7. Who Am I?
≒ Life in tech business:
10 yrs 鍖nancial services IT
10+ yrs consulWng & training
Some startups on the way
≒ Avid (if not very good) ice hockey player
≒ Long-Wme lover of great engineering. when
used to make a real di鍖erence
≒ Atomic Inc:
Avi Deitcher avi@atomicinc.com
(not 24601)
22. Our Tests
What We Tested
≒ netperf netserver
≒ UDP & TCP round-robin
≒ Sizes: 300, 500, 1024, 2048
≒ No orchestraWon = complete
≒ 50000 iteraWons
Law of large numbers
≒ Latency (Avg, %iles), CPU
≒ Di鍖erenRals, not absolutes
How We Tested
≒ .net
Because it had to be metal
Wicked smart team
≒ Complete test run
Network changes
Hardware variaWons, errors
Avi Deitcher avi@atomicinc.com
27. Local Networking Summary
≒ SR-IOV horrible latency but great CPU
Hold that thought
≒ net=host on par with metal
≒ macvlan closest virtualized to metal
≒ Rest in same range:
Latency: 5-10 -sec overhead
CPU: negligible di鍖erence
≒ Calico (IPIP & naWve) & Docker overlay slightly
more performant
≒ Watch out for very large TCP packets
Avi Deitcher avi@atomicinc.com
34. Headaches (and Thanks)
≒ Headaches
Weave SYN-(nothing)
etcd is touchy
Packet L3 network is powerful but unique
≒ Macvlan, weave, 鍖annel: all required pings for mac
≒ Se{ng up bridge w/o NAT, Calico, macvlan was di鍖erent
SR-IOV is complicated and 鍖aky, especially Mellanox
netperf with UDP packets can get stuck (Calico-ipip)
And a whole lot more (ask me o鍖ine)
≒ And thanks:
Bryan Boreham, Adam Harrison at weave.works
Zac Smith, Adam, Aaron, Andy, Lucas, everyone at Packet
Avi Deitcher avi@atomicinc.com
36. Conclusions
≒ SR-IOV: most of the Wme, just not worth it
≒ Performance:
Metal (+ net=host): always performs best
Direct network++: macvlan is your friend
Others: Roughly similar, careful of Weave (sleeve)
≒ Whats your use case?
ULL: Metal/net=host > macvlan > calico > overlay
Everything else: Focus on your architecture and skills
Pick intelligently: easier, not simple
Avi Deitcher avi@atomicinc.com
37. Conclusions
≒ SR-IOV: most of the Wme, just not worth it
≒ Performance:
Metal (+ net=host): always performs best
Direct network++: macvlan is your friend
Others: Roughly similar, careful of Weave (sleeve)
≒ Whats your use case?
ULL: Metal/net=host > macvlan > calico > overlay
Everything else: Focus on your architecture and skills
Pick intelligently: easier, not simple
Avi Deitcher avi@atomicinc.com