This is a talk I gave at the Van Horne Institute about promoting transparency in the supply chain and offer tools to help empower the consumer
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Linking up supply chain
1. Value of transparency in the
Supply Chain?
Rob E. Sinclair
Dec 16, 2013
2. Who are we
Activating Sustainability!
To help support the transition of 1,000 brands from the old
economy to the new economy by 2020.!
Guiding Principles:!
"How you do anything is how you do everything." and !
"If you want to go fast go alone - if you want to go further go
3. Collaborative Learning: !
Spiral TableInitiative, Big F
facilitation. !
Strategic Action: !
Sustainability Sherpa, New economy
strategies and strategic planning, B-
Corp Certi鍖cation!
Our Services
4. This is about the evolution of capitalism
5. Its no longer just about good products
6. Its about building a new sector of the
The community of B Corps is
building a global movement that
will create a more inclusive and
sustainable economy.
875B Corporations
29 Countries
1 Unifying Goal
10. B Corporations - Public Policy - Impact Investing
Energy is infinite and cheap!
There will always be enough room to dispose of all our
Humans are the primary species on earth; others are less
important, and many are irrelevant!
Basic resources such as water and topsoil are unlimited.
If limits or problems are encountered, markets and new
technologies will re-allocate financial resource so we can
continue with our current ways of living and working.!
Productivity and standardization are keys to economic
Economic growth and rising GDP are the best way to lift
all boats and reduce social impact
Our Old Thoughts
26. B Corporations - Public Policy - Impact Investing
Surf the flux. Live within our energy income by relying
on forms of energy that come from renewable sources
such as solar, wind, tidal, and bio-based inputs!
Zero to landfill. Everything from cars and iPods to office
buildings and machines, is 100% recyclable,
remanufacturable or compostable.!
We are borrowing the future from our children; we
have to pay it back. Our first responsibility is to leave a
healthy global biosphere for our children - their childrens
In a global village, there is only one boat, and a hole
sinks us all.
New paradigm
31. Rob E. Sinclair
ph: 403.697.9314
t: @ConsciousBrands
Leaving thoughts
To conspire means to
breath together
We Live in a world of
participation, not
32. It is always useful to 鍖nd out what participants felt they
learnt from a session. Here!
is one method which could be used at the end of each
Ask the participants to think about or write down one thing
they learnt from the session (Head)!
they felt from the session (Heart)!
they will do as a result of the session (Hand)!
Encourage them to share their responses with the other
participants and yourself, and to take any written notes
home as a reminder to themselves.
How you do anything...
33. The Future - What consumers can do
Which are the key countries that produce garments?!
What does the label in your T-shirt tell you about where the product
was made?!
What does it mean in relation to the whole supply chain?!
What are the different processes involved in producing a T-shirt, from
growing cotton, to getting the T-shirt to a store?!
What is a supply chain?!
What is supply chain traceability?!
How are companies trying to get supply chain traceability? What are
the challenges?
35. B Corporations - Public Policy - Impact Investing
Job Growth
Compensation & Bene鍖ts
Work Environment
Employee Ownership
Energy Use
Supply Chain
+ Social Enterprise Business Models
Bene鍖cial Products/Services
Targeting Underserved Communities
Bene鍖cial Supply Chain
What is measured?