Het talent dat je zoekt is vaak dichterbij dan je denkt.
Het behouden van talent is van grote waarde voor je organisatie. De kennis, expertise en ervaring van jouw medewerkers is vaak onbetaalbaar. Toch blijkt dat slechts 26% van de recruitment professionals echt bezig is met de toekomst van talent in eigen huis.
Interne werving wordt in 2016 een speerpunt voor veel organisaties. Het laten doorgroeien van talent verlaagt of vermindert de wervingskosten en het personeelsverloop.
Bijgaand de slides van deel 3 van de webcast serie over de Recruiting Trends 2016. Tijdens deze live webcast zijn we in gegaan op het behoud van talent voor je organisatie, 辿辿n van de recruiting trends voor 2016. We helpen je graag op weg met het behouden van talent.
We behandelden onder andere:
De toegevoegde waarde van focus op interne mobiliteit
De kracht van talent flows
Wat kan LinkedIn bijdragen
Hoe zet je een goed referral programma op
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LinkedIn Webcast "Retentie", 8 maart 2016
1. Welkom, we gaan zo van start met de webcast:
Recruiting Trend #3: Behoud talent voor je organisatie.
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Vragen? Stel ze via de Q&A of chat aan Caroline de Vos
2. Even voorstellen
Eelco van der Vorm
Strategic Talent Brand Consultant
Henk Ritmeester
Senior Customer Success Manager
Caroline de Vos
Associate Marketing Manager
3. Slechts 26% van de recruitment professionals is echt bezig
met de toekomst van talent in eigen huis.
4. Agenda
Status quo ten aanzien van Retentie
Actionable items
Quick Wins
Q & A
6. Retentiemanagement of retentiebeleid is
bedrijfsbeleid dat gericht is op het behouden
van het personeel in een organisatie.
Retentiemanagement streeft ernaar de
banden met het personeel dusdanig uit te
bouwen dat ze zich verbonden voelen met
het bedrijf en minder geneigd zijn om elders
te gaan werken
Waar staat Retentie voor
10. Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2015
Bron: DUP Global Human Capital Trends 2015
While most leaders are measured
on the basis of business results,
organizations must begin holding
leaders accountable for building
a strong and enduring culture,
listening to feedback, and engaging
and retaining their teams.
11. LinkedIn Job Switchers Rapport 2015
44% van Europese baanwisselaars zei dat
hun werkgever ze had kunnen behouden
12. LinkedIn Job Switchers Rapport 2015
Anderen stapten over naar kleinere bedrijven,
zoals te zien is op LinkedIn
22. You never get a second chance
to make a first impression.
4% of new hires leave a job after a disastrous first day
22% of turnover occurs within the first 45 days
Costing the company at least 3X the former
employees salary
23. Onboarding in a Box
Playbook wordt in de opvolg e-mail gedeeld.
32. Employees that are PROUD
of their company and glad to
tell people about it
Employees who would
RECOMMEND their company
to others as a good place to
Recruit &
Share & Monitor
Source: TNS Global Panel Study
Do You Have Brand Ambassadors?
36. Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2015
Bron: DUP Global Human Capital Trends 2015
Editor's Notes
Refereren naar de recruiting trends 2016
Refereren naar de recruiting trends 2016
Employees are now like customers; companies have to consider them volunteers, not just workers: As the job market has heated up and new technologies have exploded, power has shifted from the employer to the employee. Websites like Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Facebook, and others not only increase transparency abouta companys workplace; they make it far easier for employees to learn about new job opportunities and gain intelligence about company cultures.
Refereren naar de recruiting trends 2016
Refereren naar de recruiting trends 2016
Flight map
Romulus heeft die camera
Pas als je die accelerator hebt, gaat alles lopen
Flight map
Romulus heeft die camera
Pas als je die accelerator hebt, gaat alles lopen
Weve put these assets together into a product thats uniquely designed to help you build a world class team LinkedIn Referrals.
Weve put these assets together into a product thats unlocks the power of your employees networks to help you build a world class team we call it LinkedIn Referrals.
For Employees
Weve solved the equation of matching open roles to people I know by combing through all of your roles in your ATS and matching those roles to the people in your employees first degree network. LinkedIns proprietary algorithms find matches and present them to your employees through various engagement channels.
No more keeping tabs of all open roles
No more keeping tabs on your network
This experience lives in a personalized hub for every employee to access. We also give you powerful employee engagement channels, including targeted emails to employees as well as personalized referral recommendations when your employees visit LinkedIn.
For Recruiters
They get an immediate efficiency gain with new company connections data in search results
No more limitations of their personal network or needing to go to individual profiles to see who theyre connected to at your company
For those going after particularly hard to fill roles, you can strategically ask employees for referrals for a specific candidate that youve vetted.
And best of all for those not liking change management, there no new tools/workflows its right in the LinkedIn Recruiter tool they use every day.
For Admins
Not only do you have full ATS funnel visibility for detailed performance and ROI assessment, but
You have the ability to boost employee engagement through targeted emails
Couple these benefits with the fact that LinkedIn Referrals is integrated into your ATS and awareness and candidate status campaigns are automated and youll have admins with much more time on their hands to close candidates.
Flight map
Romulus heeft die camera
Pas als je die accelerator hebt, gaat alles lopen
Flight map
Romulus heeft die camera
Pas als je die accelerator hebt, gaat alles lopen
Flight map
Romulus heeft die camera
Pas als je die accelerator hebt, gaat alles lopen
So how do we know if we have brand ambassadors in our organization?
LinkedIn and TNS research converge on two key findings: engaged employees are less likely to leave which lowers overall costs of recruitment and training of employees. Also, engaged employees are more likely to be your brand ambassadors for high quality potential hires. Yet, our research suggests that employee brand ambassadorship is hardly rampant within organizations. Only 53% of employees would recommend their company to others as a good place to work and only 58% are proud of their company and gladly tell people about it through social media channels such as LinkedIn. When looking at our normative database, we see that ambassadors are much higher, at 85% plus to both of these questions. On the contrary, disengaged employees are much lower, around 25% favorable to both questions.
Refereren naar de recruiting trends 2016
Flight map
Romulus heeft die camera
Pas als je die accelerator hebt, gaat alles lopen