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28 Plymouth Court  Milford, CT, 06460  Phone (203) 783.1387  Work (203) 688.4879  Elnbl@aol.com
 Drexel University, BS, Food and Nutrition, 1986
 Southern Connecticut State University, Masters in Public Health, 1994
Yale-New Haven Hospital Outpatient Nutrition Specialist, 1994-present
Provide individualized nutrition counseling to patients for a variety of health conditions such as diabetes,
hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, bariatric surgery, liver and renal diseases. Lead role in assisting
with diabetes self-management program that is recognized by the American Diabetes Association,
including participation on the Yale-New Haven Hospital Advisory Board and maintenance of diabetes
database. Designed and provided nutrition interventions for a 16-week weight loss clinical trail for
individuals with schizophrenia with subsequent participation/co-investigator status in successful
application to National Institutes of Health for 2-year study. Present lectures and seminars at Yale-New
Haven Hospital and in the community on a variety of nutrition-related topics for both consumers and
health professionals. Developed and provides Live Well and Lose It, an eight week employee weight
management program. Conducts wellness events for Food Day and National Nutrition Month.
Coordinates Lose to Win employee weight loss contest. Provides nutrition-related social media
postings for the hospital. Develops education materials as needed. Serves as a media liaison for
newspaper and television upon request for interview on current nutrition topics. Preceptor for Dietetic
Interns five week Nutrition Clinic rotation.
Yale-New Haven Hospital, Cardiovascular Research Unit and Ambulatory Nutrition Specialist,
Provided dietary intervention to individuals with hyperlipidemia in the outpatient lipid clinic. Participated
in numerous clinic trials on lipid lowering medications and garlic supplementation by assessing and
documenting dietary intake according to protocol guidelines. Counseled patients on lipid lowering diets
per study protocol requirements.
Yale-New Haven Hospital Clinical Dietitian, 1986-1991
Provided comprehensive nutrition assessment, documentation, and intervention to hospitalized patients
on surgical services including general surgery, neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery. Taught both
inpatient and outpatient cardiac rehab classes. Authored numerous components of Yale-New Haven
Hospitals Nutrition Classification and Assessment Manual. Dietetic Intern preceptor for Surgical
Nutrition rotation.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics including Diabetes Care and Education Practice
Connecticut Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (CAND)
Certified Diabetes Educator, 2003-present
Secretary, CAND, 2005-2009
Member at Large, CAND, 2009-2011
Volunteer Coordinator, CAND, 2014
President-Elect, CAND 2015
President, CAND 2016-2017
University of New Haven, Adjunct Faculty
Yale University School of Nursing and Physician Associate Program, Guest Lecturer
Volunteer Speakers Bureau, American Heart Association
Volunteer Speakers Bureau, American Diabetes Association
Contributing Author to:
Eat Smart, Random House, 1995
Heart Healthy Cooking for All Seasons by Moser et al, 1996
Yales Guide to Child Nutrition, Yale University Press, 1997
Advanced Counseling Skills by Kathy King, 1995 and 2003 editions
Yale-New Haven Hospital Adult Classification and Assessment Manual, ongoing
Ellen Liskov, RD, MPH, CDE, CD-N
PUBLICATIONS (continued)
Peer reviewed abstracts and journal articles:
 Liskov E, Ford DA, Fairchild MM, Nwangwu J. Risk factor awareness and health practices of
hypercholesterolemic subjects following cholesterol screening (Abstr.). 75th Annual Meeting, The American
Dietetic Association, Washington, DC; 1992.
 Isaacsohn JL. Setaro JF. Nicholas C. Davey JA. Diotalevi LJ. Christianson DS. Liskov E. Stein EA. Black
HR. Effects of lovastatin therapy on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 antigen levels. American Journal of
Cardiology. 74(7):735-7, 1994 Oct 1.
 Liskov E, Emmerson MS, Davey J, Diotalevi L, Setaro J. Dietary compliance as a predictor of low density
lipoprotein outcome in subjects treated with lovastatin for hyperlipidemia (Abstr.). 80th Annual Meeting, The
American Dietetic Association, Boston, MA; 1997.
 Isaacsohn JL. Moser M. Stein EA. Dudley K. Davey JA. Liskov E. Black HR. Garlic powder and plasma lipids
and lipoproteins: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Archives of Internal Medicine.
158(11):1189-94, 1998 Jun 8.
 Jean-Baptiste M. Tek C. Liskov E. Chakunta UR. Nicholls S. Hasaan AQ. Brownell KD. A pilot study of a
weight management program with food provisions in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 96(1-3):198-205, 2007
 Liskov E, Jean-Baptiste M, Nicholls S. Weight loss and improved metabolic outcomes with group nutrition
classes and a food provision program in individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder taking
antipsychotic medications (Abstr.). 90th Annual Meeting, The American Dietetic Association, Philadelphia,
PA; 2007.
 Liskov E, Mastroianni L. Team competition style worksite wellness program helps employees achieve
meaningful weight loss (Abstr.) 93rd Annual Meeting, The American Dietetic Association, Boston, MA; 2010.
 Diabetes self-management and nutrition series for East Shore Health District, 2005 to 2013 with 3-6
classes per year
 Presentations for shoreline community at the Yale-New Haven Hospital Shoreline Medical Center on
various topics, 2005-present with 2-3 presentations per year
 Inservice training on diet & diabetes for VNA Community Healthcare staff, 2006-2009
 Nutrition and Heart Health, Madison Womens League, 2006
 Eat Your Veggies, City Seed Farmers Market attendees, 2006
 Nutrition Facts and Fallacies, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, 2007
 Diabetes, University of New Haven Graduate Nutrition Program, 2007-2010
 Obesity, Yale School of Nursing for APRNs, 2007-2010
 Lunch and Learn Series- various topics, Guilford Senior Center, 2008
 Demystifying the Diabetic Diet, Grand Rounds Yale-New Haven Hospital, 2008
 Diabetes and Nutrition, Yale Physician Associate Program, 2008-2010
 Nutrition and Diabetes Prevention, Ecuadorian Consulate in New Haven, 2009
 Lunch and learn talks on weight management for National Nutrition Month 2009-2010
 Obesity, University of New Haven Graduate Nutrition Program, 2010
 Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals, Knights of Columbus Headquarters, 2010
 Healthy Eating for SARAH Inc. clients, 2010
 Group Nutrition Counseling is More Efficient and Equally Effective as Individual Counseling in Promoting
Weight Loss Prior to Bariatric Surgery, 2012 Food and Nutrition Conference Expo, Philadelphia, PA
 Classes for Dietetic Interns at Yale-New Haven Hospital including diabetes, experimental foods, lipids
and nutrition, ongoing
(Additional information and presentation history available upon request)

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  • 1. ELLEN LISKOV, MPH, RD, CDE, CD-N 28 Plymouth Court Milford, CT, 06460 Phone (203) 783.1387 Work (203) 688.4879 Elnbl@aol.com EDUCATION Drexel University, BS, Food and Nutrition, 1986 Southern Connecticut State University, Masters in Public Health, 1994 PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Yale-New Haven Hospital Outpatient Nutrition Specialist, 1994-present Provide individualized nutrition counseling to patients for a variety of health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, bariatric surgery, liver and renal diseases. Lead role in assisting with diabetes self-management program that is recognized by the American Diabetes Association, including participation on the Yale-New Haven Hospital Advisory Board and maintenance of diabetes database. Designed and provided nutrition interventions for a 16-week weight loss clinical trail for individuals with schizophrenia with subsequent participation/co-investigator status in successful application to National Institutes of Health for 2-year study. Present lectures and seminars at Yale-New Haven Hospital and in the community on a variety of nutrition-related topics for both consumers and health professionals. Developed and provides Live Well and Lose It, an eight week employee weight management program. Conducts wellness events for Food Day and National Nutrition Month. Coordinates Lose to Win employee weight loss contest. Provides nutrition-related social media postings for the hospital. Develops education materials as needed. Serves as a media liaison for newspaper and television upon request for interview on current nutrition topics. Preceptor for Dietetic Interns five week Nutrition Clinic rotation. Yale-New Haven Hospital, Cardiovascular Research Unit and Ambulatory Nutrition Specialist, 1991-1994 Provided dietary intervention to individuals with hyperlipidemia in the outpatient lipid clinic. Participated in numerous clinic trials on lipid lowering medications and garlic supplementation by assessing and documenting dietary intake according to protocol guidelines. Counseled patients on lipid lowering diets per study protocol requirements. Yale-New Haven Hospital Clinical Dietitian, 1986-1991 Provided comprehensive nutrition assessment, documentation, and intervention to hospitalized patients on surgical services including general surgery, neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery. Taught both inpatient and outpatient cardiac rehab classes. Authored numerous components of Yale-New Haven Hospitals Nutrition Classification and Assessment Manual. Dietetic Intern preceptor for Surgical Nutrition rotation. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND ACTIVITIES Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics including Diabetes Care and Education Practice Connecticut Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (CAND) Certified Diabetes Educator, 2003-present Secretary, CAND, 2005-2009 Member at Large, CAND, 2009-2011 Volunteer Coordinator, CAND, 2014 President-Elect, CAND 2015 President, CAND 2016-2017 University of New Haven, Adjunct Faculty Yale University School of Nursing and Physician Associate Program, Guest Lecturer Volunteer Speakers Bureau, American Heart Association Volunteer Speakers Bureau, American Diabetes Association PUBLICATIONS Contributing Author to: Eat Smart, Random House, 1995 Heart Healthy Cooking for All Seasons by Moser et al, 1996 Yales Guide to Child Nutrition, Yale University Press, 1997 Advanced Counseling Skills by Kathy King, 1995 and 2003 editions Yale-New Haven Hospital Adult Classification and Assessment Manual, ongoing
  • 2. Ellen Liskov, RD, MPH, CDE, CD-N PUBLICATIONS (continued) Peer reviewed abstracts and journal articles: Liskov E, Ford DA, Fairchild MM, Nwangwu J. Risk factor awareness and health practices of hypercholesterolemic subjects following cholesterol screening (Abstr.). 75th Annual Meeting, The American Dietetic Association, Washington, DC; 1992. Isaacsohn JL. Setaro JF. Nicholas C. Davey JA. Diotalevi LJ. Christianson DS. Liskov E. Stein EA. Black HR. Effects of lovastatin therapy on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 antigen levels. American Journal of Cardiology. 74(7):735-7, 1994 Oct 1. Liskov E, Emmerson MS, Davey J, Diotalevi L, Setaro J. Dietary compliance as a predictor of low density lipoprotein outcome in subjects treated with lovastatin for hyperlipidemia (Abstr.). 80th Annual Meeting, The American Dietetic Association, Boston, MA; 1997. Isaacsohn JL. Moser M. Stein EA. Dudley K. Davey JA. Liskov E. Black HR. Garlic powder and plasma lipids and lipoproteins: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Archives of Internal Medicine. 158(11):1189-94, 1998 Jun 8. Jean-Baptiste M. Tek C. Liskov E. Chakunta UR. Nicholls S. Hasaan AQ. Brownell KD. A pilot study of a weight management program with food provisions in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 96(1-3):198-205, 2007 Nov. Liskov E, Jean-Baptiste M, Nicholls S. Weight loss and improved metabolic outcomes with group nutrition classes and a food provision program in individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder taking antipsychotic medications (Abstr.). 90th Annual Meeting, The American Dietetic Association, Philadelphia, PA; 2007. Liskov E, Mastroianni L. Team competition style worksite wellness program helps employees achieve meaningful weight loss (Abstr.) 93rd Annual Meeting, The American Dietetic Association, Boston, MA; 2010. SYNOPSIS OF RECENT PRESENTATIONS Diabetes self-management and nutrition series for East Shore Health District, 2005 to 2013 with 3-6 classes per year Presentations for shoreline community at the Yale-New Haven Hospital Shoreline Medical Center on various topics, 2005-present with 2-3 presentations per year Inservice training on diet & diabetes for VNA Community Healthcare staff, 2006-2009 Nutrition and Heart Health, Madison Womens League, 2006 Eat Your Veggies, City Seed Farmers Market attendees, 2006 Nutrition Facts and Fallacies, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, 2007 Diabetes, University of New Haven Graduate Nutrition Program, 2007-2010 Obesity, Yale School of Nursing for APRNs, 2007-2010 Lunch and Learn Series- various topics, Guilford Senior Center, 2008 Demystifying the Diabetic Diet, Grand Rounds Yale-New Haven Hospital, 2008 Diabetes and Nutrition, Yale Physician Associate Program, 2008-2010 Nutrition and Diabetes Prevention, Ecuadorian Consulate in New Haven, 2009 Lunch and learn talks on weight management for National Nutrition Month 2009-2010 Obesity, University of New Haven Graduate Nutrition Program, 2010 Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals, Knights of Columbus Headquarters, 2010 Healthy Eating for SARAH Inc. clients, 2010 Group Nutrition Counseling is More Efficient and Equally Effective as Individual Counseling in Promoting Weight Loss Prior to Bariatric Surgery, 2012 Food and Nutrition Conference Expo, Philadelphia, PA 2012. Classes for Dietetic Interns at Yale-New Haven Hospital including diabetes, experimental foods, lipids and nutrition, ongoing (Additional information and presentation history available upon request)