The document is a presentation by Vivek Kurmi about the Linux Install Fest-2012 event on October 16th, 2012. It provides an introduction to Linux, discussing that it is free and open source, runs on multiple hardware platforms, and has many flavors due to its open source nature. It covers the history of Linux from UNIX to GNU to Linux's creation in 1991. It also highlights advantages of Linux and examples of organizations that use Linux.
In the presentation I have tried to cover the Evolution of Linux as an Operating System. The most of the content used is freely available on Internet , I have just tried to streamline it and summarize it as cleanly as possible from my point of view. Any improvements, suggestions, comments are most welcom.
An operating system manages computer hardware and software resources, provides common services to programs, and acts as an interface between the computer and user. The document discusses key operating systems Windows and Linux. It describes features of different Windows versions from 95 to 8 and popular Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian. It provides a comparison of Windows and Linux on aspects such as bundled software, drivers, price, reliability, hardware support, security, open source nature, support and software costs. Linux is typically more secure, open source, and free while Windows has broader hardware and software support.
The document discusses the history and features of the Linux operating system. It notes that Linux was developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki. Torvalds released the Linux source code publicly, allowing thousands of developers to contribute to its growth. Linux is an open-source operating system that provides many of the same functions as proprietary systems like Windows and macOS, including user interfaces, task management, and support for various hardware devices.
Linux and Windows are both operating systems but have key differences. Linux was first released in 1991 as an open source OS developed by Linus Torvalds, while Windows was first released in 1985 as a proprietary OS developed by Microsoft. Linux can be freely downloaded and distributed, though some paid versions exist, while Windows is more expensive to obtain. Both OSes can be used by home and business users but run on different hardware, with Linux supporting more devices.
Linux is an open-source operating system developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. It has a modular design with a Linux kernel that manages hardware resources. Some key advantages of Linux include being free, more efficient than Windows, and having high security. However, disadvantages include difficulty adapting to its command line interface for new users, lack of compatibility with some popular software and games, and less technical support compared to proprietary operating systems. The document provides an overview of Linux, including its history, architecture, advantages, disadvantages, and features.
This document provides information about various Linux distributions including their release dates, founders, code names and other key details. It discusses popular distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, Debian and others, noting their histories and design philosophies. Release schedules and version codenames are outlined for several distributions, showing how they follow naming conventions related to alphabetical order, animals or characters from the Toy Story movies.
Microsoft Corporation is a leading software and technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington. It develops and sells the widely used Windows operating system, which has evolved over several versions from Windows 1.0 in 1985 to the current Windows 10. Microsoft also produces other popular software like Office and was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
This document provides an introduction to Linux, including its history and architecture. It describes Linux's origins from Unix in the 1960s and the development of the Linux kernel by Linus Torvalds in 1991. It outlines the key components of a Linux system, including the kernel, shell, file system, processes, networking, and desktop environments. It also discusses booting a Linux system and provides resources for learning more about Linux distributions and building your own operating system.
Este documento proporciona informaci┏n sobre Ubuntu, una distribuci┏n de Linux. Se lanzo por primera vez en 2004 con financiamiento inicial de $10 millones. Est│ basado en Debian y mantiene el esp┴ritu de "humanidad hacia otros". Es un sistema operativo libre que otorga 4 libertades a los usuarios. Proporciona ventajas como c┏digo abierto y compartici┏n de mejoras, aunque instalar hardware y programas puede ser m│s complicado que en Windows debido a que los fabricantes desarrollan para este ┣ltimo.
Este documento resume las caracter┴sticas principales de Windows Vista. En primer lugar, proporciona una breve historia del desarrollo de Windows Vista y su lanzamiento mundial en enero de 2007. Luego, destaca algunas de sus principales ventajas como la capacidad de recuperar datos borrados accidentalmente y poseer un firewall avanzado, as┴ como sus desventajas como requerir m│s recursos que Windows XP y tener un precio alto. Finalmente, detalla los requisitos m┴nimos necesarios para ejecutar Windows Vista, incluyendo tener un procesador de al menos 800
El documento describe la evoluci┏n de los sistemas operativos desde 1940 hasta la actualidad. Comenz┏ sin sistemas operativos, usando tarjetas perforadas y cintas de papel. Luego se desarrollaron los primeros sistemas operativos para mejorar la transici┏n entre trabajos. M│s adelante surgieron la multiprogramaci┏n, UNIX, Windows y Linux. Cada nuevo sistema operativo agreg┏ nuevas caracter┴sticas e interfases para adaptarse a las necesidades cambiantes y hardware disponible.
Linux es un sistema operativo libre y gratuito originado a partir del n┣cleo Unix. Existen m┣ltiples distribuciones de Linux como Ubuntu, Fedora y CentOS. Linux es seguro, estable, r│pido y ofrece miles de programas libres. Se puede instalar en m│quinas virtuales de forma sencilla para probarlo sin afectar al sistema operativo principal.
Ubuntu is the most popular desktop Linux distribution led by Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu brings the African philosophy of "humanity to others" to computers. It is a desktop-oriented OS based on Ubuntu and Debian, and was originally developed in India. The latest version is 15.04 named "Vivid Vervet" which features Linux kernel 3.19, systemd replacing upstart, Firefox 36, LibreOffice 4.4, and Docker 1.5.0. It installs with applications like LibreOffice, Firefox, and games, and allows running other OS applications via Wine or virtual machines.
El Blu-ray es un formato de disco ┏ptico para v┴deo de alta definici┏n y almacenamiento de datos que usa un l│ser azul para almacenar hasta 25 GB de informaci┏n en un solo disco. Fue desarrollado por un grupo de empresas lideradas por Sony y Philips, y ofrece video en alta definici┏n y capacidad de almacenamiento mayor que los DVDs.
Ubuntu is a free and open-source operating system that is gaining popularity as an alternative to proprietary operating systems. It provides users with a full-featured desktop environment as well as server capabilities. Ubuntu offers many advantages including being safe, fast, free of charge, and providing regular free updates. It is suitable for general users and supports a wide range of hardware. The Ubuntu community is large and actively contributes to its ongoing development.
Mastering kvm virtualization- A complete guide of KVM virtualizationHumble Chirammal
Mastering KVM virtualization is a complete guide to understand KVM virtualization. Mastering KVM Virtualization is a culmination of all the knowledge we gained by
troubleshooting, configuring and fixing bug on KVM virtualization. We
authored this book for system administrators, DevOps practitioners and developers who have
a good hands-on knowledge of Linux and would like to sharpen their skills of open
source virtualization. The chapters in this book are written with a focus on practical
examples that should help you deploy a robust virtualization environment, suiting
your organization's needs. Our expectation is that, once you have finished the book,
you should have a good understanding of KVM virtualization, its tools to build
and manage diverse virtualization environments.
This document provides an introduction to Linux, including:
- A brief history of Linux from its origins in the 1980s to its use today on servers, supercomputers, and other devices.
- An overview of Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and others.
- Popular applications that run on Linux, such as OpenOffice, web browsers, email clients, and multimedia software.
- Languages supported by Linux user interfaces and documentation.
- Reasons for switching to Linux like security, cost savings, and stability compared to other operating systems.
- Considerations for switching like hardware and software compatibility.
The document discusses building an embedded Linux system on a Samsung 2410 platform. It covers basic concepts like cross-development environments, developing on a host machine to target embedded devices. It also covers configuring and building the Linux kernel, creating a root filesystem with BusyBox utilities, setting up the boot process, and developing device drivers. The goal is to provide guidance on creating a custom embedded Linux system targeting specific hardware.
This document provides information about various Linux distributions including their release dates, founders, code names and other key details. It discusses popular distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, Debian and others, noting their histories and design philosophies. Release schedules and version codenames are outlined for several distributions, showing how they follow naming conventions related to alphabetical order, animals or characters from the Toy Story movies.
Microsoft Corporation is a leading software and technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington. It develops and sells the widely used Windows operating system, which has evolved over several versions from Windows 1.0 in 1985 to the current Windows 10. Microsoft also produces other popular software like Office and was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
This document provides an introduction to Linux, including its history and architecture. It describes Linux's origins from Unix in the 1960s and the development of the Linux kernel by Linus Torvalds in 1991. It outlines the key components of a Linux system, including the kernel, shell, file system, processes, networking, and desktop environments. It also discusses booting a Linux system and provides resources for learning more about Linux distributions and building your own operating system.
Este documento proporciona informaci┏n sobre Ubuntu, una distribuci┏n de Linux. Se lanzo por primera vez en 2004 con financiamiento inicial de $10 millones. Est│ basado en Debian y mantiene el esp┴ritu de "humanidad hacia otros". Es un sistema operativo libre que otorga 4 libertades a los usuarios. Proporciona ventajas como c┏digo abierto y compartici┏n de mejoras, aunque instalar hardware y programas puede ser m│s complicado que en Windows debido a que los fabricantes desarrollan para este ┣ltimo.
Este documento resume las caracter┴sticas principales de Windows Vista. En primer lugar, proporciona una breve historia del desarrollo de Windows Vista y su lanzamiento mundial en enero de 2007. Luego, destaca algunas de sus principales ventajas como la capacidad de recuperar datos borrados accidentalmente y poseer un firewall avanzado, as┴ como sus desventajas como requerir m│s recursos que Windows XP y tener un precio alto. Finalmente, detalla los requisitos m┴nimos necesarios para ejecutar Windows Vista, incluyendo tener un procesador de al menos 800
El documento describe la evoluci┏n de los sistemas operativos desde 1940 hasta la actualidad. Comenz┏ sin sistemas operativos, usando tarjetas perforadas y cintas de papel. Luego se desarrollaron los primeros sistemas operativos para mejorar la transici┏n entre trabajos. M│s adelante surgieron la multiprogramaci┏n, UNIX, Windows y Linux. Cada nuevo sistema operativo agreg┏ nuevas caracter┴sticas e interfases para adaptarse a las necesidades cambiantes y hardware disponible.
Linux es un sistema operativo libre y gratuito originado a partir del n┣cleo Unix. Existen m┣ltiples distribuciones de Linux como Ubuntu, Fedora y CentOS. Linux es seguro, estable, r│pido y ofrece miles de programas libres. Se puede instalar en m│quinas virtuales de forma sencilla para probarlo sin afectar al sistema operativo principal.
Ubuntu is the most popular desktop Linux distribution led by Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu brings the African philosophy of "humanity to others" to computers. It is a desktop-oriented OS based on Ubuntu and Debian, and was originally developed in India. The latest version is 15.04 named "Vivid Vervet" which features Linux kernel 3.19, systemd replacing upstart, Firefox 36, LibreOffice 4.4, and Docker 1.5.0. It installs with applications like LibreOffice, Firefox, and games, and allows running other OS applications via Wine or virtual machines.
El Blu-ray es un formato de disco ┏ptico para v┴deo de alta definici┏n y almacenamiento de datos que usa un l│ser azul para almacenar hasta 25 GB de informaci┏n en un solo disco. Fue desarrollado por un grupo de empresas lideradas por Sony y Philips, y ofrece video en alta definici┏n y capacidad de almacenamiento mayor que los DVDs.
Ubuntu is a free and open-source operating system that is gaining popularity as an alternative to proprietary operating systems. It provides users with a full-featured desktop environment as well as server capabilities. Ubuntu offers many advantages including being safe, fast, free of charge, and providing regular free updates. It is suitable for general users and supports a wide range of hardware. The Ubuntu community is large and actively contributes to its ongoing development.
Mastering kvm virtualization- A complete guide of KVM virtualizationHumble Chirammal
Mastering KVM virtualization is a complete guide to understand KVM virtualization. Mastering KVM Virtualization is a culmination of all the knowledge we gained by
troubleshooting, configuring and fixing bug on KVM virtualization. We
authored this book for system administrators, DevOps practitioners and developers who have
a good hands-on knowledge of Linux and would like to sharpen their skills of open
source virtualization. The chapters in this book are written with a focus on practical
examples that should help you deploy a robust virtualization environment, suiting
your organization's needs. Our expectation is that, once you have finished the book,
you should have a good understanding of KVM virtualization, its tools to build
and manage diverse virtualization environments.
This document provides an introduction to Linux, including:
- A brief history of Linux from its origins in the 1980s to its use today on servers, supercomputers, and other devices.
- An overview of Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and others.
- Popular applications that run on Linux, such as OpenOffice, web browsers, email clients, and multimedia software.
- Languages supported by Linux user interfaces and documentation.
- Reasons for switching to Linux like security, cost savings, and stability compared to other operating systems.
- Considerations for switching like hardware and software compatibility.
The document discusses building an embedded Linux system on a Samsung 2410 platform. It covers basic concepts like cross-development environments, developing on a host machine to target embedded devices. It also covers configuring and building the Linux kernel, creating a root filesystem with BusyBox utilities, setting up the boot process, and developing device drivers. The goal is to provide guidance on creating a custom embedded Linux system targeting specific hardware.
The document discusses embedded operating systems and Linux as an option. It provides an overview of embedded operating systems, real-time operating systems, key players in the embedded OS market, commercial and open source Linux distributions for embedded systems, hardware platforms, development tools, applications, and the growth of Linux in the embedded market.
This document provides an introduction to embedded systems and embedded Linux. It begins with definitions of embedded systems as specialized computer systems that perform dedicated functions. It then discusses the typical hardware and software components of embedded systems, including processors, memory, operating systems like Linux, and application software. The document introduces some examples of embedded devices like drones. It also provides an overview of how Linux is customized and built for embedded systems, including the boot process, kernel configuration and building, and creating a root filesystem.
Embedded linux system development (slides)Jaime Barragan
This document provides an introduction to embedded Linux system development. It discusses Free Electrons, an engineering company focused on embedded Linux, the Linux kernel, and Android. It outlines the hardware that will be used in the training session, including Atmel SAMA5D3 Xplained boards. It provides guidelines for participating in lectures and practical labs.
This document provides an overview of embedded Linux. It defines embedded Linux as porting the Linux kernel to run on a specific CPU and board that will be placed in an embedded device. It discusses common embedded Linux distributions and components like bootloaders, kernels, and file systems. It also outlines the process for building an embedded Linux system, developing applications for it using common free tools, and emulating or testing on real hardware.
This document provides an overview of embedded operating systems (OSes). It discusses non-real-time OSes like Palm OS and embedded Linux distributions. It also summarizes over 20 commercial and open-source real-time operating systems (RTOSs) such as VxWorks, RTX, Nucleus, FreeRTOS, and eCos. These RTOSs support a variety of processor architectures and have different features around real-time performance, memory footprint, middleware, and pricing models. The document serves as a resource for choosing an appropriate OS for an embedded system.
Linux is a widely used open source operating system kernel that can also refer to full operating system distributions. It is commonly used in embedded systems due to its portability, modularity, and ability to run on hardware with limited resources. Device drivers can be dynamically loaded and unloaded from the Linux kernel as modules, allowing new functionality to be added without rebooting the system. This makes Linux well-suited for embedded device development.
際際滷s of a course that is given to teach embedded linux to engineers. The full course is 2-days; this is the first time a 'light' version was given lasting a single day.
Focus is on
. What is Linux
. How do I compile
. How do I flash
Embedded Linux is the use of the Linux kernel and operating system components adapted for embedded systems with limited resources. Building an embedded Linux system involves compiling the cross-compiler toolchain, bootloader, Linux kernel, root filesystem, busybox commands, and startup scripts. This can be done from scratch or using automated build tools like Buildroot or Yocto Project, which simplify and standardize the process of building a custom embedded Linux image.
An unique module combining various previous modules you have learnt by combing Linux administration, Hardware knowledge, Linux as OS, C/Computer programming areas. This is a complete module on Embedded OS, as of now no books are written on this with such practical aspects. Here is a consolidated material to get real hands-on perspective about building custom Embedded Linux distribution in ARM.
Building Mini Embedded Linux System for X86 ArchSherif Mousa
Full tutorial to learn how to build your own embedded Linux system as a MiniOS for your X86 device (PC ...).
It's considered a good start for anyone to get into the field of Embedded Linux building and development.
This document discusses embedded systems and embedded Linux. It provides an overview of embedded operating systems like Linux, NetBSD, and eCos. It discusses advantages of using single board computers and free and open source software for embedded development. As an example, it describes a smart camera project developed on an AMD Elan 520-based board for stationary vehicle detection. Challenges for new embedded developers include understanding the system structure, cross-compiling, and integrating hardware. The conclusion states embedded Linux can be applied to many fields and that free and open source software provides freedom for developers.
6. Terminal X Server
Support Libraries
C lib, Text Parsers, Security Libs, ´
Linux Kernel
ApplicationsUtilities Support Packages
56. ?????? ?????????Linux Mint 16
o 1.x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a
64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on
both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
o 2-512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a
comfortable usage).
o 3-5 GB of disk space.
o 4-Graphics card capable of 800〜600 resolution.
o 5-CD/DVD drive or USB port.