- Lisp was developed by John McCarthy in the late 1950s as a list processing language for artificial intelligence and symbolic computing applications. It used recursive functions and linked lists instead of loops and local variables.
- Early Lisp dialects were interpreted and lacked features like compilers, local variables, and static scoping. Over time, various dialects like Scheme and Common Lisp were developed to address these issues and standardize the language.
- Common Lisp combined the best features of dialects like MacLisp, Interlisp, and Scheme. It was later standardized by ANSI and added object-oriented capabilities through CLOS, making it a powerful and flexible language. However, its complexity limited widespread adoption outside of AI research.
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1. Lisp: An Introduction
Lisp List Processing language
Developed by John McCarthy, MIT, in the late
the original idea was to implement a language based on
mathematical functions that McCarthy was using to
model problem solving
a grad student implemented the first interpreter, and it
was quickly adopted for AI programming:
symbolic computing
list processing
early Lisp was based almost entirely on recursive and so
Lisp had no local variables nor iterative control structures
and since Lisp was interpreted, there was no compiler for early
2. More on Lisp
In part because this was early in the history of high
level languages, and in part because of the desire to
support AI
Lisp used dynamic scoping
Lisp had no compiler
Lisp had no local variables
Lisp was slow
But, because Lisp was interpreted
It was easy to prototype systems and build larger scale
systems than a compiled language
Lisp had features not available in other early languages
Linked lists
Dynamic memory allocation
Typeless variables
3. Lisps, Lisps and More Lisps
The original Lisp was both inefficient and difficult to use
Other Lisp dialects were released by people trying to further the
they added a compiler, local variables, static scoping, etc
while Scheme is the most recognized Lisp to come out of these efforts,
others include Qlisp, Elisp, Interlisp, etc
Specialized hardware was manufactured to support Lisp:
hardware that had large heap memory spaces and optimized routines for
garbage collection
interestingly, the first GUI was implemented for Lisp machines
however, many researchers were put off by the high cost of these
specialized machines, so there was also a push for implementing many
of the necessary Lisp hardware mechanisms in general-purpose
computers leading to both diversity (among compilers and dialects) and
but because of all the different Lisps, sharing of ideas and code became
awkward if not prohibitive
4. Toward a Standard: Common Lisp
DARPA sponsored an effort in the early 1980s to develop
a standard for Lisp, and so Common Lisp (CL) was born
However, among the Lisp community, there were hard-fought
West coast users often used Interlisp
East coast users often used MACLisp
European communities may have used yet other Lisps
and Scheme was often taught in colleges
CL would take the best attributes found in MacLisp with some
influence from Zetalisp, Scheme and Interlisp
it would also provide a number of imperative features (e.g., loops)
ANSI created a standard for CL around 1990
the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) was added to CL making the
language roughly equivalent in size and capability to C++
while not as recognized as C++, Common Lisp is a very useful and
flexible language, we will study it here
5. Goals of CL
Commonality a common dialect of Lisp for which
extensions (for given hardware) should be
Portability and Compatibility
Consistency prior Lisps were internally inconsistent
so that a compiler or interpreter might assign different
semantics to a correct program
Expressiveness and Power
Efficiency for instance, optimizing compilers and
instructions that perform efficient operations on lists
Stability changes in CL will be made only with due
6. Some CL Uses
CL is a very successful language in that
it is extremely powerful as an AI tool
those that use it love it
And yet CL is a very uncommon language because
it is very complicated
most software development is in C++ (with some in Java, C#, C, Python, Ada, etc)
such that few programmers would choose to use CL for development
The most important software developed from CL includes:
G2 (a real-time expert system)
Igor Engraver (musical notation editor and publisher)
Yahoo Store
Up until the early 1990s, most AI research was still done in Lisp, most using
Common Lisp
however, once C++ added objects, many researchers switched to C++ because
their graduate students had more familiarity with C++
obtaining C++ compilers is often cheaper and easier than CL compilers and environments
C++ programs will run faster than CL programs (not always true, but generally true)
7. Why Study CL?
Learn about functional programming
Learn how to utilize recursion better
Learn about symbolic computing
Gain experience in other languages and syntax
Get a better idea of such concepts as scope, binding,
memory allocation, etc
Learn a little about AI problem solving
But primarily: learn a new language
one that is very VERY different from what you have already
but also a very rich and complex language
CL contains 978 defined symbols, macros and functions not including
anything available in libraries or what you might define yourself
8. Lisp Basics
Everything in a Lisp program is either
An atom
a single literal value which could be
a number
a symbol like hello
損 not to be confused with a string, a symbol cannot be subdivided in
any way
a character
T or nil
A list
lists are denoted by ( )
lists can contain nothing (empty list), one or more atoms, sublists, or some
combination of these
In Lisp, all variables are pointers that point to an atom or a list,
but like Java, these pointers do not need dereferencing (unlike
C or C++)
there are also sequences of different types (vectors, arrays, strings,
structures, objects), these are neither lists nor atoms
9. Variables, Lists, Pointers
All variables are in fact pointers
A variables pointer points to an item in heap memory
like Java, there is no dereferencing (unlike C or C++)
unlike Java, all items are pointed to whether they are
objects, strings, arrays, numbers, atoms, whatever
Lists are not only pointed to by the variable that
defines the list, but each list element contains a
pointer to the next item
The structure of a list item is actually two pointers
the CAR is the pointer to the item
the CDR is the pointer to the next list item
this structure looks like this
This structure is known as a cons cell
10. List Structures
A List then consists of a group of these cons
structures, each structure has
one pointer (the car) that points to the atom or sublist
one pointer (the cdr) that either points to the remainder of
the list or is nil (like null in Java or NULL in C)
( A ( D E F ) B C )
Cons cells are needed to make lists
The cdr should be a pointer to the next
cons cell in the list (or nil if this is the
last cons cell, as with the cells storing
C and F) but in some cases, you might
put a datum in the cdr, this would result
in a dotted pair: (a . b)
a b
11. Pointers and Pointers
Things can get confusing in Lisp because the variables
are pointers, and the things that they point to may also be
Look at the list example on the last slide, a given cons cell has
two pointers, one pointing to the car and one to the cdr (which
is usually another cons cell or the value nil)
When you declare a variable, you are allocating memory to
store the pointer, not the datum
(let (a b) ) allocates space for a and b
(setf a 5) allocates space for 5, adjusts a to point at 5
(setf b 6) allocates space for 6, adjusts b to point at 6
(setf b 5) will this allocate a new 5 or adjust b to point at the already
existing 5? This differs depending on the implementation!
a b
a 5 b 6 5
= nil
= nil
12. Lisp Code vs. Data
Lisp code is placed inside of lists
All* Lisp instructions are function calls
All Lisp function calls are written in prefix notation (name
param1 param2 )
All Lisp function calls return a value, which can be used in
another call
example: (square (+ 3 5)) (+ 3 5) returns 8, (square 8) returns 64
Lisp data are most commonly placed in lists
So in Lisp, data and code have the same look to them, this
makes it easy to write code that manipulates code rather than
data (code that can generate code for instance)
* - there are exceptions to this statement that we will explore throughout
this course
13. Lisp Interpreter
One of the more unique aspects of Lisp (as opposed to
say Java or C) is that it is an interpreted language
You are given a command line where you can type in
commands where a command can be
a single executable statement (e.g., (+ x y))
a definition (defining a new function, defining a variable, defining a
class, instantiating an object, etc)
you see the response immediately and you dont have to have already
compiled anything, this lets you test out code while you write it
The Interpreter works on a REPL cycle:
Read read the latest item typed in at the command line (ended by
Eval evaluate what was typed in (execute it)
Print print the result to the screen for immediate feedback
Loop do it all over again
Note: you can type definitions and instructions in an editor and
load it all at once or compile it and load the compiled file
14. Example Session with REPL
CL-USER 1 > 'hello
CL-USER 2 > (print 'hello)
CL-USER 3 > (setf a 'hello)
CL-USER 4 > a
CL-USER 5 > 'a
Type in a statement, it is evaluated
hello evaluates the symbol hello
print is a function, it prints the item and
also returns the item
setf is a function that has a side effect of
adjusting a pointer and returns the value
that the pointer is pointing to
evaluate a returns what a points to
notice here the quote mark says do not
evaluate, just return
16. The Debugger
Unfortunately, the run-time environment is where most
of your errors will be caught
Every time the interpreter does not understand something, you
are thrown into the debugger
We will explore the debugger in detail later in the semester,
here are a couple of comments:
the debugger lets you inspect the run-time stack, you can see the values
of local variables and parameters, and the order that functions were
you can correct some mistakes and then resume execution without
having to abort what you are doing, fix errors and start over
For now though, we will simply abort out of the debugger any
time an error arises
This differs from implementation to implementation, but in LispWorks,
look at the options and then type c: # where # is the number of the abort
option (for instance, c: 1)
17. Example With Debugger
CL-USER 43 > (sortlist b)
Error: The variable B is unbound.
1 (continue) Try evaluating B again.
2 Return the value of :B instead.
3 Specify a value to use this time instead of evaluating B.
4 Specify a value to set B to.
5 (abort) Return to level 0.
6 Return to top loop level 0.
Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options
CL-USER 44 : 1 > :c 3
Enter a form to be evaluated: '(5 3 2 4 1)
(1 2 3 4 5)
18. Example
CL-USER 62 : 1 > (sortlist b)
Error: The variable B is unbound.
1 (continue) Try evaluating B again.
2 Return the value of :B instead.
3 Specify a value to use this time instead of evaluating B.
4 Specify a value to set B to.
5 (abort) Return to level 1.
6 Return to debug level 1.
7 Return a value to use.
8 Supply a new first argument.
9 Return to level 0.
10 Return to top loop level 0.
Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options
CL-USER 63 : 2 > :c 4
Enter a form to be evaluated: '(5 3 4 6 2 1)
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
19. Example Continued
CL-USER 66 > (sortlist)
wrong number of arguments.
1 (abort) Return to level 0.
2 Return to top loop level 0.
Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options
CL-USER 67 : 1 > :b
Interpreted call to SORTLIST
20. Getting Output: Dribble
You can send output to a text file, which we will cover
later in the semester
for now, to output your entire session in the CL environment,
use dribble
form: (dribble filename)
from this point forward, everything that you type in and everything that
is returned (even debugger messages) are sent to the textfile filename
to stop (or turn off) the dribble, type (dribble)
if filename is just the name of a file, the file is created and
stored in the current directory
you can specify a directory, but since is an escape character
(much like in Java), you have to specify
as in (dribble C:csc375output1.txt)
if you specify a filename that already exists, anything that you
dribble to the file is appended (the file is not overwritten)
this allows you to join a previous session
21. Defining Functions
There are a number of built-in functions in CL
We will explore them throughout the semester
For now, we briefly consider how to define a
The basic form is:
(defun name (params) body)
name is the name of your function to have, it can be any legal CL
name (and as long as the name is not a pre-defined CL name but it
can be a name that you had previously used yourself)
params are the names of parameters being passed into the function,
they can be any legal name, and there are no types associated with
them in the definition, the list can be empty as in ( )
body is one or more CL function calls, after the last one is called,
whatever value that last function call returns is returned by this
22. Examples
Type in (square 5) and
the function returns
x is 5
the function performs
(* 5 5)
progn is used to
denote a block of
function calls where
the result of the last
function is returned
from the block
(defun square (x) (* x x))
(defun largest (x y) (if (> x y) x y))
;; if (x > y) return x; else return y;
(defun printnumbers (x)
(if (> x 0)
(printnumbers (- x 1))
(print x))))
;; recursive version, if (x > 0) recursively
;; call the function with x-1, then print x
(defun printnumbers2 (x)
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
((= i (+ x 1)))
(print i)))
;; here, a do loop is used to iterate from i=1 to x, stopping once i = x+1
23. Recursive vs Iterative
Here we can clearly see
the value of recursion
when implementing
simple operations
the recursive version is
short and matches our
mathematical notion of
the iterative version
requires a local variable
for the product
(defun factorial (x)
(if (< x 1) 1 (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))
;; if x < 1 then return 1, otherwise
;; return x * factorial(x-1)
(defun factorial2 (x)
(let ((y 1)) ;; y is a local var = 1
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ;; loop on i
((= i (+ x 1))) ;; until i = x+1
(setf y (* y i))) ;; y = y * i
y)) ;; return y as the last action
24. Lisp and Variables
There are generally three kinds of variables
Global variables defined in the run-time
environment (at the command line) or outside of a
function in a file
these can be accessed within a function, but only having
been declared as special
Local variables defined in a function using the let
statement, or within the scope of a specific
instruction, such as the loop counter(s) in a do
these can only be accessed inside their scope, as soon as
their scope ends, you can no longer access them
Parameters much like local variables, but they are
available throughout the entire function
25. Variable Types
As described earlier, variables are actually pointers,
but unlike C, the pointers are not typed
This means that the value being pointed to by a pointer can
be of one type and later the pointer can point to a value of
another type
With a few exceptions, variables in CL are not typed
notable exceptions to not typing variables are objects and structures
However, all variables are type checked at run-time to
make sure that a value is being treated correctly
So (* 5 a) will yield a run-time error rather than an
incorrect value
26. Values
There are generally 3 kinds of values:
pretty self explanatory although Lisp contains several types of numbers
integer, float, fraction, complex (contains an integer or float portion and an
imaginary portion) and more
you can combine types in an operation, Lisp will convert the answer to
whichever type is necessary
numbers are not restricted in size other than the size of what your
computers memory can store!
do not confuse these with strings, an atom is atomic (you cant for
instance do substring or charAt type operations), the atom however can
represent any symbolic item (word or words)
as we discussed earlier
There are also characters, strings, arrays, structures, objects and
more that we will discuss in detail later in the semester
27. Numbers in More Detail
Unless otherwise indicated, numbers are stored as
You can override the default by indicating
Floating point (in either decimal or scientific notation)
Hexadecimal (#x precedes the value as in #x54B3E)
Octal (#o as in #o5102)
Any base up to 36 of the form #brvalue as in #6r3051 or
base 36 includes all 10 digits and the 26 upper case letters
Complex: #c(value1 value2) = value1 + value2*i (i is the
square root of -1)
The result of any arithmetic operation will be in the form
of the widest value (e.g. int + fraction = fraction)
Except for / which will place integer divisions as a fraction
28. Operations on Numbers
Arithmetic functions:
+, -, *, /
Note that / will always return quotient and remainder, there is
nothing equivalent to integer division as we see in Java
But there are functions for truncate, round, ceiling, floor and mod
(truncate 5 3) 1 (equivalent to 5 / 3)
(mod 5 3) 2 (equivalent to 5 % 3)
Common Lisp will always reduce fractions as much as possible, so
(/ 6 8) 他 and (/ 6 2) 3
Now consider: (+ #c(3 5) #c(2 1)) #c(5 6)
But (* #c(3 2) #c(3 -2)) 13, why?
Comparison functions:
<, >, =, /=, <=, >=
EQL is similar to = but more restrictive, it says numbers
must be equal and be the same type
(= 5 5.0) is T, (EQL 5 5.0) is nil
29. Preventing Evaluation
One problem in Lisp is that everything entered at
the command line is evaluated
(+ 3 5) evaluate +, apply it to the evaluation of 3
and 5
(+ a b) evaluate +, apply it to the evaluation of a
and b
a and b are variables, so evaluating a returns the value it
points to (if a = 5 and b = 4, then (+ a b) returns 9)
(length lis) returns the number of elements in lis
What if lis is not a variable, but the list (a b c)?
(length (a b c)) this does not return 3, instead it will
probably cause an error because (a b c) is interpreted as
call function a passing parameters b and c
30. Quote
So, to avoid some thing being evaluated, use (quote
thing) as in (length (quote (a b c)))
we can use quote to generate a symbol as in (quote hello)
or a list as in (quote (a b c))
We will often use (quote ) so Lisp gives us a shortcut
way of specifying it,
Sometimes it will be confusing as to when to quote
something and when not to
In general, if you have a list of data, you will want to quote
the list so that the first item is not interpreted as a function
If you are referencing a variable, do not quote it, if you are
referencing an atom, quote it
NOTE: ` has an entirely different meaning so make sure you use
the forward quote or (quote ), we will discuss the backward
quote later in the semester
31. Special Forms
I said earlier that all Lisp code is function calls
There are some notable exceptions called special forms
Here are some special forms
defun used to define a new function as already discussed
if and cond Lisp conditional statements
quote return the item without evaluating it
let bind variables to memory locations, possibly initializing them
and, or and returns either T or nil, or returns either nil or the first non-
nil item
progn declare a block of functions to make up the body of some
function or instruction, returning the value returned by the last function
all of these are actually macros, we will cover how to define macros later
in the semester, but this gives you the flexibility of writing operations that
are different from functions
32. Basic I/O
CL has very powerful I/O facilities
However, to get started, we will look at two simple
I/O operations:
(read) get the next input from the keyboard and return it
(setf x (read)) ;; accepts one input and stores it in x
(print x) sends x to the run-time window, but only works
on a single item
if you want to print multiple items, put them in a list as in
(print (list x y z))
Note: this output will look like this: (5 3 1) rather than 5 3 1
Later on, we will examine formatted input and
output, inputting from other sources, outputting to
different windows, and file I/O
33. Basic Control Structures
We will explore the control forms later, here are four to
get started
if and if-else:
(if (condition) then)
(if (condition) then else)
then what to return if the condition is true
else what to return if the condition is false
these will usually be function calls, but could be values to return
(if (/= y 0) (/ x y) 0) divide x by y or return 0 if y = 0
iteration: dotimes and dolist
(dotimes (var num) )
iterates from 0 to num-1, setting var to each value one at a time
(dotimes (i n) (print (+ i 1))) prints the numbers 1 through n
(dolist (var lis) )
iterates for each item in the list lis, with var assigned to each
(dolist (a lis) (print a)) prints each item of lis one at a time
34. Putting It All Together
We will rely heavily on the REPL interpreter
Start up Common Lisp
Type in a function, if it is interpreted correctly, there will be
no error
Now you can call your function to test it out
If it isnt right, redefine it with another defun statement
Evolve your code over time
Alternatively, type your code into an editor
This allows you to write your code as a series of functions
so that you can get a more global idea of what you have to
do, and save your code in a text file
Copy and paste your code from the editor into the
Or, save the file and load the entire file at one time (usually
you will only do this after you know all of your individual
functions work!)
35. Apropos
Cant find the right symbol (function) for some
particular application but you know its something
like foobar? Use Apropos
(apropos foobar)
(apropos foobar :packagename)
apropos will look up all defined entities with the
string foobar in it and return the list
if you specify a package, it only lists those items in the
given package
most likely, you will want to limit your search to the
Common Lisp package, :cl
(apropos reverse) returns somewhere around 46 entries
whereas (apropos reverse :cl) returns just 2