The document summarizes the Connect office workstation system. It describes how Connect workstations provide an environment that cultivates focus and collaboration. It discusses the key features of Connect including its aesthetics, simplicity in technology management, practical flat-pack design, and customization options. Connect workstations are designed to optimize office space usage and allow for individual, shared, and meeting workspace configurations.
The document discusses eco-labels for textiles, which certify that products are environmentally friendly. It describes the need for eco-labels due to consumer concerns about pollution. It defines eco-labels and outlines the criteria they are based on, such as limiting harmful chemicals and assessing the full lifecycle of products. It also lists and compares several prominent eco-label organizations and schemes around the world.
The document discusses the production of synthetic fibres from polylactic acid (PLA), which can be produced from corn. PLA fibres have properties similar to nylon and polyethylene terephthalate but are derived from renewable resources. PLA can be used to produce apparel, carpets, packaging and other products. While PLA fibre markets benefit consumers directly, PLA packaging markets depend more on manufacturers adopting the materials for environmental benefits. Long term, PLA could compete in markets worth over $10 billion annually if production costs decrease.
This document discusses key aspects of designing and managing services. It begins by defining a service as an intangible act that does not result in ownership. Services are then categorized along a continuum from pure tangible goods to pure services. The document outlines four distinctive characteristics of services: intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability. It also discusses challenges in matching demand and supply for services and introduces models for improving service quality and addressing customer failures. The document concludes by listing determinants of high service quality such as reliability, responsiveness, and empathy.
Created by LuisaNelly Berrios Rocha
Copyright of Global Ties Akron & Know Your Community - Know Your World
La obligacion de llevar contabilidad en el codigo civil y comercialSusy In辿s Bello Knoll
Este documento discute la obligaci坦n de llevar contabilidad seg炭n el nuevo C坦digo Civil y Comercial de Argentina. Explica que ahora est叩n obligadas a llevar contabilidad todas las personas jur鱈dicas privadas, quienes realizan una actividad econ坦mica organizada, y quienes son titulares de una empresa, establecimiento comercial o industrial. Tambi辿n permite que otras personas lleven contabilidad de forma voluntaria si lo solicitan, y exime a algunas personas humanas como profesionales liberales y peque単os agricultores.
Momit Smart Thermostat is a smart thermostat that allows users to control the temperature of their home from their smartphone, tablet, or PC. It learns a user's daily routine and habits to optimize energy efficiency. The thermostat can save up to 20% on energy bills by automatically adjusting the temperature when away from home and putting heating and cooling on hold during holidays. It has an elegant glass design that integrates seamlessly into the home's decor and offers control options through a free app connected to WiFi.
Desde 2015, Hopper ha ayudado a m叩s de 8 millones de usuarios alrededor del mundo a ahorrar dinero en la compra de pasajes a辿reos.
Hopper, es una aplicaci坦n m坦vil lanzada a inicios de 2015 que ha contribuido a ahorrar dinero en vuelos, prediciendo los precios de los pasajes con una exactitud del 95 % y notifica al usuario acerca de cu叩ndo es el momento oportuno para comprar el tiquete m叩s barato.
Por lo general, encontrar el mejor precio en un pasaje de avi坦n puede ser un proceso frustrante, las tarifas no son del todo transparentes, nos son fijas y suelen generar confusiones al momento de realizar la compra. Adem叩s, los tiquetes a辿reos son uno de los gastos m叩s grandes que una familia promedio suele hacer al momento de querer viajar.
Hopper estima los precios a futuro bas叩ndose en el an叩lisis de informaci坦n hist坦rica y modelos predictivos. Aproximadamente 1 de cada 3 veces el precio actual ser叩 el mejor posible. Pero el 75 % de las veces, el precio del vuelo estar叩 m叩s bajo en alg炭n momento del futuro. Seguir las recomendaci坦n de esta app le ayudar叩 a conseguir un vuelo m叩s barato o al mismo valor que cuando se inici坦 la b炭squeda.
Esta aplicaci坦n se encuentra disponible en iOS y Android (de momento en ingl辿s). Sin spam, sin anuncios y sin ventanas emergentes.
La diferencia de esta app con otros sitios o aplicaciones que muestran las tarifas m叩s econ坦micas en el momento, es que Hopper permite elegir un itinerario de vuelo y dejar que la aplicaci坦n haga el trabajo de monitorear los precios y notificar cuando es realmente el momento en que el pasaje estar叩 lo m叩s barato posible.
This document discusses mergers and acquisitions (M&A) under the new Companies Act 2013 in India. It provides an overview of key M&A concepts and processes introduced by the Act, including the establishment of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) as a single forum for corporate matters. It also describes transitional provisions, fast-track mergers for small companies, cross-border mergers, and the roles of regulatory authorities like SEBI in the new M&A regime. Overall, the document outlines the major changes and reforms to M&A provisions in India implemented through the Companies Act 2013.
This Z-Wave module can control two electrical devices and be operated by wall switches or through the Z-Wave network. It measures power consumption of the two devices and supports a digital temperature sensor. The module fits inside a wall switch box and controls the devices through the traditional wall switches. It can also connect to mono-stable or bi-stable wall switches.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
The document summarizes the Connect office workstation system. It describes how Connect workstations provide an environment that cultivates focus and collaboration. It discusses the key features of Connect including its aesthetics, simplicity in technology management, practical flat-pack design, and customization options. Connect workstations are designed to optimize office space usage and allow for individual, shared, and meeting workspace configurations.
The document discusses eco-labels for textiles, which certify that products are environmentally friendly. It describes the need for eco-labels due to consumer concerns about pollution. It defines eco-labels and outlines the criteria they are based on, such as limiting harmful chemicals and assessing the full lifecycle of products. It also lists and compares several prominent eco-label organizations and schemes around the world.
The document discusses the production of synthetic fibres from polylactic acid (PLA), which can be produced from corn. PLA fibres have properties similar to nylon and polyethylene terephthalate but are derived from renewable resources. PLA can be used to produce apparel, carpets, packaging and other products. While PLA fibre markets benefit consumers directly, PLA packaging markets depend more on manufacturers adopting the materials for environmental benefits. Long term, PLA could compete in markets worth over $10 billion annually if production costs decrease.
This document discusses key aspects of designing and managing services. It begins by defining a service as an intangible act that does not result in ownership. Services are then categorized along a continuum from pure tangible goods to pure services. The document outlines four distinctive characteristics of services: intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability. It also discusses challenges in matching demand and supply for services and introduces models for improving service quality and addressing customer failures. The document concludes by listing determinants of high service quality such as reliability, responsiveness, and empathy.
Created by LuisaNelly Berrios Rocha
Copyright of Global Ties Akron & Know Your Community - Know Your World
La obligacion de llevar contabilidad en el codigo civil y comercialSusy In辿s Bello Knoll
Este documento discute la obligaci坦n de llevar contabilidad seg炭n el nuevo C坦digo Civil y Comercial de Argentina. Explica que ahora est叩n obligadas a llevar contabilidad todas las personas jur鱈dicas privadas, quienes realizan una actividad econ坦mica organizada, y quienes son titulares de una empresa, establecimiento comercial o industrial. Tambi辿n permite que otras personas lleven contabilidad de forma voluntaria si lo solicitan, y exime a algunas personas humanas como profesionales liberales y peque単os agricultores.
Momit Smart Thermostat is a smart thermostat that allows users to control the temperature of their home from their smartphone, tablet, or PC. It learns a user's daily routine and habits to optimize energy efficiency. The thermostat can save up to 20% on energy bills by automatically adjusting the temperature when away from home and putting heating and cooling on hold during holidays. It has an elegant glass design that integrates seamlessly into the home's decor and offers control options through a free app connected to WiFi.
Desde 2015, Hopper ha ayudado a m叩s de 8 millones de usuarios alrededor del mundo a ahorrar dinero en la compra de pasajes a辿reos.
Hopper, es una aplicaci坦n m坦vil lanzada a inicios de 2015 que ha contribuido a ahorrar dinero en vuelos, prediciendo los precios de los pasajes con una exactitud del 95 % y notifica al usuario acerca de cu叩ndo es el momento oportuno para comprar el tiquete m叩s barato.
Por lo general, encontrar el mejor precio en un pasaje de avi坦n puede ser un proceso frustrante, las tarifas no son del todo transparentes, nos son fijas y suelen generar confusiones al momento de realizar la compra. Adem叩s, los tiquetes a辿reos son uno de los gastos m叩s grandes que una familia promedio suele hacer al momento de querer viajar.
Hopper estima los precios a futuro bas叩ndose en el an叩lisis de informaci坦n hist坦rica y modelos predictivos. Aproximadamente 1 de cada 3 veces el precio actual ser叩 el mejor posible. Pero el 75 % de las veces, el precio del vuelo estar叩 m叩s bajo en alg炭n momento del futuro. Seguir las recomendaci坦n de esta app le ayudar叩 a conseguir un vuelo m叩s barato o al mismo valor que cuando se inici坦 la b炭squeda.
Esta aplicaci坦n se encuentra disponible en iOS y Android (de momento en ingl辿s). Sin spam, sin anuncios y sin ventanas emergentes.
La diferencia de esta app con otros sitios o aplicaciones que muestran las tarifas m叩s econ坦micas en el momento, es que Hopper permite elegir un itinerario de vuelo y dejar que la aplicaci坦n haga el trabajo de monitorear los precios y notificar cuando es realmente el momento en que el pasaje estar叩 lo m叩s barato posible.
This document discusses mergers and acquisitions (M&A) under the new Companies Act 2013 in India. It provides an overview of key M&A concepts and processes introduced by the Act, including the establishment of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) as a single forum for corporate matters. It also describes transitional provisions, fast-track mergers for small companies, cross-border mergers, and the roles of regulatory authorities like SEBI in the new M&A regime. Overall, the document outlines the major changes and reforms to M&A provisions in India implemented through the Companies Act 2013.
This Z-Wave module can control two electrical devices and be operated by wall switches or through the Z-Wave network. It measures power consumption of the two devices and supports a digital temperature sensor. The module fits inside a wall switch box and controls the devices through the traditional wall switches. It can also connect to mono-stable or bi-stable wall switches.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.