The document provides tips and tools for finding candidates on LinkedIn, including using Boolean modifiers and keywords to search Google for profiles, connecting with second-degree connections, and ways to find information about a candidate's experience and education without a college graduation listed. It also discusses how to search for candidates from historically black colleges, women's colleges, tribal colleges, and Greek organizations.
4. A F E W B O O L E A N M O D I F I E R S W E M I G H T
O R O R o r | ( p i p e )
N O T - ( m i n u s )
e x a c t p h r a s e
( ) N e s t i n g
* * ( o n e w i l d c a r d )
* * * * ( t w o w i l d c a r d s )
~ ~ ( s y n o n y m f i n d e r )
S q u e n c e # . . #
Wo r d i n t i t l e i n t i t l e :
Wo r d i n u r l i n u r l :
X r a y s i t e :
F i l e t y p e f i l e t y p e :
5. Active Candidates
Just Connect
Email Addresses
Phone Numbers
Unlimited Profiles
Experience &
What do you do if you dont have access to the Years of Experience Talent Filter?
Or if you want to try and control years of experience more specifically than 6 to 10
years or more than 10?
What if our candidate didnt graduate?
You dont even need to target education in an attempt to control a persons
years of professional experience by controlling what years do or do not
appear on a LinkedIn profile.
Historic Black
US-Based Sororities?
29. H E R E S 1 0 5 H B C S !
105 HCBUs:
(Alabama A&M University OR Alabama State University OR Albany State University OR Alcorn
State University OR Allen University OR University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff OR Arkansas Baptist
College OR Barber-Scotia College OR Benedict College OR Bennett College OR Bethune-
Cookman University OR Bishop State Community College OR Bluefield State College OR Bowie
State University OR Central State University OR Cheyney University of Pennsylvania OR Claflin
University OR Clark Atlanta University OR Clinton Junior College OR Coahoma Community
College OR Concordia College, Selma OR Coppin State University OR Delaware State University
OR Denmark Technical College OR Dillard University OR University of the District of Columbia
OR Edward Waters College OR Elizabeth City State University OR Fayetteville State University OR
Fisk University OR Florida A&M University OR Florida Memorial University OR Fort Valley State
University OR Gadsden State Community College OR Grambling State University OR Hampton
University OR Harris-Stowe State University OR Hinds Community College at Utica OR Howard
University OR Huston-Tillotson University OR Interdenominational Theological Center OR J. F.
Drake State Technical College OR Jackson State University OR Jarvis Christian College OR
Johnson C. Smith University OR Kentucky State University OR Knoxville College OR Lane
College OR Langston University OR Lawson State Community College OR LeMoyne-Owen
College OR Lewis College of Business OR Lincoln University OR Lincoln University of Missouri
OR Livingstone College OR University of Maryland Eastern Shore OR Meharry Medical College
OR Miles College OR Mississippi Valley State University OR Morehouse College OR Morehouse
School of Medicine OR Morgan State University OR Morris Brown College OR Morris College
OR Norfolk State University OR North Carolina A&T State University OR North Carolina Central
University OR Oakwood University OR Paine College OR Paul Quinn College OR Philander
Smith College OR Prairie View A&M University OR Rust College OR Saint Pauls College OR
Savannah State University OR Selma University OR Shaw University OR Shorter College OR
Shelton State Community College OR South Carolina State University OR Southern University at
New Orleans OR Southern University at Shreveport OR Southern University and A&M College OR
Southwestern Christian College OR Spelman College OR St. Augustines College OR St. Philips
College OR Stillman College OR Talladega College OR Tennessee State University OR Texas
College OR Texas Southern University OR Tougaloo College OR Trenholm State Technical
College OR Tuskegee University OR University of the Virgin Islands OR Virginia State University
OR Virginia Union University OR Virginia University of Lynchburg OR Voorhees College OR
West Virginia State University OR Wilberforce University OR Wiley College OR Winston-Salem
State University OR Xavier University of Louisiana)
( T H E R E I S A H A N D O U T A S K M O E ! ! ! )