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How does music make you feel?

What is music?
How has music changed over the years?
        10 things you dont know about
        How music affects teens ?

                                            All types of music from
                                          Classical Music to Hip-Hip
                                         from Rock-Roll to the Folk/
                                               Tradition Music to
                                           Keyword/Music Therapy
Music is something that every person has his or her own specific opinion about. Different people have different
taste, and various types of music have many ways of leaving an impact on someone. It can be relaxing, angering,
soothing, energizing, and many more.
There are so many types of music out there today. Rap, pop, rock, country, indie, alternative, hardcore are some of
the abundant types in the world. Music sends out either good or bad messages that have big impacts on how
people act. People usually become friends with others who have a same taste in music as the rest of the people
they hangout with, or it can be vice versa. People may not want to associate with people who have different tastes
in music because theyll argue about what they think is better but its just their own opinions.

Rap and Rock music are two very important types of music in the world. They both send out different messages
and help kids. The lyrics sung or rapped by the artists can be things going on in their own personal lives, and
people with the same types of problems can listen to them so they know theirs hope and theirs people like this out
there in the world. Music can also serve as a catalyst for new ideas. When people listen to the new things out
there, they learn different things going on in the world and they become more open-minded because theyre
exposed to different people like the artists.

A lot of people come to the conclusion that rap music has a very big impact on the world. Listening to the lyrics,
they usually revolve around sex and drugs and those are topics many parents dont want their kids being involved
in. Many of the music videos made by rap artists in the world show these topics in them. Studies show that people
who are more into rap music do drugs one time in their lives.
People love music for much the same reason they're drawn to sex,
   drugs,gambling and delicious food, according to new research. When you
   listen to tunes that move you, the study found, your brain releases
   dopamine, a chemical involved in both motivation and addiction.
Even just anticipating the sounds of a composition like Vivaldi's "Four
   Seasons" or Phishes "You Enjoy Myself" can get the feel-good chemical
   flowing, found the study, which was the first to make a concrete link
   between dopamine release and musical pleasure.
The findings offer a biological explanation for why music has been such a
   major part of major emotional events in cultures around the world since
   the beginning of human history. Through music, the study also offers new
   insights into how the human pleasure system works.
"You're following these tunes and anticipating what's going to come next and
   whether it's going to confirm or surprise you, and all of these little
   cognitive nuances are what's giving you this amazing pleasure," said
   Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal. "The
  reinforcement or reward happens almost entirely because of dopamine."
Listen powerpoint
   I hear the music,
    The music is playing,
    The music is soft,
    The music is now fading,
    The music is gone,
    Which means so is my life,
    No music means no life,
    The music is gone,
    Come back to me music,
    The Music is beginning,
    I have a life,
    The music is pretty,
    The Music is wonderful,
    Oh no,
    The music is fading again,
    I love the music,
    The music is gone,
    Good bye music.
   I hear the music
    Music is love
    Music is life
    Music can tell a story
    Music cheers
    But also brings memories
    What's so special about music?
    When I listen to music it takes me'
    to another world.
    Music is my passion
    Music soothes the soul
    Music can take away the pain
    Our life is music.
    Music inspires me
    The music flows through me
    Do you hear it?
    The beats of music.
    Come dance with me tonight.
Listen powerpoint
Music can often make or break a day. It can change your mood, amp
  you up for exercise, and help you recover from injury. music is
  represented in multiple parts of the brain and therefore accesses
  deeper pathways between neurons. Music then helps patients
  connect the stored knowledge of words through songs and helps
  create the new connections needed for speech. You don't need to
  have suffer from brain damage to get the benefits though, lets take a
  look at how music affects the brain in a more casual sense, and how
  you can use it to enhance your day-to-day. When you listen to music
  you know, it stimulates the hippocampus, which handles long-term
  storage in the brain. Doing so can also bring out relevant memories
  you made while listening to a particular song. So, even though the
  Mozart-effect has essentially been disproven, the idea that forming a
  new memory with music, and then using the same music again later
  to recall the memory still appears to be a sound idea. If you're having
  trouble remembering something, you might have better luck if you
  play the same music you were listening to when you first made the
   Without music peoples lives would be bland and tasteless, everyday we hear some type of music
    whether it is on the radio on your drive to work, or a person passing by whistling an old age tune. I
    love music and don't know where I would be without it ranging from the most beautiful symphonic
    pieces out by Beethoven to the new age rock we hear on the radio. To me the most beautiful and
    masterfully created songs invoke emotion. When you hear a modern song you think yeah that has
    a cool beat but when I hear it I look deeper into it to listen to the lyrics and understand what the
    singer is trying to get across and how they truly feel when they wrote that song. Music can be
    depicted as a link to generations as well as a separator, what you think is cool now people will
    think is old and lame ten years from now, that is unless it is one of those cross-generation songs
    such as Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" no matter how old you get the moment you hear that
    piano intro you think man what great times I had.
   Another praiseworthy thing music accomplishes is its innate ability to take you to another world, no
    matter what is going on right now how you feel or how your day went the moment you put in those
    headphones or crank up your stereo and close your eyes everything dissipates but that one song,
    it connects you to another realm of relaxation and complete freedom. Music can alter your mood,
    relieve stress and ultimately connect you to people, sure peoples taste in music may be different
    but we can all agree that Music no matter what it's form is an amazing thing.
   It is a beautiful thing no question but to really understand it you have to look into it, the best
    method that also can relieve even the worst stress from a hard day is to turn off your lights and
    cancel out any other noise but the song. To really feel a song you have to listen to it with no other
    distractions. Music is an art, and a science. The most complex mathematical equations can all be
    transferred through into song form by assigning notes to symbols it is really amazing to hear and
    amazing to create.
   Overall I believe that music is the greatest way to express how you feel and to get a message
    across whether your sad, happy, angry, or just relaxed music is a tool to another world.
Our life will remain incomplete without the media. The radio, television, newspaper and internet are
   some forms through which we get information. Just like other fields, a vast development is seen in
   media fields also. The common people believe the news given by the media.
   The media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city news, national
   news, international news, business, education, entertainment literature and medical news. The
   news should satisfy all men, women and children of various age-group and status. To increase
   circulation of newspapers, the media people should not publish bogus news.
   Positive effects of Media:
    The common man gets the latest news within a fraction of seconds. The distance is not at all a
   barrier now. The news they get through media help them in their daily life a lot.
    The media helps common people to exchange information.
    The media helps to bring out the hidden talents of the people. The children learn many good
   things through media.
   Negative effects of Media:
    Some bogus news given in the newspaper may raise blood pressure and create negative feelings
   in the mind.
    Over exposure to media may cause health problems also. The advertisements shown in TV and
   newspaper have got both positive and negative impact. The children learn violence by seeing
   movies and TV programs. They imitate super heroes they see in the screen which may cause
   danger to their life. The over exposure to media make them behave more aggressively, which
   spoils their future also.
    The children get immense pleasure in playing video games and they spend hours together before
   computer, surfing through internet. They see both the good and the bad things through media. The
   parents should make the children to play outdoor games and do physical exercise, diverting their
   attention from the media.
Listen powerpoint
   Music is life
    Music is colorful
    Music is passion
    Music is soothing.

    Music makes one romantic
    Music evades loneliness
    Music gives hope.

    Music can take you ages back
    Music can tell you stories
    Music can control emotions
    Music is always endless.
The hollow pit in my stomach convinced me that somehow I was grieving over my father's death. There were
   no words to describe the lack of feeling or emotion that I felt. Not a single tear welled up in my eyes.
   There was no lump in the throat or even a small inclination of sudden loss. All I could translate from the
   hidden depths of my repressed emotions was a sense of emptiness.
    I knew my father had been terminally ill. We had expected, perhaps, a sudden decline in his health
    followed by a period of incapacity before he died. It did not happen this way. It was sudden and
    In the weeks that followed I could not understand why I could not bring my emotions out into the open.
    Somewhere, I knew, buried deep within myself there was a part of me that screamed to get out. There
    was anger and loss so deep within that it was as if it were trapped in a cavern several miles underground.
    A thousand words could not describe the feeling, the loss or the battle that I had raging within me to
    release the inner torment. Nothing that I could say, or feel, expressed adequately the need that I felt to
    find an outlet for my emotions. Nothing, that is, except music.
    My father had been a musician all his life. He could not read a note but in his head he knew over a
    thousand songs. At the age of 14 he played the accordion in public houses and only stopped when his
    fingers became too arthritic to move. As I was born into a musical family it seemed inevitable that I too
    became a musician.
    I was classically trained on the violin and the piano but what is more I learned how to write music. I
    composed my first piece of music at the age of 14.

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Listen powerpoint

  • 1. How does music make you feel? What is music? How has music changed over the years? 10 things you dont know about sound? How music affects teens ? All types of music from Classical Music to Hip-Hip from Rock-Roll to the Folk/ Tradition Music to Keyword/Music Therapy
  • 2. Music is something that every person has his or her own specific opinion about. Different people have different taste, and various types of music have many ways of leaving an impact on someone. It can be relaxing, angering, soothing, energizing, and many more. There are so many types of music out there today. Rap, pop, rock, country, indie, alternative, hardcore are some of the abundant types in the world. Music sends out either good or bad messages that have big impacts on how people act. People usually become friends with others who have a same taste in music as the rest of the people they hangout with, or it can be vice versa. People may not want to associate with people who have different tastes in music because theyll argue about what they think is better but its just their own opinions. Rap and Rock music are two very important types of music in the world. They both send out different messages and help kids. The lyrics sung or rapped by the artists can be things going on in their own personal lives, and people with the same types of problems can listen to them so they know theirs hope and theirs people like this out there in the world. Music can also serve as a catalyst for new ideas. When people listen to the new things out there, they learn different things going on in the world and they become more open-minded because theyre exposed to different people like the artists. A lot of people come to the conclusion that rap music has a very big impact on the world. Listening to the lyrics, they usually revolve around sex and drugs and those are topics many parents dont want their kids being involved in. Many of the music videos made by rap artists in the world show these topics in them. Studies show that people who are more into rap music do drugs one time in their lives.
  • 3. People love music for much the same reason they're drawn to sex, drugs,gambling and delicious food, according to new research. When you listen to tunes that move you, the study found, your brain releases dopamine, a chemical involved in both motivation and addiction. Even just anticipating the sounds of a composition like Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" or Phishes "You Enjoy Myself" can get the feel-good chemical flowing, found the study, which was the first to make a concrete link between dopamine release and musical pleasure. The findings offer a biological explanation for why music has been such a major part of major emotional events in cultures around the world since the beginning of human history. Through music, the study also offers new insights into how the human pleasure system works. "You're following these tunes and anticipating what's going to come next and whether it's going to confirm or surprise you, and all of these little cognitive nuances are what's giving you this amazing pleasure," said Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal. "The reinforcement or reward happens almost entirely because of dopamine."
  • 5. I hear the music, The music is playing, The music is soft, The music is now fading, The music is gone, Which means so is my life, No music means no life, The music is gone, Come back to me music, The Music is beginning, I have a life, The music is pretty, The Music is wonderful, Oh no, The music is fading again, I love the music, The music is gone, Good bye music.
  • 6. I hear the music Music is love Music is life Music can tell a story Music cheers But also brings memories What's so special about music? When I listen to music it takes me' to another world. Music is my passion Music soothes the soul Music can take away the pain Our life is music. Music inspires me The music flows through me Do you hear it? The beats of music. Come dance with me tonight.
  • 8. Music can often make or break a day. It can change your mood, amp you up for exercise, and help you recover from injury. music is represented in multiple parts of the brain and therefore accesses deeper pathways between neurons. Music then helps patients connect the stored knowledge of words through songs and helps create the new connections needed for speech. You don't need to have suffer from brain damage to get the benefits though, lets take a look at how music affects the brain in a more casual sense, and how you can use it to enhance your day-to-day. When you listen to music you know, it stimulates the hippocampus, which handles long-term storage in the brain. Doing so can also bring out relevant memories you made while listening to a particular song. So, even though the Mozart-effect has essentially been disproven, the idea that forming a new memory with music, and then using the same music again later to recall the memory still appears to be a sound idea. If you're having trouble remembering something, you might have better luck if you play the same music you were listening to when you first made the thought.
  • 9. Without music peoples lives would be bland and tasteless, everyday we hear some type of music whether it is on the radio on your drive to work, or a person passing by whistling an old age tune. I love music and don't know where I would be without it ranging from the most beautiful symphonic pieces out by Beethoven to the new age rock we hear on the radio. To me the most beautiful and masterfully created songs invoke emotion. When you hear a modern song you think yeah that has a cool beat but when I hear it I look deeper into it to listen to the lyrics and understand what the singer is trying to get across and how they truly feel when they wrote that song. Music can be depicted as a link to generations as well as a separator, what you think is cool now people will think is old and lame ten years from now, that is unless it is one of those cross-generation songs such as Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" no matter how old you get the moment you hear that piano intro you think man what great times I had. Another praiseworthy thing music accomplishes is its innate ability to take you to another world, no matter what is going on right now how you feel or how your day went the moment you put in those headphones or crank up your stereo and close your eyes everything dissipates but that one song, it connects you to another realm of relaxation and complete freedom. Music can alter your mood, relieve stress and ultimately connect you to people, sure peoples taste in music may be different but we can all agree that Music no matter what it's form is an amazing thing. It is a beautiful thing no question but to really understand it you have to look into it, the best method that also can relieve even the worst stress from a hard day is to turn off your lights and cancel out any other noise but the song. To really feel a song you have to listen to it with no other distractions. Music is an art, and a science. The most complex mathematical equations can all be transferred through into song form by assigning notes to symbols it is really amazing to hear and amazing to create. Overall I believe that music is the greatest way to express how you feel and to get a message across whether your sad, happy, angry, or just relaxed music is a tool to another world.
  • 10. Our life will remain incomplete without the media. The radio, television, newspaper and internet are some forms through which we get information. Just like other fields, a vast development is seen in media fields also. The common people believe the news given by the media. The media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city news, national news, international news, business, education, entertainment literature and medical news. The news should satisfy all men, women and children of various age-group and status. To increase circulation of newspapers, the media people should not publish bogus news. Positive effects of Media: The common man gets the latest news within a fraction of seconds. The distance is not at all a barrier now. The news they get through media help them in their daily life a lot. The media helps common people to exchange information. The media helps to bring out the hidden talents of the people. The children learn many good things through media. Negative effects of Media: Some bogus news given in the newspaper may raise blood pressure and create negative feelings in the mind. Over exposure to media may cause health problems also. The advertisements shown in TV and newspaper have got both positive and negative impact. The children learn violence by seeing movies and TV programs. They imitate super heroes they see in the screen which may cause danger to their life. The over exposure to media make them behave more aggressively, which spoils their future also. The children get immense pleasure in playing video games and they spend hours together before computer, surfing through internet. They see both the good and the bad things through media. The parents should make the children to play outdoor games and do physical exercise, diverting their attention from the media.
  • 12. Music is life Music is colorful Music is passion Music is soothing. Music makes one romantic Music evades loneliness Music gives hope. Music can take you ages back Music can tell you stories Music can control emotions Music is always endless.
  • 13. The hollow pit in my stomach convinced me that somehow I was grieving over my father's death. There were no words to describe the lack of feeling or emotion that I felt. Not a single tear welled up in my eyes. There was no lump in the throat or even a small inclination of sudden loss. All I could translate from the hidden depths of my repressed emotions was a sense of emptiness. I knew my father had been terminally ill. We had expected, perhaps, a sudden decline in his health followed by a period of incapacity before he died. It did not happen this way. It was sudden and unexpected. In the weeks that followed I could not understand why I could not bring my emotions out into the open. Somewhere, I knew, buried deep within myself there was a part of me that screamed to get out. There was anger and loss so deep within that it was as if it were trapped in a cavern several miles underground. A thousand words could not describe the feeling, the loss or the battle that I had raging within me to release the inner torment. Nothing that I could say, or feel, expressed adequately the need that I felt to find an outlet for my emotions. Nothing, that is, except music. My father had been a musician all his life. He could not read a note but in his head he knew over a thousand songs. At the age of 14 he played the accordion in public houses and only stopped when his fingers became too arthritic to move. As I was born into a musical family it seemed inevitable that I too became a musician. I was classically trained on the violin and the piano but what is more I learned how to write music. I composed my first piece of music at the age of 14.