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Curriculum Vitae
Date of Revision: June 26, 2016
Name: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D., ABPP-CN
2002 - 2004 Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuropsychology and Neuroimaging, Dartmouth Medical
School/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
2001 - 2002 Intern, Clinical Psychology, Utah State Hospital, Provo, UT
2001 - 2002 Neuropsychological Specialization Courses, Brigham Young University, Provo,
1997 - 2002 Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, Louisiana Tech University
1994 - 1996 M.A., Counseling Psychology. Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA
1990 - 1994 B.A./B.S., Psychology and Criminal Justice, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA
Board Certification/Licensure:
American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology, ABPP, 2011 - Current
Connecticut Board of Psychological Examiners, 2005 - Current
Vermont, Psychology License, 2008 - Current
New Hampshire, Psychology License, 2004  2013
Career/Academic Appointments:
2016-Present Neuropsychology Division Chief, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology,
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
- Section Management
- Neuropsychological Evaluations, WADA testing, Language Mapping
- Ongoing Research Program
2012-2016 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, CT
- Neuropsychological Evaluations, WADA testing, Language Mapping
2007-2012 Assistant Clinical Professor (adjunct position), Neuropsychology Section, Dept of
Neurosurgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
- Neuropsychological Evaluations, WADA testing, Language Mapping
2008-2012 Clinical Neuropsychologist/Owner, Keene Neuropsychology Clinic, Keene, NH
- Neuropsychological Evaluation, Billing, Managing Staff
2008-2011 Adjunct Professor, Consultant, Landmark College, Putney, VT
- Neuropsychological Evaluations, Admissions Consulting, Research
2005-2008 Clinical Neuropsychologist, Easter Seals Greater Hartford Outpatient
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Rehabilitation Center, Windsor, CT
- Neuropsychological Evaluations
2004-2008 Assistant Professor/Director of Cognitive Neuroscience, Eastern Connecticut
State University, Willimantic, CT
- Teaching Courses (Introduction to Neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology,
Psychological Testing, Statistics, Clinical Practicum, History and Systems)
- Organizing and Managing the Cognitive Neuroscience Program
- Supervising Students Research Projects and Clinical Practicum
Administrative Positions:
2016  PresentNeuropsychology Section Chief, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Yale University School
of Medicine, New Haven, CT
2008-2012 Managing Owner, Keene Neuropsychology Clinic, Keene, NH
2007-2009 Interim Director, Adjunct Faculty, Neuropsychology Section, Dept. of
Neurosurgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
2004-2008 Director of Cognitive Neuroscience, Individual Major, Eastern Connecticut State
Hospital Appointments
2012  Current Psychology, Neuropsychology, Neurology, Yale - New Haven Hospital
2007  2012 Psychology, Neuropsychology, Neurosurgery, Yale  New Haven Hospital
2007  2012 Affiliated Staff, Cheshire Medical Center, Keene, NH
Professional Societies
2001 American Psychological Association
2001 International Neuropsychological Society
2004 American Epilepsy Society
2011 American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
Professional Service
Journal Service:
2006  present: Reviewer for Brain Imaging and Behavior; Behavior Therapy; Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology; Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology; European
Journal of Psychological Assessment, and Sleep Medicine.
Service for Professional Organizations:
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Foundation
July 2014  June 2015 Chair Grants Committee
July 2013  Present Board Member
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
July 2013  June 2014 AACNF Grant Reviewer
July 2013  June 2014 Co-Chair Development Committee
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
2013  Present Committee Member: Test Development and Normative Data Committee
American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology
2011-present Reviewer of Report Samples Board Certification Applicants
Current: Yale University Service:
Neurology Department, Neuropsychology Activities
2014  Current Committee Member, Academic Scorecard Committee
2013 Supervision and Training of Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuropsychology
Tammy Haynes-Robinson, Ph.D.
2012  Current Updating and scoring programs on Neuropsychology Laptops
2012 Updating and refining CT Medicaid Reimbursement
Prior University Service:
Program Director/Advisor
2005-2008 Program Director, Principal Advisor, Individual Major in Cognitive
Neuroscience, College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Connecticut State
University, Willimantic, CT
1998-1999 Advisor, Health Tech Radio Program, Louisiana Tech University Radio
Station, Ruston, LA
Departmental Committees
2005-2008 Committee Member: Development of Neuroscience as an Interdisciplinary
Major, College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT
2004-2008 Member, Curriculum Committee Member, Department of Psychology,
Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT
1999-2001 Make A Difference Committee, College of Education, Louisiana Tech
University, Ruston, LA
1997-1999 President, Student Advisory Board Concerning Health Issues, Louisiana
Tech University, Ruston, LA
Departmental Service
2005-2008 Webmaster, Department of Psychology, Eastern Connecticut State
University, Willimantic, CT
Public Service:
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
2007 Invited Television Interview, Connecticut Public Television (CPTV), Work
Learn, Live Series.
1996-1997 Host/Producer: New Directions, Educational Television Program, Berks
County Community Television (BCTV), Reading, PA
Professional Honors & Recognition:
2000 Whos Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
1998 Outstanding Young Man of America Award
1996 Alpha Epsilon Lambda, Gamma Chapter, National Honor Society
1994 Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology
2010 Rothermel Professional Lifetime Achievement Award, Kutztown University
Alumni Association
1998-2001 Louisiana Tech University, Deans Award for Academic Achievement
Grant/Clinical Trials History:
Current Funding
Agency: EMD Serono
ID# EMD Serono IMG program
Title: A novel measure of cognitive inefficiency: sensitivity to subjective complaints and
abnormal resting state functional connectivity in multiple sclerosis.
P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: 30%
Total costs for project period: $185,000
Project period: 1/01/2014  12/31/2015
Past Grants
Agency: Connecticut State University System
I.D.# Connecticut State University-AAUP Research Grant Award
Title: Effects of Verbal Interference on Clinical Visual Memory Tests
P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: 10%
Total costs for project period: $4000
Project period: 04/01/2007  06/01/2008
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Agency: Connecticut State University System
ID# Reassigned Time for Research
Title: Visual and Verbal Memory Deficits in People who have had Unilateral Temporal
P.I. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: 50%
Total Costs for project period: $60,000 (salary support)
Project Period: 08/01/2006-05/01/2007
Agency: Connecticut State University System
ID# Connecticut State University  AAUP Research Grant Award
Title: Visual Memory Deficits in People who have had Unilateral Temporal Lobectomies
P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: 10%
Total costs for project period: $4933 (Direct Material Cost)
Project period: 04/01/2006  06/01/2007
Agency: Connecticut State University System
ID# Faculty Development Grant
Title: Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience Training at the 2007 AACN Workshops and Annual
P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: Funded Travel and Training at Workshops
Total costs for project period: $2000 (Travel and Training Expenses)
Project period: 04/01/2006  06/01/2007
Agency: Connecticut State University System
ID# University Hour Invited Speaker Grant
Title: The Brain: Imaging, Memory and Genetics, Andrew Saykin, Psy.D.
Author: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: N/A Funds for Bringing in Speaker for Cognitive Neuroscience Program
Total costs for project period: $3000  Speaker Award
Project period: 9/20/1996
Agency: Connecticut State University System
ID# Connecticut State University  AAUP Research Grant Award
Title: Psychometric and Normative Properties of the Brown Location Test in Educationally and
Ethnically Diverse Samples from the General Population
P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: 10%
Total costs for project period: $5000 (Direct Material and Participant Cost)
Project period: 04/01/2005  06/01/2006
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Agency: Connecticut State University System
ID# Faculty Development Grant
Title: Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience Training at the 2006 International Neuropsychological
Society Conference
P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: Funded Travel and Training at Workshops
Total costs for project period: $2000 (Travel and Training Expenses)
Project period: 04/01/2005  06/01/2006
Agency: Dartmouth College
ID# Training Grant
Title: Summer Workshop in fMRI Informatics Training Grant
P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: Funded Training at Workshops
Project period: 07/05/2004  07/09/2004
Agency: American Psychological Society
ID# Travel Support
Title: Student Travel Support to Annual APS Conference (2000)
P.I. Franklin C. Brown
Agency: Louisiana Board of Trustees
Title: Superior Scholar Fellowship Grant
P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Percent effort: Funded Annual Stipend and Tuition from 2007  2001
Total costs for Project Period: $120,000 (4 Year Stipend + Tuition Reimbursement)
Courses Taught:
Louisiana Tech University
1999-2000 Data Analysis
Eastern Connecticut State University:
2005  2007 Human Neuropsychology
2005  2007 Child Psychopathology
2005  2007 Theories of Personality
2006  2007 History and Systems of Psychology
2006  2007 Abnormal Psychology
2004  2008 Independent Study Supervision:
2007  2008 Student Field Placements:
Trainees (Current Degrees Listed):
2004  2005 Meredith Roy, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University,
Psychology Department
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
2004  2005 Melissa Lambert, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University,
Psychology Department
2004  2005 Brandon Marley, B.A., J.D., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State
University, Psychology Department
2005  2007 Erin Tuttle, B. A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University,
Psychology Department
2005  2006 Justin Grakowsky, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State
University, Psychology Department
2006  2007 Nicholas Franco, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University,
Psychology Department
2007  2008 Amanda Clark, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University,
Psychology Department
2007  2008 Barbara Porebska, M.D.,. Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State
University, Psychology Department
2007  2008 Teresa Chmielowiec, B.A,. Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State
University, Psychology Department
2007  2008 Sarah Strube, B.A., M.A. Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State
University, Psychology Department
2007  2008 Shelley McDaniel, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, Department of
2008  2009 Clemente Vega, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, Department of
2008  2009 Sherry Thrasher, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, Department of
2012  2013 Tamika Haynes-Robinson, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University,
Department of Neurology
Invited Speaking Engagements, Presentations, Symposia & Workshops Not Affiliated With
2012: Head Start, Keene, NH, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in
2010: Presidential Address, Orientation Week, Landmark College, Putney, VT, ADHD
Medications and their Use.
2009: Advisor Training, Landmark College, Putney, VT, Neuropsychological Testing
2009 Wellness Week, Landmark College, Putney, VT, Sleep Difficulties and
2008: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic, Keene, NH, Beyond Alzheimers, Memory Decline
in the Elderly.
2003: Invited Faculty Presentation, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH, Student
Sleep Difficulties and Treatments.
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Invited Speaking Engagements, Presentations, Symposia & Workshops Affiliated With
2014: Current Understanding of Multiple Sclerosis, Yale Continuing Medical Education
Neuropsychological Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis. Brown, F. C.
2014: Third Annual Yale Comprehensive Research Retreat, Madison, CT Advances in
Neuropsychological Testing in Epilepsy: The Importance of Non-Neurological
Variables while Interpreting Tests. Brown, F. C.
2013: Epilepsy Journal Club, On/Off Medication and Postictal Neuropsychological
Testing: Preliminary Findings and Future Plans. Brown, F. C.
2013: Epilepsy Journal Club, Yale Adult Epilepsy Neuropsychology Battery, Empirical
Support and Updates. Brown, F. C., Winstanley, F. C., Haynes-Robinson, T.
2013: MS Journal Club, "Neuropsychological Performance in MS, and new measures of
Cognitive Efficiency and Visual Memory." Brown, F. C.
Peer-Reviewed Presentations & Symposia Given at Meetings Not Affiliated With Yale:
2010: National Academic of Neuropsychology, 30th
Annual Conference, Vancouver,
BC, Canada, Adults with ADHD demonstrate an isolated impairment in rotated
memory for location on the Brown Location Test. Brown, F. C., Katz, L. J.,
Roth, R.
2010: National Academic of Neuropsychology, 30th
Annual Conference, Vancouver,
BC, Canada, Young Adults with both ADHD and LD have more Executive
Dysfunction than those with ADHD alone. Brown, F. C. Katz, L. J.
2010 Annual International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities Conference,
Miami, FL, Executive Functions and Co-Morbid Psychological Difficulties in
Adults with AD/HD and LD. ADHD: Cognitive/Learning and Medical Issues in
Children, Adolescents and Young Adults. Katz, L. J., Brown, F. C.
2008 International Neuropsychological Society, 36th
Annual Conference, Waikoloa, HI,
Brown Location Test (BLT) and WMS-III Performance Following Anterior
Temporal Lobectomy for Medically Intractable Epilepsy. Brown, F. C.,
Westerveld, M., Tuttle, E., Vandemore, M., Chmielowiec. T.
2007 International Neuropsychological Society, 35th
Annual Conference, Portland, OR,
The Role of Anxiety in Neuropsychological Performance of Temporal Lobe
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
Epilepsy. Brown, F. C. Westerveld, M.
2007 American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Workshops and Annual
Meeting, Denver, CO, Multiple factor-analytic support and adult normative data
for the Brown Location Test. Brown, F. C. Tuttle, E, Roth, R. M., & Ferraro, F.
2006 Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY, The Relationship of
Sleep, Caffeine Use, and Material Specific Memory Performance. Brown, F. C.,
Tuttle, E., Roy, M.
2006 Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY, The Relationship of
Sleep, Caffeine Use, and Intellectual Functioning. Tuttle, E., Brown, F. C., Roy,
2005 American Psychological Association, 113th
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC,
Factor-Analytic Support for the Discriminative Validity of the Brown Location
Test: A Preliminary Analysis. Brown, F. C., Fellows, M., Foster-Bey, J., Roth,
R. M.
2004 International Neuropsychological Society, 32nd
Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD,
A new measure of visual location learning and memory: preliminary
psychometric properties and normative data for the Brown Location Test (BLT).
Brown, F. C., Gibson-Beverly, G., Roth, R. M., Buboltz, Jr. W. C., & Saykin, A.
2002 American Psychological Association, 110th
Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL,
Development and evaluation of the sleep treatment and education program for
students (STEPS). Brown, F. C., Buboltz, Jr. W. C., & Soper, B.
2001 American Psychological Association, 109th
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
Relationship of coping styles, sleep quality, and sleep habits. Brown, F. C.,
Jenkins, S. M., Buboltz, Jr. W. C., & Semen, E.
2001 American Psychological Association, 109th
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
Personality and the relationship to sleep quality and habits. Buboltz, Jr. W. C.,
& Brown, F. C.
2000 American Psychological Association, 108th
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC,
The relationship between sleep quality, sleepiness, and academic performance.
Brown, F. C., & Buboltz, Jr. W. C.
2000 American Psychological Association, 108th
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC,
Defragmenting psychology by hermeneutically exploring Descartes scientific
method. Coyne, B. J., Buboltz, Jr. W.C., & Brown, F. C.
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
2000 American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Tampa,
FL, Psychological predictors of cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation.
Coyne, B. J., Buboltz, Jr. W.C., & Brown, F. C.
2000 American Psychological Society, 12th
Annual Meeting, Miami, FL Relationship
between psychological symptoms and success in cardiac rehabilitation. Brown,
F. C., Buboltz, Jr. W. C., Coyne, B., & Bryan, K. S.
1999 American Psychological Association, 107th
Annual Meeting, Boston, MA,
Impact of events, moods, and attributional style on customer evaluations.
Brown, F. C. & Kelly, W. E.
1999 American Psychological Society, 11th
Annual Conference, Denver, CO,
Prevalence of Sleep Difficulties in College Students. Brown, F. C. & Buboltz,
Jr. W. C.
1998 American Psychological Association, 106th
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
Integrating Ethics and Therapy Orientation in Nonsexual Dual Relationship
Issues. Brown, F. C.
1997: Eastern Psychological Association, 12th
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, The
Core Conditions are Necessary for Neurorehabilitation.. Brown, F. C.
1995: University of Scranton, Annual Psychological Conference, Scranton, PA, Mirror
Tracing: Comparing Non-Dominant and Dominant Hand Performance. Brown,
F. C.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
1. Brown, F. C., Hirsch, L. J., Spencer, D. D. Spatial memory for asymmetrical dot locations
predicts lateralization among presurgical mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients. Epilepsy
and Behavior, 2015, 52A; 19  24.
2. Brown, F. C., Roth, R. M., Katz, L. J. Allocentric but not egocentric visual memory
difficulties in adults with ADHD may represent cognitive inefficiency. Psychiatry
Research: 2015, 228; 649  658
3. Brown, F. C., Katz, L. J., Roth, R. M. Beers, S. R. The relationship of self-reported
subclinical Obsessive-Compulsive symptoms and impulsivity among adults with AD/HD.
Psychiatry Research: 2014, 216; 131-136
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
4. Brown, F. C., Westerveld, M., Langfitt, J. T., Hamberger, M. Hamid, H, Shinnar,
Shlomo, Sperling, M. R., Devinsky, O., Barr, W., Tracy, J., Masur, D., Bazil, C. W.,
Spencer, S. S. Influence of anxiety on memory performance in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsy and Behavior 2014, 31C: 19-24.
5. Stamp, L, Banarjee, M., Dahlstrom-Hakki, I., Brown, F. C. Voices of Students with
ADHD: Issues Related to College Adjustment and Self-Advocacy. The Journal of
Postsecondary Education and Disability 2014, 27, 2.
6. Katz, L. J., Brown, F. C. Roth, R. M., & Beers, S. R. Processing Speed and Working
Memory Performance in those with both ADHD and a Reading Disorder compared to
those with ADHD alone. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2011 17:215-220.
7. Brown, F. C., Tuttle, E, Westerveld, M, Ferraro, F. R., Chmielovweic, T., Gibson-
Beverly, G, Bemus, L, Roth, R. M., Blumenfeld, H., Spencer, D. D., & Spencer, S.S.
Visual Memory in Post-Anterior Right Temporal Lobectomy Patients and Adult
Normative Data for the Brown Location Test (BLT). Epilepsy and Behavior 2010. 17:
8. Brown, F. C., Roth, R. M., Saykin, A. J., & Gibson-Beverly, G. A New Measure of
Visual Location Learning and Memory: Development and Psychometric Properties for the
Brown Location Test (BLT). The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2007, 21: 231-237.
9. Brown, F. C., Buboltz, W. C., Jr., & Soper, B. Development and Evaluation of the Sleep
Treatment and Education Program for Students (STEPS). Journal of American College
Health 2006, 54:231-237.
10. Brown, F. C., & Buboltz, Jr. W. C. Relationship of Sleep Hygiene Awareness, Sleep
Hygiene Practices, and Sleep Quality. Behavioral Medicine 2002, 28:33-39.
11. Brown, F. C., & Buboltz, Jr. W. C. Applying sleep research to university students:
recommendations for developing a student sleep education program. Journal of College
Student Development. 2002, 43:411-416.
12. Buboltz, Jr., W. C., Soper, B., & Brown, F. C., & Jenkins, S. M. Treatment approaches
for sleep difficulties in college students. Counseling Psychology Quarterly 2002, 15:229-
13. Brown, F. C., Soper, B., & Buboltz, Jr. W. C. Prevalence of Delayed Sleep Phase
Syndrome in university students. College Student Journal 2001, 35:472-476.
14. Buboltz, Jr. W. C., Brown, F. C., Soper, B. Sleep Habits and Patterns of College
Students: A Preliminary Study. Journal of American College Health 2001, 50:131-135.
Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D.
15. Kelly, W. E., Kelly, K. E., Brown, F. C., & Kelly, H. B. Gender Differences in
Depression Among College Students: A Multicultural Perspective. College Student
Journal 1999, 33:72-76.
Chapters, Books, and Reviews
1. Buboltz, W., Loveland, J., Jenkins, S., Brown, F., Soper, B., & Hodges, J. College
Student Sleep: Relationship to Health and Academic Performance. In College Students:
Mental Health and Coping Strategies, ed. M. V. Landow, Nova Science Publishers,
Hauppauge, NY, 2006, pp.1-39.
Invited Review
1. Brown, F. C. Adult Learning Disorders. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2010
Copyrighted Materials
1. 2001 US Copyright: Sleep Treatment Education Program for Students (STEPS): 50+ Site
Requests for Use (USA and International)
2. 2004 US Copyright: Brown Location Test: 80+ Site Requests for Use (USA and

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Nc Erc Annual Report 2007 2008


  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Date of Revision: June 26, 2016 Name: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D., ABPP-CN Education/Training 2002 - 2004 Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuropsychology and Neuroimaging, Dartmouth Medical School/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH 2001 - 2002 Intern, Clinical Psychology, Utah State Hospital, Provo, UT 2001 - 2002 Neuropsychological Specialization Courses, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 1997 - 2002 Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, Louisiana Tech University 1994 - 1996 M.A., Counseling Psychology. Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA 1990 - 1994 B.A./B.S., Psychology and Criminal Justice, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA Board Certification/Licensure: American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology, ABPP, 2011 - Current Connecticut Board of Psychological Examiners, 2005 - Current Vermont, Psychology License, 2008 - Current New Hampshire, Psychology License, 2004 2013 Career/Academic Appointments: 2016-Present Neuropsychology Division Chief, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT - Section Management - Neuropsychological Evaluations, WADA testing, Language Mapping - Ongoing Research Program 2012-2016 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT - Neuropsychological Evaluations, WADA testing, Language Mapping 2007-2012 Assistant Clinical Professor (adjunct position), Neuropsychology Section, Dept of Neurosurgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT - Neuropsychological Evaluations, WADA testing, Language Mapping 2008-2012 Clinical Neuropsychologist/Owner, Keene Neuropsychology Clinic, Keene, NH - Neuropsychological Evaluation, Billing, Managing Staff 2008-2011 Adjunct Professor, Consultant, Landmark College, Putney, VT - Neuropsychological Evaluations, Admissions Consulting, Research Development 2005-2008 Clinical Neuropsychologist, Easter Seals Greater Hartford Outpatient
  • 2. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 2 Rehabilitation Center, Windsor, CT - Neuropsychological Evaluations 2004-2008 Assistant Professor/Director of Cognitive Neuroscience, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT - Teaching Courses (Introduction to Neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychological Testing, Statistics, Clinical Practicum, History and Systems) - Organizing and Managing the Cognitive Neuroscience Program - Supervising Students Research Projects and Clinical Practicum Administrative Positions: 2016 PresentNeuropsychology Section Chief, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 2008-2012 Managing Owner, Keene Neuropsychology Clinic, Keene, NH 2007-2009 Interim Director, Adjunct Faculty, Neuropsychology Section, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 2004-2008 Director of Cognitive Neuroscience, Individual Major, Eastern Connecticut State University Hospital Appointments 2012 Current Psychology, Neuropsychology, Neurology, Yale - New Haven Hospital 2007 2012 Psychology, Neuropsychology, Neurosurgery, Yale New Haven Hospital 2007 2012 Affiliated Staff, Cheshire Medical Center, Keene, NH Professional Societies 2001 American Psychological Association 2001 International Neuropsychological Society 2004 American Epilepsy Society 2011 American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Professional Service Journal Service: Reviewer 2006 present: Reviewer for Brain Imaging and Behavior; Behavior Therapy; Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology; Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology; European Journal of Psychological Assessment, and Sleep Medicine. Service for Professional Organizations: American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Foundation July 2014 June 2015 Chair Grants Committee July 2013 Present Board Member
  • 3. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 3 July 2013 June 2014 AACNF Grant Reviewer July 2013 June 2014 Co-Chair Development Committee American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology 2013 Present Committee Member: Test Development and Normative Data Committee American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology 2011-present Reviewer of Report Samples Board Certification Applicants Current: Yale University Service: Neurology Department, Neuropsychology Activities 2014 Current Committee Member, Academic Scorecard Committee 2013 Supervision and Training of Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuropsychology Tammy Haynes-Robinson, Ph.D. 2012 Current Updating and scoring programs on Neuropsychology Laptops 2012 Updating and refining CT Medicaid Reimbursement Prior University Service: Program Director/Advisor 2005-2008 Program Director, Principal Advisor, Individual Major in Cognitive Neuroscience, College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT 1998-1999 Advisor, Health Tech Radio Program, Louisiana Tech University Radio Station, Ruston, LA Departmental Committees 2005-2008 Committee Member: Development of Neuroscience as an Interdisciplinary Major, College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT 2004-2008 Member, Curriculum Committee Member, Department of Psychology, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT 1999-2001 Make A Difference Committee, College of Education, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 1997-1999 President, Student Advisory Board Concerning Health Issues, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA Departmental Service 2005-2008 Webmaster, Department of Psychology, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT Public Service:
  • 4. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 4 2007 Invited Television Interview, Connecticut Public Television (CPTV), Work Learn, Live Series. 1996-1997 Host/Producer: New Directions, Educational Television Program, Berks County Community Television (BCTV), Reading, PA Professional Honors & Recognition: International/National/Regional: 2000 Whos Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Award 1998 Outstanding Young Man of America Award 1996 Alpha Epsilon Lambda, Gamma Chapter, National Honor Society 1994 Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology University: 2010 Rothermel Professional Lifetime Achievement Award, Kutztown University Alumni Association 1998-2001 Louisiana Tech University, Deans Award for Academic Achievement Grant/Clinical Trials History: Current Funding Agency: EMD Serono ID# EMD Serono IMG program Title: A novel measure of cognitive inefficiency: sensitivity to subjective complaints and abnormal resting state functional connectivity in multiple sclerosis. P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: 30% Total costs for project period: $185,000 Project period: 1/01/2014 12/31/2015 Past Grants Agency: Connecticut State University System I.D.# Connecticut State University-AAUP Research Grant Award Title: Effects of Verbal Interference on Clinical Visual Memory Tests P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: 10% Total costs for project period: $4000 Project period: 04/01/2007 06/01/2008
  • 5. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 5 Agency: Connecticut State University System ID# Reassigned Time for Research Title: Visual and Verbal Memory Deficits in People who have had Unilateral Temporal Lobectomies. P.I. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: 50% Total Costs for project period: $60,000 (salary support) Project Period: 08/01/2006-05/01/2007 Agency: Connecticut State University System ID# Connecticut State University AAUP Research Grant Award Title: Visual Memory Deficits in People who have had Unilateral Temporal Lobectomies P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: 10% Total costs for project period: $4933 (Direct Material Cost) Project period: 04/01/2006 06/01/2007 Agency: Connecticut State University System ID# Faculty Development Grant Title: Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience Training at the 2007 AACN Workshops and Annual Meeting P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: Funded Travel and Training at Workshops Total costs for project period: $2000 (Travel and Training Expenses) Project period: 04/01/2006 06/01/2007 Agency: Connecticut State University System ID# University Hour Invited Speaker Grant Title: The Brain: Imaging, Memory and Genetics, Andrew Saykin, Psy.D. Author: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: N/A Funds for Bringing in Speaker for Cognitive Neuroscience Program Total costs for project period: $3000 Speaker Award Project period: 9/20/1996 Agency: Connecticut State University System ID# Connecticut State University AAUP Research Grant Award Title: Psychometric and Normative Properties of the Brown Location Test in Educationally and Ethnically Diverse Samples from the General Population P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: 10% Total costs for project period: $5000 (Direct Material and Participant Cost) Project period: 04/01/2005 06/01/2006
  • 6. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 6 Agency: Connecticut State University System ID# Faculty Development Grant Title: Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience Training at the 2006 International Neuropsychological Society Conference P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: Funded Travel and Training at Workshops Total costs for project period: $2000 (Travel and Training Expenses) Project period: 04/01/2005 06/01/2006 Agency: Dartmouth College ID# Training Grant Title: Summer Workshop in fMRI Informatics Training Grant P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: Funded Training at Workshops Project period: 07/05/2004 07/09/2004 Agency: American Psychological Society ID# Travel Support Title: Student Travel Support to Annual APS Conference (2000) P.I. Franklin C. Brown Agency: Louisiana Board of Trustees Title: Superior Scholar Fellowship Grant P.I.: Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. Percent effort: Funded Annual Stipend and Tuition from 2007 2001 Total costs for Project Period: $120,000 (4 Year Stipend + Tuition Reimbursement) Courses Taught: Louisiana Tech University 1999-2000 Data Analysis Eastern Connecticut State University: 2005 2007 Human Neuropsychology 2005 2007 Child Psychopathology 2005 2007 Theories of Personality 2006 2007 History and Systems of Psychology 2006 2007 Abnormal Psychology 2004 2008 Independent Study Supervision: 2007 2008 Student Field Placements: Trainees (Current Degrees Listed): 2004 2005 Meredith Roy, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department
  • 7. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 7 2004 2005 Melissa Lambert, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2004 2005 Brandon Marley, B.A., J.D., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2005 2007 Erin Tuttle, B. A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2005 2006 Justin Grakowsky, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2006 2007 Nicholas Franco, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2007 2008 Amanda Clark, B.A., Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2007 2008 Barbara Porebska, M.D.,. Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2007 2008 Teresa Chmielowiec, B.A,. Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2007 2008 Sarah Strube, B.A., M.A. Research Assistant, Eastern Connecticut State University, Psychology Department 2007 2008 Shelley McDaniel, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, Department of Neurosurgery 2008 2009 Clemente Vega, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, Department of Neurosurgery 2008 2009 Sherry Thrasher, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, Department of Neurosurgery 2012 2013 Tamika Haynes-Robinson, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, Department of Neurology Invited Speaking Engagements, Presentations, Symposia & Workshops Not Affiliated With Yale: Regional 2012: Head Start, Keene, NH, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Preschoolers. 2010: Presidential Address, Orientation Week, Landmark College, Putney, VT, ADHD Medications and their Use. 2009: Advisor Training, Landmark College, Putney, VT, Neuropsychological Testing Review. 2009 Wellness Week, Landmark College, Putney, VT, Sleep Difficulties and Treatments. 2008: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic, Keene, NH, Beyond Alzheimers, Memory Decline in the Elderly. 2003: Invited Faculty Presentation, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH, Student Sleep Difficulties and Treatments.
  • 8. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 8 Invited Speaking Engagements, Presentations, Symposia & Workshops Affiliated With Yale: 2014: Current Understanding of Multiple Sclerosis, Yale Continuing Medical Education Neuropsychological Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis. Brown, F. C. 2014: Third Annual Yale Comprehensive Research Retreat, Madison, CT Advances in Neuropsychological Testing in Epilepsy: The Importance of Non-Neurological Variables while Interpreting Tests. Brown, F. C. 2013: Epilepsy Journal Club, On/Off Medication and Postictal Neuropsychological Testing: Preliminary Findings and Future Plans. Brown, F. C. 2013: Epilepsy Journal Club, Yale Adult Epilepsy Neuropsychology Battery, Empirical Support and Updates. Brown, F. C., Winstanley, F. C., Haynes-Robinson, T. 2013: MS Journal Club, "Neuropsychological Performance in MS, and new measures of Cognitive Efficiency and Visual Memory." Brown, F. C. Peer-Reviewed Presentations & Symposia Given at Meetings Not Affiliated With Yale: International/National 2010: National Academic of Neuropsychology, 30th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Adults with ADHD demonstrate an isolated impairment in rotated memory for location on the Brown Location Test. Brown, F. C., Katz, L. J., Roth, R. 2010: National Academic of Neuropsychology, 30th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Young Adults with both ADHD and LD have more Executive Dysfunction than those with ADHD alone. Brown, F. C. Katz, L. J. 2010 Annual International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities Conference, Miami, FL, Executive Functions and Co-Morbid Psychological Difficulties in Adults with AD/HD and LD. ADHD: Cognitive/Learning and Medical Issues in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults. Katz, L. J., Brown, F. C. 2008 International Neuropsychological Society, 36th Annual Conference, Waikoloa, HI, Brown Location Test (BLT) and WMS-III Performance Following Anterior Temporal Lobectomy for Medically Intractable Epilepsy. Brown, F. C., Westerveld, M., Tuttle, E., Vandemore, M., Chmielowiec. T. 2007 International Neuropsychological Society, 35th Annual Conference, Portland, OR, The Role of Anxiety in Neuropsychological Performance of Temporal Lobe
  • 9. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 9 Epilepsy. Brown, F. C. Westerveld, M. 2007 American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Workshops and Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Multiple factor-analytic support and adult normative data for the Brown Location Test. Brown, F. C. Tuttle, E, Roth, R. M., & Ferraro, F. R. 2006 Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY, The Relationship of Sleep, Caffeine Use, and Material Specific Memory Performance. Brown, F. C., Tuttle, E., Roy, M. 2006 Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY, The Relationship of Sleep, Caffeine Use, and Intellectual Functioning. Tuttle, E., Brown, F. C., Roy, M. 2005 American Psychological Association, 113th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Factor-Analytic Support for the Discriminative Validity of the Brown Location Test: A Preliminary Analysis. Brown, F. C., Fellows, M., Foster-Bey, J., Roth, R. M. 2004 International Neuropsychological Society, 32nd Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, A new measure of visual location learning and memory: preliminary psychometric properties and normative data for the Brown Location Test (BLT). Brown, F. C., Gibson-Beverly, G., Roth, R. M., Buboltz, Jr. W. C., & Saykin, A. J. 2002 American Psychological Association, 110th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Development and evaluation of the sleep treatment and education program for students (STEPS). Brown, F. C., Buboltz, Jr. W. C., & Soper, B. 2001 American Psychological Association, 109th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Relationship of coping styles, sleep quality, and sleep habits. Brown, F. C., Jenkins, S. M., Buboltz, Jr. W. C., & Semen, E. 2001 American Psychological Association, 109th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Personality and the relationship to sleep quality and habits. Buboltz, Jr. W. C., & Brown, F. C. 2000 American Psychological Association, 108th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, The relationship between sleep quality, sleepiness, and academic performance. Brown, F. C., & Buboltz, Jr. W. C. 2000 American Psychological Association, 108th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Defragmenting psychology by hermeneutically exploring Descartes scientific method. Coyne, B. J., Buboltz, Jr. W.C., & Brown, F. C.
  • 10. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 10 2000 American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Tampa, FL, Psychological predictors of cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation. Coyne, B. J., Buboltz, Jr. W.C., & Brown, F. C. 2000 American Psychological Society, 12th Annual Meeting, Miami, FL Relationship between psychological symptoms and success in cardiac rehabilitation. Brown, F. C., Buboltz, Jr. W. C., Coyne, B., & Bryan, K. S. 1999 American Psychological Association, 107th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Impact of events, moods, and attributional style on customer evaluations. Brown, F. C. & Kelly, W. E. 1999 American Psychological Society, 11th Annual Conference, Denver, CO, Prevalence of Sleep Difficulties in College Students. Brown, F. C. & Buboltz, Jr. W. C. 1998 American Psychological Association, 106th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Integrating Ethics and Therapy Orientation in Nonsexual Dual Relationship Issues. Brown, F. C. Regional 1997: Eastern Psychological Association, 12th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, The Core Conditions are Necessary for Neurorehabilitation.. Brown, F. C. 1995: University of Scranton, Annual Psychological Conference, Scranton, PA, Mirror Tracing: Comparing Non-Dominant and Dominant Hand Performance. Brown, F. C. Bibliography: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 1. Brown, F. C., Hirsch, L. J., Spencer, D. D. Spatial memory for asymmetrical dot locations predicts lateralization among presurgical mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients. Epilepsy and Behavior, 2015, 52A; 19 24. 2. Brown, F. C., Roth, R. M., Katz, L. J. Allocentric but not egocentric visual memory difficulties in adults with ADHD may represent cognitive inefficiency. Psychiatry Research: 2015, 228; 649 658 3. Brown, F. C., Katz, L. J., Roth, R. M. Beers, S. R. The relationship of self-reported subclinical Obsessive-Compulsive symptoms and impulsivity among adults with AD/HD. Psychiatry Research: 2014, 216; 131-136
  • 11. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 11 4. Brown, F. C., Westerveld, M., Langfitt, J. T., Hamberger, M. Hamid, H, Shinnar, Shlomo, Sperling, M. R., Devinsky, O., Barr, W., Tracy, J., Masur, D., Bazil, C. W., Spencer, S. S. Influence of anxiety on memory performance in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior 2014, 31C: 19-24. 5. Stamp, L, Banarjee, M., Dahlstrom-Hakki, I., Brown, F. C. Voices of Students with ADHD: Issues Related to College Adjustment and Self-Advocacy. The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 2014, 27, 2. 6. Katz, L. J., Brown, F. C. Roth, R. M., & Beers, S. R. Processing Speed and Working Memory Performance in those with both ADHD and a Reading Disorder compared to those with ADHD alone. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2011 17:215-220. 7. Brown, F. C., Tuttle, E, Westerveld, M, Ferraro, F. R., Chmielovweic, T., Gibson- Beverly, G, Bemus, L, Roth, R. M., Blumenfeld, H., Spencer, D. D., & Spencer, S.S. Visual Memory in Post-Anterior Right Temporal Lobectomy Patients and Adult Normative Data for the Brown Location Test (BLT). Epilepsy and Behavior 2010. 17: 215-220. 8. Brown, F. C., Roth, R. M., Saykin, A. J., & Gibson-Beverly, G. A New Measure of Visual Location Learning and Memory: Development and Psychometric Properties for the Brown Location Test (BLT). The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2007, 21: 231-237. 9. Brown, F. C., Buboltz, W. C., Jr., & Soper, B. Development and Evaluation of the Sleep Treatment and Education Program for Students (STEPS). Journal of American College Health 2006, 54:231-237. 10. Brown, F. C., & Buboltz, Jr. W. C. Relationship of Sleep Hygiene Awareness, Sleep Hygiene Practices, and Sleep Quality. Behavioral Medicine 2002, 28:33-39. 11. Brown, F. C., & Buboltz, Jr. W. C. Applying sleep research to university students: recommendations for developing a student sleep education program. Journal of College Student Development. 2002, 43:411-416. 12. Buboltz, Jr., W. C., Soper, B., & Brown, F. C., & Jenkins, S. M. Treatment approaches for sleep difficulties in college students. Counseling Psychology Quarterly 2002, 15:229- 237. 13. Brown, F. C., Soper, B., & Buboltz, Jr. W. C. Prevalence of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome in university students. College Student Journal 2001, 35:472-476. 14. Buboltz, Jr. W. C., Brown, F. C., Soper, B. Sleep Habits and Patterns of College Students: A Preliminary Study. Journal of American College Health 2001, 50:131-135.
  • 12. Franklin C. Brown, Ph.D. 12 15. Kelly, W. E., Kelly, K. E., Brown, F. C., & Kelly, H. B. Gender Differences in Depression Among College Students: A Multicultural Perspective. College Student Journal 1999, 33:72-76. Chapters, Books, and Reviews 1. Buboltz, W., Loveland, J., Jenkins, S., Brown, F., Soper, B., & Hodges, J. College Student Sleep: Relationship to Health and Academic Performance. In College Students: Mental Health and Coping Strategies, ed. M. V. Landow, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, 2006, pp.1-39. Invited Review 1. Brown, F. C. Adult Learning Disorders. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2010 25:345-346 Copyrighted Materials 1. 2001 US Copyright: Sleep Treatment Education Program for Students (STEPS): 50+ Site Requests for Use (USA and International) 2. 2004 US Copyright: Brown Location Test: 80+ Site Requests for Use (USA and International)