2. View
It is useful way for a list manager to create different ways
to show the information in a list or library.
Different views can show different columns and have
different sorting, filtering, grouping and styles.
View can be either private or public.
There are different types of views.
Standard View
Calendar View
Datasheet View
Gantt View
Access View
3. Standard View
Displays your list and library items one row following
It is the default for most types of lists and libraries.
You can customize the view in many different ways, such
as by adding or removing columns from the view.
Calendar View
Displays your list and library in a format similar to a wall
You can apply daily, weekly, or monthly views in this
4. Datasheet View
Displays list and library items in a gird ,similar to a
Also known as Quick Edit.
You can edit many items in a list or library at the same
You can export your data to a spreadsheet or database
program also.
5. Gantt View
Displays list and library items in bars that track progress.
It can help to manage projects.
For ex. To see which tasks overlap each other and to
visualize overall progress.
Access View
Use Microsoft Access to create form and reports that are
based on the list or library.
6. Steps to Create a Personal or Public View for
List and Library.
First go to the List ribbon.
And click on the create View button.
You can also click on the context pop-up().
In that click on Create View.
Different types of View Types available.
Select the view that you want to create view.
7. To Create a Standard View Steps.
Go to the List Setting from the ribbon in that select
Create view click on that.
One new window can be appear.
In that to create a standard view select the Standard View
link from the view type.
The create view page that appears enable you to name
your view. Give appropriate name.
To create a private or public view choose from the View
We can also apply as default view on checkmark the
option Make this the default view.
When checkmark on default view that can be visible to
8. To create a calendar view steps.
Go to the List Setting from the ribbon in that select
Create view click on that.
One new window can be appear.
In that to create a calendar view ,select the Calendar
View type form different view types.
The first two options in the view setting screen are similar
to those of the Standard view: naming the view and
selecting whether it is going to be a default view and
whether it is personal or public view.
Other options are available for Calendar views to specify
what column will be used as the start date, end date ,and
We can specify the start date ,end date and the titles.
9. To Create a Gantt View Steps.
Go to the List Setting from the ribbon in that select Create view click
on that.
One new window can be appear.
In that to create a Gantt view ,select the Gantt View type form
different view types.
The first two options in the view setting screen are similar to those of
the Standard view: naming the view and selecting whether it is going
to be a default view and whether it is personal or public view.
After configuring those options, scroll down to the Gantt Columns
options sections of the page.
In this section ,You can configure the column that can be used as title
column, starting date column ,and the due date column.
Optionally ,you can also specify a percentage column to indicate in
the Gantt chart how the items has progressed and the predecessors