The document summarizes research on computing the shortest distance between nodes in a graph while outsourcing the graph to the cloud for computational power and maintaining privacy of the data. The researchers propose (1) transforming the original graph into 1-neighborhood-d-radius graphs for outsourcing, (2) using a greedy algorithm to perform the transformation to minimize overhead, and (3) allowing approximate distances to further reduce overhead. Experiments demonstrate their methods achieve the security and privacy goals with low overhead.
Symantec's appliance strategy provides customers with a flexible and easy to deploy delivery model for its data protection, storage management and security solutions. This new approach empowers organizations to choose between appliances, software or cloud solutions according to what best suits their IT requirements, needs and environment. With the release of the NetBackup 5020 deduplication appliance, NetBackup 5200 series and FileStore N8300 appliances, Symantec delivers on the company’s strategy.
The document discusses Boost.Interfaces, a C++ library that allows defining interfaces and implementing them in classes. It motivates the need for interfaces by describing problems with existing approaches like templates. It then explains how Boost.Interfaces works, including defining an interface with BOOST_IDL, implementing interfaces in classes, and calling interface methods through reference types.
The document describes SkipGraph, a distributed hash table based on SkipLists. SkipGraph uses a SkipList data structure to store key-value pairs and distribute them across nodes through consistent hashing of keys to nodes. SkipGraph assigns each node a membership vector that describes which keys it stores, allowing efficient lookups of O(log n) by routing queries through nodes with overlapping membership vectors.
The document summarizes research on computing the shortest distance between nodes in a graph while outsourcing the graph to the cloud for computational power and maintaining privacy of the data. The researchers propose (1) transforming the original graph into 1-neighborhood-d-radius graphs for outsourcing, (2) using a greedy algorithm to perform the transformation to minimize overhead, and (3) allowing approximate distances to further reduce overhead. Experiments demonstrate their methods achieve the security and privacy goals with low overhead.
Symantec's appliance strategy provides customers with a flexible and easy to deploy delivery model for its data protection, storage management and security solutions. This new approach empowers organizations to choose between appliances, software or cloud solutions according to what best suits their IT requirements, needs and environment. With the release of the NetBackup 5020 deduplication appliance, NetBackup 5200 series and FileStore N8300 appliances, Symantec delivers on the company’s strategy.
The document discusses Boost.Interfaces, a C++ library that allows defining interfaces and implementing them in classes. It motivates the need for interfaces by describing problems with existing approaches like templates. It then explains how Boost.Interfaces works, including defining an interface with BOOST_IDL, implementing interfaces in classes, and calling interface methods through reference types.
The document describes SkipGraph, a distributed hash table based on SkipLists. SkipGraph uses a SkipList data structure to store key-value pairs and distribute them across nodes through consistent hashing of keys to nodes. SkipGraph assigns each node a membership vector that describes which keys it stores, allowing efficient lookups of O(log n) by routing queries through nodes with overlapping membership vectors.
This document discusses Symfony2 and its command line interface (CLI). It provides examples of using the CLI to generate a new Symfony2 project, install assets, debug and dump routers, manage databases and entities, and generate and update schemas. The CLI allows automating common Symfony2 tasks through commands like app/console.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Symfony, including its origins, features, architecture, and basic usage. Key points covered include Symfony's MVC structure, routing, forms, validation, ORM/database access, caching, plugins, and use of the command line interface. The presentation aims to explain Symfony's core concepts and capabilities in under 15 minutes.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Symfony, including its origins, features, architecture, and basic usage. Key points covered include Symfony's MVC structure, routing, ORM/database access, caching, plugins, and use of the command line interface. The presentation outlines Symfony's core components and how they work together to build database-driven web applications.
8. プロンプト表示 RPROMPT コマンドライン右側に出るプロンプト カレントディレクトリとか出すと便利 コマンドが長くなってくると勝手に消える local GREEN=$'%{\e[1;32m%}' local BLUE=$'%{\e[1;34m%}' local DEFAULT=$'%{\e[00;m%}‘ PROMPT=$BULE'[${USER}@${HOSTNAME}] %(!.#.$) '$DEFAULT RPROMPT=$GREEN'[%~]'$DEFAULT
9. グローバルエイリアス コマンドライン上の全ての要素をエイリアスとして展開 通常のエイリアスは第 1 要素のみ alias -g L="| $PAGER" alias -g G="| grep" alias -g T="| tee -a logfile“ alias -g H="| head" alias -g TL="| tail“ abbreviation という更に便利な機能もある
21. 基本操作 - インサートモード ここで軽くまとめると 操作がパズル的 突き詰める楽しさがある インサートモード i カーソルの前からインサート I カーソル行の行頭からインサート a カーソルの後ろからインサート A カーソル行の行末からインサート o カーソル行の下に新しい行を作りインサート O カーソル行の上に新しい行を作りインサート