
more productive and successful. !
The Brief
Mobile use is increasing, but LinkedIn wants
to continue to push its growth. Speci鍖cally,
they want to add contact management
features to the app. 

Objectives !
Help users determine:
≒ Who to contact
≒ When to contact them
≒ How effective their outreach is
≒ Create a minimum viable product to serve


those needs
Business Goals and User Research
Business Model
≒ Over half of LinkedIns revenue comes from

paid recruitment tools. 
≒ But most LinkedIn users arent actively job

≒ Most are Explorers or Tiptoers:

Employed but open to good opportunities 

Business Goals
Keep the talent pool
engaged, to serve
their recruiter clients
Push mobile use

Brand Goals
Top Professionals
Vital Service

Talent Solutions
Paid Subscriptions
Current Contact Management
≒New desktop features
≒New LinkedIn Contacts app creates a

to do for each connections job
change, work anniversary, and birthday
≒Reminders, Notes & Tags

Theyre already offering a fair bit of
contact management So, how will we
make it better?
User Research
We used Quantcast, SEC Filings and
LinkedIns own blog to uncover as much as
possible about LinkedIn users 

≒ Demographics: af鍖uent, 25-55, college

graduates, and male
≒ They have a lot of contacts (over 50% have

more than 300 contacts)
≒ About half spend 2+ hours a week on

LinkedIn, the rest spend 0-2 hours

Source: SocialMediaToday.com
The Talent Pool 
According to LinkedIn, 44% of working
professionals are Explorers  not looking
for a job but open to good opportunities

Source: LinkedIn Talent Blog

A further 15% are Tiptoers  considering a
job change but only reaching out to close
Surveys & Interviews
We surveyed 40 users on their LinkedIn
behaviors and professional goals, and
interviewed 6 in-depth.

≒ Main grievance: too much going on!
≒ But all 鍖nd value in LinkedIn
≒ Dont want to disconnect from annoying/

irrelevant contacts.. Just in case
≒ Most dont manage their contacts (at all)
≒ Unaware new contact management features 

Opportunities Identi鍖ed!
≒ Need to simplify things so that users can

actually enjoy using an app that they value
We organized and re-organized the attitudes
and behaviors we uncovered in our interviews
into patterns

We uncovered 4 user personas to start, but
soon realized we had two main user types to
serve: proactive and passive explorers

Opportunities Identi鍖ed!
We can focus our efforts!
The Tiptoer
29 year-old project manager at Red Shift a
digital post-production firm in Providence, RI

I love my job, but I
want to be ready for my
next big thing.

Tech savvy



Tries to stay organized, but very busy

Stay open to job opportunities

Financial success

Always on a look out for new
connections / opportunities

Build successful future

Professional Success

Keep network healthy

Personal Satisfaction

Already reaching out a bit to close contacts
about career opportunities

Make useful connections

Checks in with LinkedIn regularly

Engagement & Activities



Computer: iMac. High use at work and home

There's a lot if noise in feed (but she skims and
finds what she needs)

Adds new connections often

Hard to keep track of everyone
Difficult to maintain relationships long-term

Tries to manage contacts, but cant
keep up

Doesnt find LinkedIn intuitive

Likes, comments and messages


iPhone and iPad.
Fluent, but not a power user.

Collects interesting people

Uses app to respond to invites,quickly
skims feed (occasionally).
Researches companies
Passive Explorer
Late 30s.

is necessary evil.

Back-end engineer at Unroll.me (email
management startup), a small, 8-people
company in New York City.

Doesnt see himself as much of a people
Sees himself as a good developer, and
part of that is going to workshops on
new software and technology.



Get a good job that he likes

Professional Respect

Stay connected to contacts

Personal Satisfaction

Stay open to opportunities

Also goes to a local tech meetup. Its
such a relaxed setting that talking to new
people is easy, even for an introvert like
him (free beer helps with that.)

Engagement & Activities



Computer: Macbook Pro
Android power user.

Refers to LinkedIn as bad Facebook with ties

Mostly just responds to requests

Feed is useless.

Barely looks at the feed

A lot of things are either not meaningful or not

Occasionally adds people he meets

Too many notifications.
Hard to trust (not enough transparency).

Prefers Twitter for industry updates
User Goals
Passive Explorer
Late 30s.
Back-end engineer at Unroll.me (email
management startup)



is necessary evil.

The Tiptoer

The Explorer

Its a small, 8-people company in
New York City.

Sees himself as a good developer, and
part of that is going to workshops on
new software and technology.




Stay open to job opportunities

Research companies for future job

≒ Build successful career

Also goes to a local tech meetup. Its
such a relaxed setting that talking to new
cial success
people is easy, even for an introvert like
him (free beer helps with that.)

Stay connected to contacts

≒ Not actively looking, but

Stay current with industry updates.

wouldnt mind a dream job
鍖nding him

≒ Ready for the next big thing,

ssional Success

Doesnt see himself as much of a people

nal Satisfaction

already quietly reaching out to
close connections

Engagement & Activities


≒ Doesnt want to waste time on

Computer: Macbook Pro, running Parellels
for Windows at work.
Carries it home after work.


Looks like LinkedIn is trying to be Facebook,
(and a poor version of that).

Always responds to requests

Feed is useless.


Occasionally adds people he meets

A lot of things are either not meaningful or not

Reads Twitter for industry updates

≒ Stay connected to quality
Android power user.

s new connections


cts interesting people

Too many notifications.
Hard to trust (not enough transparency).

ages and organizes contacts

acts with contacts (occasional
ents and messages)

≒ Stay in touch with past 
app to respond to invites,quickly

feed (occasionally).

arch companies

boring Facebook

Barely looks at the feed

Occasionally tweets himself (mostly

≒ Uses LinkedIn because out of

Primary Solution: The Shortlist
The Shortlist!
≒Your most important contacts  your
best alliances and your inspirations,
the people you hope will be good
resources in the future
≒Self-selected, but LinkedIn offers


≒ Now Nick and Dinas feeds are more

manageable and they focus on who to
contact, and when.
Secondary Solutions


Filter Feed By Post Type

See just the types of updates youre
interested in  less noise

Filter Connections by field, company,
and location

Find the specific contacts youre
looking for without having to rely on a
user-generated tagging system.

Sort Connections by last contacted

Helps Dina see who she hasnt
contacted in a while, so she can meet
her goal of keeping her network active
and healthy

≒ We created a hotlist feature  to target

users best alliances and inspirations

≒ Users like the hotlist idea  not the name
≒ Inputting tags/notes/reminders is too much

≒ Added 鍖ltering to feed and contacts

work for most. Will leverage know data
instead (endorsements, main industry)

≒ Incorporated new desktop features (tagging,

reminders, notes, how we met)
Digital Sketches

≒ Feed navigation is getting too busy, so well

≒ Need to make adding to hotlist as easy as

remove Top Stories banner 
≒ iOS 7 patterns arent so intuitive for users

≒ Need a hide feature in addition to hotlist
≒ Still need a better name than hotlist!
Axure Prototype

≒ Replaced Hotlist with Shortlist 

≒ Shortlist feed vs Shortlist list


≒ Discovered UI inconsistencies
≒ Improved hierarchy issues in text

Link to Prototype

≒ Path to shortlist feed should be

Weve helped users: 
≒ Determine who to contact and when

to contact them by helping them to
target and keep track of their best
≒ Easily 鍖lter out noise from less

important connections
≒ Leverage known data to 鍖lter

contacts, rather than generating their
≒ We havent found a way to give

feedback on how effective their
outreach is, but we believe they will
feel their outreach is more effective
Be sure to 鍖nd us on LinkedIn and add
us to your Shortlist!

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  • 1. LINKEDIN CONTACT MANAGEMENT Proposed new features for the LinkedIn Mobile App by Linda Joy Javier Abanses Valentina Kogan Karl Scott A project for UXDi Winter 2014 " at General Assembly, NYC
  • 2. LinkedIn LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network, with 280 million users worldwide in 200 countries! ! Their mission is to connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. !
  • 3. The Brief Mobile use is increasing, but LinkedIn wants to continue to push its growth. Speci鍖cally, they want to add contact management features to the app. ! Objectives ! Help users determine: ≒ Who to contact ≒ When to contact them ≒ How effective their outreach is ≒ Create a minimum viable product to serve ! those needs
  • 5. Business Model ≒ Over half of LinkedIns revenue comes from paid recruitment tools. ≒ But most LinkedIn users arent actively job hunting ≒ Most are Explorers or Tiptoers: Employed but open to good opportunities Business Goals Keep the talent pool engaged, to serve their recruiter clients Push mobile use Brand Goals Top Professionals Vital Service Smart Helpful Talent Solutions Advertising Paid Subscriptions
  • 6. Current Contact Management ≒New desktop features ≒New LinkedIn Contacts app creates a to do for each connections job change, work anniversary, and birthday ≒Reminders, Notes & Tags Theyre already offering a fair bit of contact management So, how will we make it better?
  • 7. User Research Method! We used Quantcast, SEC Filings and LinkedIns own blog to uncover as much as possible about LinkedIn users Findings! ≒ Demographics: af鍖uent, 25-55, college graduates, and male ≒ They have a lot of contacts (over 50% have more than 300 contacts) ≒ About half spend 2+ hours a week on LinkedIn, the rest spend 0-2 hours Source: SocialMediaToday.com
  • 8. The Talent Pool According to LinkedIn, 44% of working professionals are Explorers not looking for a job but open to good opportunities Source: LinkedIn Talent Blog A further 15% are Tiptoers considering a job change but only reaching out to close connections
  • 9. Surveys & Interviews Method! We surveyed 40 users on their LinkedIn behaviors and professional goals, and interviewed 6 in-depth. Findings! ≒ Main grievance: too much going on! ≒ But all 鍖nd value in LinkedIn ≒ Dont want to disconnect from annoying/ irrelevant contacts.. Just in case ≒ Most dont manage their contacts (at all) ≒ Unaware new contact management features Opportunities Identi鍖ed! ≒ Need to simplify things so that users can actually enjoy using an app that they value
  • 10. Personas Method! We organized and re-organized the attitudes and behaviors we uncovered in our interviews into patterns Findings! We uncovered 4 user personas to start, but soon realized we had two main user types to serve: proactive and passive explorers Opportunities Identi鍖ed! We can focus our efforts!
  • 11. Dina The Tiptoer 29 year-old project manager at Red Shift a digital post-production firm in Providence, RI I love my job, but I want to be ready for my next big thing. Attributes Tech savvy Goals Motivations Tries to stay organized, but very busy Stay open to job opportunities Financial success Always on a look out for new connections / opportunities Build successful future Professional Success Keep network healthy Personal Satisfaction Already reaching out a bit to close contacts about career opportunities Make useful connections Checks in with LinkedIn regularly Engagement & Activities Frustrations Behavior Computer: iMac. High use at work and home There's a lot if noise in feed (but she skims and finds what she needs) Adds new connections often Hard to keep track of everyone Difficult to maintain relationships long-term Tries to manage contacts, but cant keep up Doesnt find LinkedIn intuitive Likes, comments and messages Mobile: iPhone and iPad. Fluent, but not a power user. Collects interesting people Uses app to respond to invites,quickly skims feed (occasionally). Researches companies
  • 12. Nick Passive Explorer Late 30s. Networking is necessary evil. Back-end engineer at Unroll.me (email management startup), a small, 8-people company in New York City. Attributes Doesnt see himself as much of a people person. Sees himself as a good developer, and part of that is going to workshops on new software and technology. Goals Motivations Get a good job that he likes Professional Respect Stay connected to contacts Personal Satisfaction Stay open to opportunities Also goes to a local tech meetup. Its such a relaxed setting that talking to new people is easy, even for an introvert like him (free beer helps with that.) Engagement & Activities Frustrations Behavior Computer: Macbook Pro Mobile: Android power user. Refers to LinkedIn as bad Facebook with ties Mostly just responds to requests Feed is useless. Barely looks at the feed A lot of things are either not meaningful or not intuitive. Occasionally adds people he meets Too many notifications. Hard to trust (not enough transparency). Prefers Twitter for industry updates
  • 13. User Goals Nick Passive Explorer Late 30s. Back-end engineer at Unroll.me (email management startup) Networking Dina Nick is necessary evil. The Tiptoer The Explorer Its a small, 8-people company in New York City. Attributes Sees himself as a good developer, and part of that is going to workshops on new software and technology. vations Goals Motivations Stay open to job opportunities Research companies for future job opportunities ≒ Build successful career Also goes to a local tech meetup. Its such a relaxed setting that talking to new cial success people is easy, even for an introvert like him (free beer helps with that.) Stay connected to contacts ≒ Not actively looking, but Stay current with industry updates. wouldnt mind a dream job 鍖nding him ≒ Ready for the next big thing, ssional Success Doesnt see himself as much of a people nal Satisfaction person. already quietly reaching out to Frustrations close connections Engagement & Activities Behavior ≒ Doesnt want to waste time on Computer: Macbook Pro, running Parellels for Windows at work. Carries it home after work. avior Looks like LinkedIn is trying to be Facebook, (and a poor version of that). Always responds to requests Feed is useless. Mobile: Occasionally adds people he meets A lot of things are either not meaningful or not intuitive. Reads Twitter for industry updates ≒ Stay connected to quality Android power user. s new connections contacts cts interesting people Too many notifications. Hard to trust (not enough transparency). ages and organizes contacts acts with contacts (occasional ents and messages) ≒ Stay in touch with past app to respond to invites,quickly feed (occasionally). arch companies boring Facebook Barely looks at the feed Occasionally tweets himself (mostly re-tweets) ≒ Uses LinkedIn because out of obligation
  • 14. Primary Solution: The Shortlist The Shortlist! ≒Your most important contacts your best alliances and your inspirations, the people you hope will be good resources in the future ≒Self-selected, but LinkedIn offers suggestions Bene鍖ts! ≒ Now Nick and Dinas feeds are more manageable and they focus on who to contact, and when.
  • 15. Secondary Solutions Feature Benefits Filter Feed By Post Type See just the types of updates youre interested in less noise Filter Connections by field, company, and location Find the specific contacts youre looking for without having to rely on a user-generated tagging system. Sort Connections by last contacted Helps Dina see who she hasnt contacted in a while, so she can meet her goal of keeping her network active and healthy
  • 17. Sketches ≒ We created a hotlist feature to target users best alliances and inspirations ≒ Users like the hotlist idea not the name ≒ Inputting tags/notes/reminders is too much ≒ Added 鍖ltering to feed and contacts work for most. Will leverage know data instead (endorsements, main industry) ≒ Incorporated new desktop features (tagging, reminders, notes, how we met)
  • 18. Digital Sketches ≒ Feed navigation is getting too busy, so well ≒ Need to make adding to hotlist as easy as remove Top Stories banner ≒ iOS 7 patterns arent so intuitive for users possible ≒ Need a hide feature in addition to hotlist ≒ Still need a better name than hotlist!
  • 19. Axure Prototype ≒ Replaced Hotlist with Shortlist ≒ Shortlist feed vs Shortlist list confusion ≒ Discovered UI inconsistencies ≒ Improved hierarchy issues in text Link to Prototype ≒ Path to shortlist feed should be shorter
  • 20. Summary Weve helped users: ≒ Determine who to contact and when to contact them by helping them to target and keep track of their best contacts. ≒ Easily 鍖lter out noise from less important connections ≒ Leverage known data to 鍖lter contacts, rather than generating their own ≒ We havent found a way to give feedback on how effective their outreach is, but we believe they will feel their outreach is more effective
  • 21. THANK YOU! Be sure to 鍖nd us on LinkedIn and add us to your Shortlist!