Presentazione del Software Libero e di Ubuntu al Linux Day 25 ottobre 2014Janhu Silvio Crispiatico
Presentazione del Software Libero e di Ubuntu al Linux Day 25 ottobre 2014 tenuta dal dott. Silvio Crispiatico alla Citt della Luce.
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una panoramica sulle distro (distribuzioni) debian-like - linux day 2009 - itis divini, 24 otobre 2009 - Carlo Guerrini - camelug ( )
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Connections and Contexts: The Birth, Growth and Death of Online Learning Comm...Richard Schwier
This document discusses the key features and contexts of communities. It mentions intimacy, mortality, size, authenticity, boundaries, resilience, and participation as important facets of communities. It also references connections, collectives, and the need for community as central themes. The document provides various links to additional resources on these topics.
The document discusses innovation in learner support services through social media for a Master of Distance Education & E-Learning program. It analyzes the program's social media support suite, which includes blogs, wikis, videos, social networking, and other initiatives. Key lessons learned are that there needs to be active leadership, outreach to students, integrating tools creates synergy, and students want involvement if given support and direction. The social media suite helped create an integrated community, enable sharing of information, and establish long-lasting professional relationships.
Taller para desarrollar destrezas en la redacci坦n de textos literarios. Se provee un marco te坦rico y diversos ejercicios para escribir textos po辿ticos y narrativos.
Porto de hub_summit_panel_presentationStella Porto
The University of Maryland University College receives less than 7% state support and uses adjunct instructors for more than 70% of its teaching. It takes a systems view of education, focusing on centralized administrative, technical, and instructional design support services as well as virtual libraries and portals to support non-traditional, efficient management through shared resources and division of labor. It provides corporate training, faculty support, media/technology support for distance education, and instructional design through programs like its Master of Distance Education and E-Learning. It also partners with other organizations and sees challenges and opportunities around its programs.
Demands, roles and competencies of 21st century distance educators (SPorto at...Stella Porto
The document discusses the evolving landscape of distance education and the changing demands, roles, and competencies of distance educators. It notes the growth in distance education programs and increasing complexity, variety of technologies used, and need for skills like change management. Distance educator roles include instructional design, teaching, administration, and support, and competencies involve pedagogy, technology, communication skills, and an understanding of distance education theories and systems. The document questions what distance educator jobs may look like in the future as the field continues to change rapidly.
Ace your negotiation each time! Read our negotiation and decision-making guide. Manhattan Elite Prep offers GMAT, SAT, GRE, LSAT, TOEFL, MCAT preparation class, course, tutoring & tips. Also offers MBA, Graduate School, law school & college admissions consulting, language, computer and career training. Call 888-215-6269 or visit
The document discusses the changing landscape of managing online education programs. It notes an increasing variety of online programs offered by more institutions using diverse models. This has led to greater competition and complexity in managing specialized services across decentralized organizations. Effective management requires assessing trends, prioritizing goals and resources, leading organizational change, and supporting faculty and community building. Managers must balance growth, quality, and sustainability while navigating limited resources and high expectations.
The Georgia Distance Learning Association held a summer virtual event with featured presentations on partnerships, social media, and Common Core standards. The agenda included housekeeping issues, introductions by the GADLA President, and presentations from representatives of, the University of Maryland University College, and the Georgia Department of Education. Participants viewed a demo of the Wimba platform and presenters were able to access their slides through the GADLA folder in the program.
una panoramica sulle distro (distribuzioni) debian-like - linux day 2009 - itis divini, 24 otobre 2009 - Carlo Guerrini - camelug ( )
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Connections and Contexts: The Birth, Growth and Death of Online Learning Comm...Richard Schwier
This document discusses the key features and contexts of communities. It mentions intimacy, mortality, size, authenticity, boundaries, resilience, and participation as important facets of communities. It also references connections, collectives, and the need for community as central themes. The document provides various links to additional resources on these topics.
The document discusses innovation in learner support services through social media for a Master of Distance Education & E-Learning program. It analyzes the program's social media support suite, which includes blogs, wikis, videos, social networking, and other initiatives. Key lessons learned are that there needs to be active leadership, outreach to students, integrating tools creates synergy, and students want involvement if given support and direction. The social media suite helped create an integrated community, enable sharing of information, and establish long-lasting professional relationships.
Taller para desarrollar destrezas en la redacci坦n de textos literarios. Se provee un marco te坦rico y diversos ejercicios para escribir textos po辿ticos y narrativos.
Porto de hub_summit_panel_presentationStella Porto
The University of Maryland University College receives less than 7% state support and uses adjunct instructors for more than 70% of its teaching. It takes a systems view of education, focusing on centralized administrative, technical, and instructional design support services as well as virtual libraries and portals to support non-traditional, efficient management through shared resources and division of labor. It provides corporate training, faculty support, media/technology support for distance education, and instructional design through programs like its Master of Distance Education and E-Learning. It also partners with other organizations and sees challenges and opportunities around its programs.
Demands, roles and competencies of 21st century distance educators (SPorto at...Stella Porto
The document discusses the evolving landscape of distance education and the changing demands, roles, and competencies of distance educators. It notes the growth in distance education programs and increasing complexity, variety of technologies used, and need for skills like change management. Distance educator roles include instructional design, teaching, administration, and support, and competencies involve pedagogy, technology, communication skills, and an understanding of distance education theories and systems. The document questions what distance educator jobs may look like in the future as the field continues to change rapidly.
Ace your negotiation each time! Read our negotiation and decision-making guide. Manhattan Elite Prep offers GMAT, SAT, GRE, LSAT, TOEFL, MCAT preparation class, course, tutoring & tips. Also offers MBA, Graduate School, law school & college admissions consulting, language, computer and career training. Call 888-215-6269 or visit
The document discusses the changing landscape of managing online education programs. It notes an increasing variety of online programs offered by more institutions using diverse models. This has led to greater competition and complexity in managing specialized services across decentralized organizations. Effective management requires assessing trends, prioritizing goals and resources, leading organizational change, and supporting faculty and community building. Managers must balance growth, quality, and sustainability while navigating limited resources and high expectations.
The Georgia Distance Learning Association held a summer virtual event with featured presentations on partnerships, social media, and Common Core standards. The agenda included housekeeping issues, introductions by the GADLA President, and presentations from representatives of, the University of Maryland University College, and the Georgia Department of Education. Participants viewed a demo of the Wimba platform and presenters were able to access their slides through the GADLA folder in the program.
1. The presentation discusses building sustainable online communities for students in distance education programs. It focuses on going beyond individual courses to support students' broader needs.
2. The evolution of the online community for the Master of Distance Education program is described over time, starting with using course shells and expanding to include blogs, discussion boards, wikis and social networks to foster more interaction and engagement among students and alumni.
3. Lessons learned include the need for active moderation, continuous outreach to involve new members, and leveraging a few active participants to generate broader impact through ongoing projects and activities led by both instructors and students.
GADLA Summer Event Introductions by Darrell Naylor-JohnsonStella Porto
GADLA is the Georgia chapter of the United States Distance Learning Association, which aims to provide networking and support for equitable and quality distance learning in Georgia. In its inaugural year in 2010-2011, GADLA held its first state chapter meeting in Savannah, participated in National Distance Learning Week activities in Atlanta and online, had a presence at the Georgia Educational Technology Conference, and sent members to distance learning conferences in Savannah and St. Louis. GADLA membership includes individuals from colleges, schools, and companies, and upcoming events for 2011-2012 include participation in the Georgia Educational Technology Conference and National Distance Learning Week, as well as two virtual events.
This document discusses competencies and profiles for distance education professionals. It begins by questioning whether DE experts are still needed given trends of online learning becoming integrated into mainstream education. It then outlines several competency domains for DE professionals, including instructional design, pedagogy, information and communication technology, consulting/research, and management/administration. Potential professional profiles are described that emphasize different combinations of these competency domains. The document concludes that the profile of a DE expert will depend on trends, industry needs, and the contextual needs of individual organizations.
This presentation discusses the use of social software in the Master of Distance Education program at UMUC, and shares lessons learned during the development of several initiatives taking place outside of the online classroom.
The document discusses innovation in learner support services through social media for a Master of Distance Education & E-Learning program. It analyzes the program's social media support suite, which includes blogs, wikis, videos, social networking, and other initiatives. Key lessons learned are that there needs to be active leadership, outreach to students, integrating tools creates synergy, and students want involvement if given support and direction. The social media suite enabled unstructured interaction, information sharing, and the creation of ongoing professional and personal relationships to support distance learners.
This document discusses managing online adjunct faculty. It covers the challenges at each stage of the faculty lifecycle including hiring, getting faculty ready to teach online, ongoing communication and support, incentives and professional development, and eventual departures. Key aspects addressed are setting expectations, sharing information, dealing with difficult issues, reflecting as a community, assessing performance, and embracing technology while balancing ownership with independent decision-making. Lessons learned emphasize the importance of online interpersonal skills and contributing beyond just teaching to support the overall program.
NON ESISTONO COMPUTER VECCHI (Da xp a linux - Treviso 15/4/2014)Stefano Dall'Agata
Marted狸 15 aprile 2014 alle ore 20.45 presso la sede della ACSE Treviso 竪 stato organizzato un INCONTRO GRATUITO per capire come dare una nuova vita a quei computer che si pensava di buttare, utilizzando un sistema operativo (Xubuntu che 竪 liberamente scaricabile) e programmi gratuiti, affidabili e funzionali per ogni esigenza.
Workshop sul Free Software Ordine degli IngegneriAngelo Giordano
Workshop sul Free Software tenuto presso l'ordine degli ingegneri di Matera, con riferimento alle applicazioni per studi professionali di ingegneria, intervento dell'Ingegner Giordano - Workshop on Free Software held at the Order of Engineers of Matera, in relation to applications for professional engineering, intervention of the engineer Giordano
Linux 竪 maturo per il mercato desktop? Dipende da quello che vuoi fare. Se sei un professionista e speri di usare Photoshop e InDesign con Linux, allora il Pinguino non fa per te. Attento per嘆 a non sottovalutare le applicazioni open source! Linux te ne pu嘆 offrire a iosa senza spendere un centesimo e alcune di esse sono usate anche in ambito professionale. Tuttavia un fatto 竪 certo: molte persone che non hann esigenze particolari potrebbero benissimo usarlo e dormire sonni tranquilli: non mi risulta che un utente Linux abbia mai portato il proprio PC dal tecnico per colpa di un virus.
RiminiLUG. Mini Corso su Linux p1: Installazione & ConfigurazioneAlessandro Carichini
Prima parte del mini corso su Linux, con una breve introduzione, accenni alle distro pi湛 comuni, installazione di Linux Mint e post installazione con gestione dei pacchetti.
Ubuntu Touch (conosciuto anche come Ubuntu Phone) 竪 un progetto Open Source sviluppato da Canonical e dalla Comunit Ubuntu che voleva portare un'alternativa libera al mercato di smartphone e tablet, dominato da sistemi proprietari.
Nonostante l'abbandono del progetto da parte di Canonical nel 2017, il progetto 竪 pi湛 vivo che mai, con ambiziosi progetti di sviluppo e numerosi dispositivi supportati.
Ripercorreremo le tappe di questa avventura, mettendone in luce le peculiarit e le novit, e tracciando un possibile sviluppo futuro.
CodingGym - Lezione 1 - Corso Linux, Android e Internet of ThingsMirko Mancin
Corso frontale di 20 ore indirizzato a docenti di scuole superiori nel settore ICT. Il corso vuole essere una palestra (per questo CodingGym) di rafforzamento delle basi gi esistenti e di supporto per corsi futuri. Queste slide sono rilasciate con la licenza Creative Commons e quindi potete scaricarle ed utilizzarle a vostro piacere. Ricordate per嘆 di CITARMI! :D
This document discusses Django middleware, including available hooks, things to know when writing middleware, and an example benchmark middleware. It provides references for further documentation on Django middleware.
python-mafw intoduction at Maemo Summit 2009Andrea Grandi
python-mafw is a Python binding for the Maemo MAFW library that allows Python developers to use the Fremantle multimedia API. It provides a wrapper for the MAFW C-API but is not a full Python framework. The current version of python-mafw has bugs, especially in the MafwPlaylistManager. It is being used and tested primarily by the PyMaemo team. Developers are needed to help develop the binding further and testers are needed to help improve python-mafw.
Il talk prevede una breve introduzione alla piattaforma Maemo ed ai Nokia Internet Tablet, sia dal punto di vista dell'utente comune, sia da quello dello sviluppatore.
Verr poi spiegato come configurare ed installare l'ambiente Scratchbox, il principale ambiente utilizzato per sviluppare applicazioni per Maemo.
Infine verranno presentati due plugin per Eclipse: ESbox e PluThon. Il primo si interfaccia con Eclipse e Scratchbox, permettendo di sviluppare sia applicazione C/C++ che Python e di testarle all'interno dell'ambiente Scratchbox. Il secondo 竪 un plugin specifico per Python e permette di eseguire e debuggare le applicazioni direttamente sul dispositivo.
3. GNU/Linux esiste in pi湛 di 400 diverse forme,
tutte uguali e tutte diverse, che sono le
Windows 竪 pi湛 tranquillo: 2000, XP, Vista, Seven
e le versioni server.
Numeri a confronto
Windows supporta qualsiasi tipo di periferica per
cui siano disponibili i relativi driver. Questi, spesso,
non sono integrati nel S.O. ma forniti a corredo.
Il kernel Linux integra i driver al suo interno e ad
ogni aggiornamento (ultimo 竪 il 2.6.36) espande
costantemente il suo supporto hardware.
supportate non supportate
assenza di
driver proprietari
assenza di
driver proprietari
e open source
Linux pu嘆 girare virtualmente su
qualunque piattaforma.
In pratica ci嘆 竪 limitato dai
produttori hardware, che non
rilasciano al pubblico le specifiche
dei loro prodotti.
6. Prima di passare a GNU/Linux 竪 buona norma
accertarsi del supporto offerto dal pinguino al
proprio computer.
Su Windows gira un vasto numero di programmi
(gratis e non).
Su Linux gira un numero ben pi湛 elevato di
programmi, gratis e non, perch竪 chiunque pu嘆
scriverne uno (e sono in tanti..).
8. Per fare un esempio, Debian, una delle
maggiori e pi湛 antiche distribuzioni (竪 del 1993)
viene fornita liberamente scaricabile con un
corredo di oltre 25.000 (VENTICINQUEMILA!)
programmi differenti.
9. Notevole differenza tra Windows e Linux 竪 il
mancato supporto per quest ultimo da parte dei
programmi commerciali (Office, Photoshop,
Cinema 4D, AutoCad...).
Anche in questo caso la chiave sta tutta nella
volont della casa produttrice di quel software a
renderlo o meno disponibile per il pinguino.
Google 竪 riuscita in due anni
a ritagliarsi una buona fetta di
mercato e non sembra affatto
intenzionata a fermarsi..
Android 竪 basato su Linux!
12. Mica solo lui..
MeeGo OS (Intel e Nokia)
Symbian (Nokia) reso open source
Bada OS (Samsung)
13. L utente ne ha davvero bisogno?L utente ne ha davvero bisogno?
Chi utilizza il computer per studio oppure lavoro e
deve per forza adoperare quel detarminato
programma ha poche alternative.
Gli home users, la grande maggioranza degli
utenti pc, invece, possono tranquillamente
giocherellare con i sostituti open dei loro vecchi
programmi closed.
14. MS Office LibreOffice;
Photoshop The GIMP;
Illustrator Inkscape;
Publisher Scribus;
AutoCad Bricscad;
3D Studio Max Blender;
Premiere Cinelerra;
Soundbooth Ardour.
La qualit di questi programmi 竪 molto alta.
Sono vere alternative di livello professionale.
15. Il problema?
Dover imparare di nuovo ad usare un programma.
La soluzione?
Cominciare ad usare quei programmi open
direttamente su Windows.
16. Internet Explorer Firefox, Chrome;
Outlook Express Thunderbird, Evolution;
Windows Media Player VLC, Totem;
Emule aMule;
Bittorrent Deluge, Transmission, Vuze;
VirtualDub Avidemux;
Nero Burning Rom K3B, Brasero;
MSN aMSN, Jabber, Pidgin;
Skype Skype for Linux.
...e molto ancora
17. In pratica i due scogli in cui si pu嘆 incappare
passando a GNU/Linux sono l eventualit di non
poter pi湛 usare una periferica hardware, oppure
un determinato programma.
Ma una volta presa coscienza di
questo diventa tutto pi湛 facile!
18. Per rendere mite, quasi trasparente, la migrazione
i consigli fondamentali sono:
1. abituarsi su Windows al software Open Source;
2. provare la distribuzione prescelta in Live;
3. pi湛 importante ancora, installare GNU/Linux in
modalit dual boot;
4. se necessario, virtualizzare Windows.
19. Una grandissima dote di GNU/Linux 竪 la
possibilit di avere in pochi minuti un sistema
pronto all uso, senza disturbare Windows,
attraverso l uso delle distribuzioni Live.
Tentar non nuoce
(e qui 竪 veramente vero!)
il miglior modo per avere la botte piena e la
moglie ubriaca.
Si installano entrambi i sistemi operativi in modo
da avere sia i programmi irrinunciabili su
Windows, che la versatilit e la potenza di Linux.
I due convivono senza problemi.
23. Ok, i programmi ci sono.
Ma GNU/Linux 竪 semplice da usare?
Gentoo, Slackware, ArchLinux (brutte e cattive)
Ubuntu, Mageia, Fedora, OpenSUSE (belle e buone)
24. In rete sono a nostra completa disposizione
quantit stratosferiche di materiale didattico su
Linux e derivati.
E la comunit Open Source, di cui il PtLUG fa
parte, 竪 sempre disponibile a venire in aiuto
(forum, blog, wiki).
gratis e legale.
solido, sicuro, aggiornato e invecchia bene...
pressoch辿 immune a virus, spyware, trojan,
dialer, rootkit et similia.
26. Se io e te abbiamo una mela e ce le scambiamo,
restiamo con una mela a testa; ma se io e te
abbiamo un idea e ce le scambiamo, abbiamo
entrambi due idee.
George Bernard Shaw
Nobel per la Letteratura