The document invites the recipient to attend an IBM event on September 15-16, 2015 in Montpellier, France to explore workload consolidation on Linux and z Systems. The event will cover updates on LinuxONE and z Systems capabilities, use cases for consolidating traditional and open source workloads like Oracle Database and OpenStack, and strategies for cloud, analytics, mobile and security on z Systems. There is no conference fee but attendees must cover their own travel and accommodation.
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LINUXONE Client Event 15 - 16 September 2015 in Montpellier (France)
1. We are pleased to invite you to attend our Cloud & Linux on z Systems Workload Consolidation
event at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier on September 15
& 16
, 2015.
Announced August 17
, IBM LinuxONE brings together the flexibility and agility of the open
revolution with the industrys most advanced, trusted and performance enterprise system. If you
want to explore how you can simplify your Infrastructure to make it more efficient & cost effective,
deliver your databases, including Oracle, and your applications as cloud services, we would like
to invite you to attend our event:
Cloud & Linux on z Systems
Workload Consolidation
Uncover LinuxOne
IBM Client Center Montpellier, France
Event September 15-16, 2015
Link to register:
During this event the following topics will be covered:
o Update on infrastructure latest capabilities around z Systems running Linux including the latest
announcements such as LinuxONE
o Explore use cases on workload consolidation:
o Traditional fitting workload such as Oracle database.
o Open Source solutions: OpenStack, MongoDB, Node.js, Docker...
o Implement a consolidation strategy with best practices and return of experiences
o Position Cloud, Analytics, Mobile and Security on z Systems
For more details, please see the attached agenda. There is no conference fee, but you would
have to cover your own travel and accomodation costs. However, if you would need an invoice
for the fair market value of the services provided during the event, IBM could for a receipt upon
payment. If you are interested in attending the event, please let me know so that we can work
out the logistics, and assist you in selecting the most convenient hotels for your stay in
I am looking forward to hearing from you, and welcoming you at this very exciting event.
Kind regards,
Yannick Le Floch
Montpellier ATS zCAMS Manager
2. Agenda
Tuesday September 15
, 2015
9:00 Welcome coffee
9:20 Introduction and workshop objectives
9:40 z13 and Linux: whats new? LinuxOne: Open source ecosystem and
other announcements
10:40 Break
11:00 Virtualization technology Update (IBM Wave, KVM, Docker, GPFS)
12:00 Server consolidation on Linux on z including Oracle workload
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Oracle on z consolidation: a customer experience
14:15 How to consolidate more on z13 with increased capacity? An Oracle
benchmark example
14:45 Break
15:00 New trend: Open source solutions demo tour (Docker on Linux on z,
Hybrid Cloud demo with KVM)
16:00 Break and open discussion
16:15 Analytics solutions on Linux on z
17:00 MobileFirst platform, API Management and BlueMix integration
17:45 Wrap up
18:00 End of 1st day
Wednesday September 16
, 2015
8:40 Welcome coffee
9:00 Security with Linux on z Systems
9:45 New GDPS appliance for Disaster Recovery for Linux on z Systems
10:15 Break
10:30 System Management & Cloud solutions update (IBM Infrastructure
Suite, ICM/ICO...)
11:30 Demo smart deployment for Oracle DB with ICM
12:00 Wrap up and next steps
12:30 End of the client workshop - Lunch