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There can be many Literacy workstations throughout your classroom. It is up to the teacher on
how the stations should be set up and what each station is doing.

My ideal classroom would be to have enough room for there to be a station for every subject I
would teach. I would change out the activities of my stations as we would discuss particular
themes and as we would progress in our learning. The stations in the beginning of the year would
be much easier then the stations at the end of the year.

The Library Station and the Listening Station would be two of my stations that the activities
would stay the same, with books to listen to and to read. I would change out my books according
to the seasons, holidays, theme units, and anything we might be working on in the classroom.

All my stations will be labeled with pictures and words to identify each station. The materials in
each station would be neatly organize and labeled. Learning to be neat would be an objection we
would learn through out the year. I would try to put the word learning stations by the writing
stations because they use a lot of the same materials including the famous word wall.

I would have a station chart big enough for the class to see and we would discuss how the chart
works. On my station chart there would each childs picture and their name beside the station
they are to go to. The picture of the station on the chart would be the same picture that is on the
label of the station, so the students can easily identify the station.

I hope I would have enough time in my day for the students to switch stations at least twice in a
day. I hope my stations will be interesting for all my students and they will be eager to go to
them everyday. Not only do I hope they will have fun but to learn as well.
Literacy work stations

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Literacy work stations

  • 1. LITERACY WORK STATIONS There can be many Literacy workstations throughout your classroom. It is up to the teacher on how the stations should be set up and what each station is doing. My ideal classroom would be to have enough room for there to be a station for every subject I would teach. I would change out the activities of my stations as we would discuss particular themes and as we would progress in our learning. The stations in the beginning of the year would be much easier then the stations at the end of the year. The Library Station and the Listening Station would be two of my stations that the activities would stay the same, with books to listen to and to read. I would change out my books according to the seasons, holidays, theme units, and anything we might be working on in the classroom. All my stations will be labeled with pictures and words to identify each station. The materials in each station would be neatly organize and labeled. Learning to be neat would be an objection we would learn through out the year. I would try to put the word learning stations by the writing stations because they use a lot of the same materials including the famous word wall. I would have a station chart big enough for the class to see and we would discuss how the chart works. On my station chart there would each childs picture and their name beside the station they are to go to. The picture of the station on the chart would be the same picture that is on the label of the station, so the students can easily identify the station. I hope I would have enough time in my day for the students to switch stations at least twice in a day. I hope my stations will be interesting for all my students and they will be eager to go to them everyday. Not only do I hope they will have fun but to learn as well.