The document summarizes a film called "The Island" that explores ethical issues related to cloning humans. It describes the film's plot, which involves a man named Lincoln Six-Echo who discovers he is a clone created by a company to be harvested for organs. He escapes with another clone named Jordan and they try to evade recapture by the company. The film suggests that cloning humans would be inhumane because clones would have their own feelings and desires that could not be realized if they were treated merely as products.
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My Dossier (year 11)
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The World of Science The Island
Who would want to have no childhood? No parents? Not having enjoyed adolescence and puberty? To
be grown in a laboratory? So what if the scientists produce people who have superhuman qualities,
would that justify science acting as God?
Getting Started
A. Understanding Science
1. What do the images suggest about the film you are going to see?
2. Match the words / expressions in the left-hand column to the synonymous expressions /definitions on
the right.
a) cloning V i) morals, principles
ii) direct manipulation of an organism's genome (organism's
b) dystopia IV
hereditary information) using biotechnology
c) therapeutic VI iii) infected, polluted
iv) an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and
d) contaminated III
often fearful lives
v) producing similar populations of genetically identical
e) genetic engineering II
individuals; producing a genetic copy / replica
f) ethics I vi) healing and curative
3. Do the task A on page 52. Feel free to use the words in the box below more than one word is possible
for each space.
Issues 9 Named 2 Unattainable 3 Affect 8 Announced 10 Unreachable 3 Clone 4
Learn 7 Appear 5 Procedure 6 Impact 8 Discover 7 Impossible 3
Language Portfolio (year 11) Listening 1
2. B. Watching the ethics of science
Now pay attention to the film and enjoy it!
1. Take down some notes about the film by completing the following questionnaire.
Film Title: The Island
Duration: +/- 136 minutes
Type of Film: action, sci-fi
Directed by: Michael Bay
Starring: Ewan McGregor; Scarlett Johansson; Sean Bean; Djimon Hounsou
Setting - where?:USA
when?: 2019
Theme: The film talks about the American dream, where a group of people, which makes clones who pays them
and who wants to live forever.
Characters and Plot
Main Characters Lincoln Six Echo / Tom Lincoln;
Jordan Two Delta / Sarah Jordan
Other Characters Dr Merrick
Albert Laurent
Jones Three Echo
Plot (story) [Put the sentences of the summary of the film into the correct order.]
But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about his existence is a lie.
6 Relentlessly pursued by the forces of the sinister institute that once housed them, Lincoln and Jordan engage in a race for
their lives to literally meet their makers.
Lincoln makes a daring escape with a beautiful fellow resident named Jordan Two-Delta.
Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly Utopian but contained facility in the year 2019.
He and all of the other inhabitants of the facility are actually human clones.
2 Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to the "The Island" -
reportedly the last uncontaminated spot on the planet.
Rating (colour in as many star as you like 1=weak and 5=excellent)
C. What was this? What does it mean?
In the movie, the cloned humans are treated worse than animals. They're actually treated like products. In fact,
they are called product, not humans. When one of them escapes, the administrator of the facility finds himself in
the awkward position of explaining to a group of bounty hunters that, "[his] product has escaped."
( )
Comment on the message of the film.
The image that the film tryes to show as is a clone wouldnt be possible to be reproduced for personal
use of the person who created, a person would be like us and would have feelings and desires which
would eventually be impossible to realise.
Language Portfolio (year 11) Listening 1
3. B. Watching the ethics of science
Now pay attention to the film and enjoy it!
1. Take down some notes about the film by completing the following questionnaire.
Film Title: The Island
Duration: +/- 136 minutes
Type of Film: action, sci-fi
Directed by: Michael Bay
Starring: Ewan McGregor; Scarlett Johansson; Sean Bean; Djimon Hounsou
Setting - where?:USA
when?: 2019
Theme: The film talks about the American dream, where a group of people, which makes clones who pays them
and who wants to live forever.
Characters and Plot
Main Characters Lincoln Six Echo / Tom Lincoln;
Jordan Two Delta / Sarah Jordan
Other Characters Dr Merrick
Albert Laurent
Jones Three Echo
Plot (story) [Put the sentences of the summary of the film into the correct order.]
But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about his existence is a lie.
6 Relentlessly pursued by the forces of the sinister institute that once housed them, Lincoln and Jordan engage in a race for
their lives to literally meet their makers.
Lincoln makes a daring escape with a beautiful fellow resident named Jordan Two-Delta.
Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly Utopian but contained facility in the year 2019.
He and all of the other inhabitants of the facility are actually human clones.
2 Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to the "The Island" -
reportedly the last uncontaminated spot on the planet.
Rating (colour in as many star as you like 1=weak and 5=excellent)
C. What was this? What does it mean?
In the movie, the cloned humans are treated worse than animals. They're actually treated like products. In fact,
they are called product, not humans. When one of them escapes, the administrator of the facility finds himself in
the awkward position of explaining to a group of bounty hunters that, "[his] product has escaped."
( )
Comment on the message of the film.
The image that the film tryes to show as is a clone wouldnt be possible to be reproduced for personal
use of the person who created, a person would be like us and would have feelings and desires which
would eventually be impossible to realise.
Language Portfolio (year 11) Listening 1
4. B. Watching the ethics of science
Now pay attention to the film and enjoy it!
1. Take down some notes about the film by completing the following questionnaire.
Film Title: The Island
Duration: +/- 136 minutes
Type of Film: action, sci-fi
Directed by: Michael Bay
Starring: Ewan McGregor; Scarlett Johansson; Sean Bean; Djimon Hounsou
Setting - where?:USA
when?: 2019
Theme: The film talks about the American dream, where a group of people, which makes clones who pays them
and who wants to live forever.
Characters and Plot
Main Characters Lincoln Six Echo / Tom Lincoln;
Jordan Two Delta / Sarah Jordan
Other Characters Dr Merrick
Albert Laurent
Jones Three Echo
Plot (story) [Put the sentences of the summary of the film into the correct order.]
But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about his existence is a lie.
6 Relentlessly pursued by the forces of the sinister institute that once housed them, Lincoln and Jordan engage in a race for
their lives to literally meet their makers.
Lincoln makes a daring escape with a beautiful fellow resident named Jordan Two-Delta.
Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly Utopian but contained facility in the year 2019.
He and all of the other inhabitants of the facility are actually human clones.
2 Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to the "The Island" -
reportedly the last uncontaminated spot on the planet.
Rating (colour in as many star as you like 1=weak and 5=excellent)
C. What was this? What does it mean?
In the movie, the cloned humans are treated worse than animals. They're actually treated like products. In fact,
they are called product, not humans. When one of them escapes, the administrator of the facility finds himself in
the awkward position of explaining to a group of bounty hunters that, "[his] product has escaped."
( )
Comment on the message of the film.
The image that the film tryes to show as is a clone wouldnt be possible to be reproduced for personal
use of the person who created, a person would be like us and would have feelings and desires which
would eventually be impossible to realise.
Language Portfolio (year 11) Listening 1
5. B. Watching the ethics of science
Now pay attention to the film and enjoy it!
1. Take down some notes about the film by completing the following questionnaire.
Film Title: The Island
Duration: +/- 136 minutes
Type of Film: action, sci-fi
Directed by: Michael Bay
Starring: Ewan McGregor; Scarlett Johansson; Sean Bean; Djimon Hounsou
Setting - where?:USA
when?: 2019
Theme: The film talks about the American dream, where a group of people, which makes clones who pays them
and who wants to live forever.
Characters and Plot
Main Characters Lincoln Six Echo / Tom Lincoln;
Jordan Two Delta / Sarah Jordan
Other Characters Dr Merrick
Albert Laurent
Jones Three Echo
Plot (story) [Put the sentences of the summary of the film into the correct order.]
But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about his existence is a lie.
6 Relentlessly pursued by the forces of the sinister institute that once housed them, Lincoln and Jordan engage in a race for
their lives to literally meet their makers.
Lincoln makes a daring escape with a beautiful fellow resident named Jordan Two-Delta.
Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly Utopian but contained facility in the year 2019.
He and all of the other inhabitants of the facility are actually human clones.
2 Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to the "The Island" -
reportedly the last uncontaminated spot on the planet.
Rating (colour in as many star as you like 1=weak and 5=excellent)
C. What was this? What does it mean?
In the movie, the cloned humans are treated worse than animals. They're actually treated like products. In fact,
they are called product, not humans. When one of them escapes, the administrator of the facility finds himself in
the awkward position of explaining to a group of bounty hunters that, "[his] product has escaped."
( )
Comment on the message of the film.
The image that the film tryes to show as is a clone wouldnt be possible to be reproduced for personal
use of the person who created, a person would be like us and would have feelings and desires which
would eventually be impossible to realise.
Language Portfolio (year 11) Listening 1