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                                       Dynamic marketing/communications professional with 10+ years experience

                                       Proven ability to maintain a professional manner under tight deadlines

                                       Adept at developing successful and innovative strategies

                                       Ability to form and nurture collaborative and cooperative relationships

                                       Self-starter with the ability to juggle multiple simultaneous projects

                                       Motivated hands-on leader with a collaborative working style

                                       Extensive expertise in strategic public and media relations

                                       Published in a book of award-winning PR campaigns

Design and Layout by Lisa Baergen
Printer friendly version: http://stepaheadpr.com/marketingpro/lisa_baergen_resume_communications.pdf
        Lisa knows the public and she knows how to relate to it. Her 10+ years          10+ YEARS EXPERIENCE
       experience in private, public and not-for-profit sectors, combined with a
      business acumen make her an ideal leader and a major contributor to PR,            public relations
     marketing and communication teams. Her passions include launching and
   supporting creative programs and using her promotional prowess to deliver.            communications

 A results-oriented accredited practitioner, Lisa thrives on telling stories that are    brand management
the greatest thing youve never heard of but need to know. What brings her joy
is creating a solid plan, incorporating the details that make it extraordinary, and      online marketing
   executing it to exceed expectations. Lisa has a proven track record for setting
   strategy, developing and implementing solid communications programs that              project management
             align with broader company and brand goals, and delivering results.
     Lisa managed marketing communications and events in North America for
  UNIT4 Agresso, a high-growth high tech company. After relocation, she joined           government relations
  a global engineering firm amidst a period of major change. Lisa has the ability
         to build successful teams and foster relationships among all levels in an       marketing
  organization. Her mentoring and supervisory skills have won national awards.
                                                                                         media relations
  Prior to UNIT4, Lisa managed public relations and media relations at an award-
       winning PR and advertising agency, successfully implementing numerous             strategic communications
      creative and strategic PR campaigns for an array of clients. She consistently
             generated buzz through non-traditional and traditional media and          philanthropy
                      first-of-its-kind creative partnerships, programs, and events.
Her love for the cause then propelled Lisa to join the BC Lions Society managing
  their PR, events and media relations. Notably, Lisa spearheaded the successful         member relations
      Orcas in the City program and the inaugural Drop Zone event resulting in
              hundreds of thousands of dollars in positive media coverage, brand         web management
                awareness, and much needed funds for children with disabilities.
                                                                                         social media
 Lisa has served on numerous Boards and committees, and is presently the chair of
              the high profile national CPRS professional development conference.        SEO

      Lisas direct, articulate style cuts through the noise to hit the bulls-eye of a   layout and design
    target audience. Her ability to understand how to communicate with varied
       target audiences allows her to add value to the success of any campaign.          crisis management

   Her time management skills allow her to be a perfectionist and free her up to         strategy and planning
create award-winning parade floats, rappel down buildings for a cause, or turn a
                             spark of an idea into a blaze of media excitement.          viral marketing

       Add to this her ideas and her ability to multitask numerous programs and          desktop publishing
                   events simultaneously and youve got one savvy PR specialist.
                                                                                         customer relations
Ausenco | Communications Specialist,
                                                              UNIT4 Agresso | Marketing Communications
North America                                                 Manager, North America

   Managed roll-out of targeted communications                  Supported sales teams to ensure impact while
    through a range of channels to ensure ease of                 building brand awareness across North America
    access, clarity, consistency and policy adherence
                                                                 Executed and managed web, microsite, SEO and
   Collaborated globally at all levels to support cross-         new media programs
    departmental initiatives in North America
                                                                 Tracked and managed marketing budget
   Enhanced staff morale through philanthropic and
    community activities, socials and award programs             Produced PR materials, direct mail and collateral
                                                                  with compelling and measurable calls-to-action
   Wrote, edited, and designed presentations,
    brochures, articles, web copy and briefings                  Executed and managed rebrand with global team

   Managed migration of disparate intranet platforms            Led and managed PR agency earning hundreds of
    onto one global SharePoint intranet site                      thousands of dollars annually in media equivalency

   Maintained intranet site (design, training, content          Managed external PR, SEO and advertising agencies
    and technical functions) to ensure it is useful, up-to-
    date and consistent with brand and style guidelines          Supported analyst relations (interviews, launches
                                                                  and online presentations)
   Managed media training for key subject experts
                                                                 Planned and managed all internal and external
   Reviewed, educated and championed brand                       events. Efforts resulting in an annual increase in at-
                                                                  tendance, revenues and consistently under budget
   Advised internal marketing teams (messaging,
    design, collateral, case studies and trade shows)            Developed, launched and managed website overhaul

   Developed and managed regional and business                  Monitored, researched, compiled and tracked
    lines communications plans                                    relevant issues uncovering opportunities

                         Website redesign and rebrand 2010                                      Viral marketing campaign 2009


Managed events, public relations, media              Effectively managed public relations, communications,
relations campaigns and programs                     and media relations campaigns for clients

Launched inaugural Drop Zone event earning           Researched, analyzed and advised clients on trends,
$185K in media equivalency                           potential issues and strategic opportunities

Established reciprocal working relationships with    Wrote and proofed ad copy, collateral and web copy
sponsors, donors and potential partners
                                                     Successfully pitched story ideas, fact sheets and
Managed and maintained reciprocal relationships      bylined articles to journalists and liaised with regional
with key stakeholders, volunteers and partners       and provincial media resulting in positive placement

Developed communications plans, media strategies     Developed, implemented and evaluated short and
and event plans for current and new programs         long-term communications strategies

Designed and developed marketing materials,          Evaluated the effectiveness of campaigns and devel-
communications, ads, surveys and websites            oped internal and external tactics to support plans
                                                     and programs
Developed story angles and media interviews
resulting in exceptional media placement             Project managed a non-profit community event
                                                     bringing together senior level members of the
Acted as effective spokesperson for the Society      community to raise over $500K for children with
                                                     disabilities. The event included media, design,
Provided logistical, administrative and operation-   development, fundraising and event management
al support for all aspects of event management
                                                     Networked and volunteered with associations and press
Evaluated success (quantitative and qualitative)     gallery to stay current with the pulse of the community
and developed strategies and approaches to
alter mid-campaign direction                         Creatively developed various communication tools
                                                     such as: Presentations, reports, speeches, info kits,
Chaired and managed several committees and           videos, brochures, postcards, marketing collateral,
teams of volunteers                                  feedback mechanisms and online chats

Orcas in the City Campaign - My efforts published        Front page Victoria News - Lisa rappelling for media launch
in a book showcasing 45 award-winning PR                 to raise funds for kids with
campaigns                                                disabilities                             04
skills &
     SOFTWARE & PROGRAMS             SOFTWARE & PROGRAMS           I have been known to be....

                                                                   hard working

Adobe Creative Suite CS5.5 / CS3                        Twitter    dedicated
            Acrobat X Pro CS5.5                      Del.icio.us
              Dreamweaver CS3                         LinkedIn     flexible
                 Photoshop CS5                       Facebook
                   Illustrator CS3                    Pinterest    personable
                     PageMaker 7                          Wikis
                 InDesign CS5.5                             RSS    passionate
                  MS FrontPage                          Reddit
                     MS Publisher                         Flickr   influential
  MS Sharepoint Enterprise 2010                    Photobucket
                                                      YouTube      collaborative
                 MS Office Suite                     Wikipedia
            Advanced 2007 / 2010                                   self-motivated

                    Salesforce.com                    Newsvine     team player
                  SuperOffice CRM                    WordPress
                         RegOnline                        Cision   bottom-line focused
                 Active Conversion                         Vocus
                       Beanstream                 BurrellesLuce    proactive
            Various CMS Programs     SMR layout and distribution
                        Basic HTML            Google Analytics     detail oriented








                                                                   tactical manager

 I believe that people find a     CPRS (CANADIAN PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY)
           sense of meaning,      DIRECTOR, TREASURER, CHAIR, NATIONAL CONFERENCE
     purpose and fulfilment       Victoria BC  2007 - Current
    from the work they do 
             paid or unpaid.      EASTER SEALS 24 HOUR RELAY
   Volunteering offers us the     EVENT MANAGER, CAMPER CONNECTIONS PROGRAM
    opportunity to get more       Victoria BC  2007 - 2011
out of life while at the same
      time making a positive      VICTORIA PRESS CLUB
   contribution to the needs      DIRECTOR, GOVERNANCE, TREASURER & WEBMASTER
                     of others.   Victoria BC  2004 - 2007

                                  UNITED WAY
  With genuine passion for        Victoria BC  2004 - 2008  Training and facilitation of public
  the work you contribute,        relations, communications and media relations to Chairs and
you are more easily able to       Executives in the not-for-profit community.
 convey the right message.
   passion and let it infuse      ADVISOR, ADVISORY COMMITTEE
       your daily work life.      Victoria BC  2006 - 2010  Advisory Board for the ACP program.

                                  WOMENS SEXUAL ASSAULT CENTRE
                                  Victoria BC  2000 - 2003

                                  MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP
                                  Ottawa ON  2004 - 2008  Coordinated sponsorship for the Run for the
                                  Cure raising over $500K. Developed sponsorship programs, marketing
                                  and collateral bringing the professionalism to an entirely new level.

                                  AIDS FOUNDATION
                                  EVENT MANAGEMENT AND FUNDRAISING
                                  Ottawa ON  2002  Planned, implemented and evaluated a fundraising
                                  campaign to raise funds for kids with HIV AIDS. Contributed extensively
                                  to the team resulting in numerous team awards.

                                  OTTAWA RAPE CRISIS CENTRE
                                  PUBLIC SPEAKER
                                  Ottawa ON  Ad-hoc  Public speaking engagements to solicit
                                  donors and stewardship while enhancing education and awareness for
                                  the Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre.

                                       The APR Prorgram is a national post-graduate certification program.
                                         It establishes advanced capabilities in research, strategic planning,
                                     implementation and evaluation of public relations and demonstrates
                                                           a commitment to excellence and ethical conduct.
                                      I received the highest mark in Canada and work sample is published.

                                      ALGONQUIN COLLEGE - DIPLOMA OF PUBLIC RELATIONS  2002
                                                                       Graduated with Honours

                                            ALGONQUIN COLLEGE - DIPLOMA OF ACCOUNTING  1999
                                                                         Graduated with Honours

                                           CARLETON UNIVERSITY - BACHELOR OF COMMERCE  1997
                                                                           Completed two years

I have found her to be a person whose integrity and professionalism is beyond reproach. Lisa was instrumental
       in bringing to our marketing efforts, a level of professionalism that had been heretofore unheard of.

                      Lisa carefully and effectively addressed problems while maintaining the integrity and
                                                                                  esteem of those affected.

                                  Lisa is always proposing imaginative solutions to our everyday problems.

      Lisa has good leadership and team skills. She is extremely well organized, committed, energetic,
             and creative. She has good instincts, a strong work ethic, and is adept at problem solving.

 Not only was her dedication, commitment, and hard work obvious. But Lisas active participation
within the committees went far and beyond the call of duty. Lisa is reliable, trustworthy, and extremely
     dynamic and her level of enthusiasm during the whole campaign was, and still is, immeasurable.

 Lisa is a can-do professional that puts 120% into everything she does. She is an exceptional team player
        whos PR, Web and Marketing skills have made her an indispensable member of our team. She sets
  the bar high and contributes fully and creatively to each project she undertakes. As her manager I know
                         I can depend upon Lisa to contribute both strategically and sweat the small stuff.

     Lisa is an excellent strategic thinker who always takes into account the big picture AND is able to
  execute to the minutest detail. I would recommend Lisa to anyone looking for an extremely capable,
                              senior communications strategist. She is someone who gets the job done!


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Lisa Baergen Resume Booklet Communications

  • 1. lisa baergen, APR Tel: +1 604 289 4919 Cell: +1 778 240 2444 lisabaergen@StepAheadPR.com www.linkedin.com/in/lisabaergen Dynamic marketing/communications professional with 10+ years experience Proven ability to maintain a professional manner under tight deadlines Adept at developing successful and innovative strategies Ability to form and nurture collaborative and cooperative relationships Self-starter with the ability to juggle multiple simultaneous projects Motivated hands-on leader with a collaborative working style Extensive expertise in strategic public and media relations Published in a book of award-winning PR campaigns Design and Layout by Lisa Baergen Printer friendly version: http://stepaheadpr.com/marketingpro/lisa_baergen_resume_communications.pdf
  • 2. about Lisa knows the public and she knows how to relate to it. Her 10+ years 10+ YEARS EXPERIENCE experience in private, public and not-for-profit sectors, combined with a business acumen make her an ideal leader and a major contributor to PR, public relations marketing and communication teams. Her passions include launching and supporting creative programs and using her promotional prowess to deliver. communications A results-oriented accredited practitioner, Lisa thrives on telling stories that are brand management the greatest thing youve never heard of but need to know. What brings her joy is creating a solid plan, incorporating the details that make it extraordinary, and online marketing executing it to exceed expectations. Lisa has a proven track record for setting strategy, developing and implementing solid communications programs that project management align with broader company and brand goals, and delivering results. evaluation Lisa managed marketing communications and events in North America for UNIT4 Agresso, a high-growth high tech company. After relocation, she joined government relations a global engineering firm amidst a period of major change. Lisa has the ability to build successful teams and foster relationships among all levels in an marketing organization. Her mentoring and supervisory skills have won national awards. media relations Prior to UNIT4, Lisa managed public relations and media relations at an award- winning PR and advertising agency, successfully implementing numerous strategic communications creative and strategic PR campaigns for an array of clients. She consistently generated buzz through non-traditional and traditional media and philanthropy first-of-its-kind creative partnerships, programs, and events. fundraising Her love for the cause then propelled Lisa to join the BC Lions Society managing their PR, events and media relations. Notably, Lisa spearheaded the successful member relations Orcas in the City program and the inaugural Drop Zone event resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in positive media coverage, brand web management awareness, and much needed funds for children with disabilities. social media Lisa has served on numerous Boards and committees, and is presently the chair of the high profile national CPRS professional development conference. SEO Lisas direct, articulate style cuts through the noise to hit the bulls-eye of a layout and design target audience. Her ability to understand how to communicate with varied target audiences allows her to add value to the success of any campaign. crisis management Her time management skills allow her to be a perfectionist and free her up to strategy and planning create award-winning parade floats, rappel down buildings for a cause, or turn a spark of an idea into a blaze of media excitement. viral marketing Add to this her ideas and her ability to multitask numerous programs and desktop publishing events simultaneously and youve got one savvy PR specialist. customer relations 02
  • 3. Ausenco | Communications Specialist, experience UNIT4 Agresso | Marketing Communications North America Manager, North America Managed roll-out of targeted communications Supported sales teams to ensure impact while through a range of channels to ensure ease of building brand awareness across North America access, clarity, consistency and policy adherence Executed and managed web, microsite, SEO and Collaborated globally at all levels to support cross- new media programs departmental initiatives in North America Tracked and managed marketing budget Enhanced staff morale through philanthropic and community activities, socials and award programs Produced PR materials, direct mail and collateral with compelling and measurable calls-to-action Wrote, edited, and designed presentations, brochures, articles, web copy and briefings Executed and managed rebrand with global team Managed migration of disparate intranet platforms Led and managed PR agency earning hundreds of onto one global SharePoint intranet site thousands of dollars annually in media equivalency Maintained intranet site (design, training, content Managed external PR, SEO and advertising agencies and technical functions) to ensure it is useful, up-to- date and consistent with brand and style guidelines Supported analyst relations (interviews, launches and online presentations) Managed media training for key subject experts Planned and managed all internal and external Reviewed, educated and championed brand events. Efforts resulting in an annual increase in at- tendance, revenues and consistently under budget Advised internal marketing teams (messaging, design, collateral, case studies and trade shows) Developed, launched and managed website overhaul Developed and managed regional and business Monitored, researched, compiled and tracked lines communications plans relevant issues uncovering opportunities Website redesign and rebrand 2010 Viral marketing campaign 2009 03
  • 4. LIONS SOCIETY | MEDIA & EVENTS MANAGER ARTEMIS PR & DESIGN | SR. PR & MEDIA SPECIALIST Managed events, public relations, media Effectively managed public relations, communications, relations campaigns and programs and media relations campaigns for clients Launched inaugural Drop Zone event earning Researched, analyzed and advised clients on trends, $185K in media equivalency potential issues and strategic opportunities Established reciprocal working relationships with Wrote and proofed ad copy, collateral and web copy sponsors, donors and potential partners Successfully pitched story ideas, fact sheets and Managed and maintained reciprocal relationships bylined articles to journalists and liaised with regional with key stakeholders, volunteers and partners and provincial media resulting in positive placement Developed communications plans, media strategies Developed, implemented and evaluated short and and event plans for current and new programs long-term communications strategies Designed and developed marketing materials, Evaluated the effectiveness of campaigns and devel- communications, ads, surveys and websites oped internal and external tactics to support plans and programs Developed story angles and media interviews resulting in exceptional media placement Project managed a non-profit community event bringing together senior level members of the Acted as effective spokesperson for the Society community to raise over $500K for children with disabilities. The event included media, design, Provided logistical, administrative and operation- development, fundraising and event management al support for all aspects of event management Networked and volunteered with associations and press Evaluated success (quantitative and qualitative) gallery to stay current with the pulse of the community and developed strategies and approaches to alter mid-campaign direction Creatively developed various communication tools such as: Presentations, reports, speeches, info kits, Chaired and managed several committees and videos, brochures, postcards, marketing collateral, teams of volunteers feedback mechanisms and online chats Orcas in the City Campaign - My efforts published Front page Victoria News - Lisa rappelling for media launch in a book showcasing 45 award-winning PR to raise funds for kids with campaigns disabilities 04
  • 5. skills & qualities SOFTWARE & PROGRAMS SOFTWARE & PROGRAMS I have been known to be.... hard working Adobe Creative Suite CS5.5 / CS3 Twitter dedicated Acrobat X Pro CS5.5 Del.icio.us Dreamweaver CS3 LinkedIn flexible Photoshop CS5 Facebook Illustrator CS3 Pinterest personable PageMaker 7 Wikis InDesign CS5.5 RSS passionate MS FrontPage Reddit MS Publisher Flickr influential MS Sharepoint Enterprise 2010 Photobucket YouTube collaborative MS Office Suite Wikipedia Advanced 2007 / 2010 self-motivated Salesforce.com Newsvine team player SuperOffice CRM WordPress RegOnline Cision bottom-line focused Active Conversion Vocus Beanstream BurrellesLuce proactive Various CMS Programs SMR layout and distribution Basic HTML Google Analytics detail oriented results-oriented creative energetic driven knowledgeable competent perfectionist tactical manager 05
  • 6. volunteer I believe that people find a CPRS (CANADIAN PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY) sense of meaning, DIRECTOR, TREASURER, CHAIR, NATIONAL CONFERENCE purpose and fulfilment Victoria BC 2007 - Current from the work they do paid or unpaid. EASTER SEALS 24 HOUR RELAY Volunteering offers us the EVENT MANAGER, CAMPER CONNECTIONS PROGRAM opportunity to get more Victoria BC 2007 - 2011 out of life while at the same time making a positive VICTORIA PRESS CLUB contribution to the needs DIRECTOR, GOVERNANCE, TREASURER & WEBMASTER of others. Victoria BC 2004 - 2007 UNITED WAY FACILITATOR, VICTORIA LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT With genuine passion for Victoria BC 2004 - 2008 Training and facilitation of public the work you contribute, relations, communications and media relations to Chairs and you are more easily able to Executives in the not-for-profit community. convey the right message. Tap into your natural CAMOSUN COLLEGE APPLIED COMMUNICATION PROGRAM (ACP) passion and let it infuse ADVISOR, ADVISORY COMMITTEE your daily work life. Victoria BC 2006 - 2010 Advisory Board for the ACP program. WOMENS SEXUAL ASSAULT CENTRE DIRECTOR Victoria BC 2000 - 2003 CANADIAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION RUN FOR THE CURE MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP Ottawa ON 2004 - 2008 Coordinated sponsorship for the Run for the Cure raising over $500K. Developed sponsorship programs, marketing and collateral bringing the professionalism to an entirely new level. AIDS FOUNDATION EVENT MANAGEMENT AND FUNDRAISING Ottawa ON 2002 Planned, implemented and evaluated a fundraising campaign to raise funds for kids with HIV AIDS. Contributed extensively to the team resulting in numerous team awards. OTTAWA RAPE CRISIS CENTRE PUBLIC SPEAKER Ottawa ON Ad-hoc Public speaking engagements to solicit donors and stewardship while enhancing education and awareness for the Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre. 06
  • 7. education APR (ACCREDITED PUBLIC RELATIONS) 2005 The APR Prorgram is a national post-graduate certification program. It establishes advanced capabilities in research, strategic planning, implementation and evaluation of public relations and demonstrates a commitment to excellence and ethical conduct. I received the highest mark in Canada and work sample is published. ALGONQUIN COLLEGE - DIPLOMA OF PUBLIC RELATIONS 2002 Graduated with Honours ALGONQUIN COLLEGE - DIPLOMA OF ACCOUNTING 1999 Graduated with Honours CARLETON UNIVERSITY - BACHELOR OF COMMERCE 1997 Completed two years testimonials I have found her to be a person whose integrity and professionalism is beyond reproach. Lisa was instrumental in bringing to our marketing efforts, a level of professionalism that had been heretofore unheard of. Lisa carefully and effectively addressed problems while maintaining the integrity and esteem of those affected. Lisa is always proposing imaginative solutions to our everyday problems. Lisa has good leadership and team skills. She is extremely well organized, committed, energetic, and creative. She has good instincts, a strong work ethic, and is adept at problem solving. Not only was her dedication, commitment, and hard work obvious. But Lisas active participation within the committees went far and beyond the call of duty. Lisa is reliable, trustworthy, and extremely dynamic and her level of enthusiasm during the whole campaign was, and still is, immeasurable. Lisa is a can-do professional that puts 120% into everything she does. She is an exceptional team player whos PR, Web and Marketing skills have made her an indispensable member of our team. She sets the bar high and contributes fully and creatively to each project she undertakes. As her manager I know I can depend upon Lisa to contribute both strategically and sweat the small stuff. Lisa is an excellent strategic thinker who always takes into account the big picture AND is able to execute to the minutest detail. I would recommend Lisa to anyone looking for an extremely capable, senior communications strategist. She is someone who gets the job done! 07