A good review of earlier research works gives better understanding of research topic. The available research literature on the topic must be searched before designing protocol and defining the need of research. Then after analyzing the literary data, one can know the pitfalls/shortcomings in the earlier works. The he can decide what additions, continuations, modifications are needed on his part? This is highly needed to be done by new researchers and scholars. Science can only be developed further by adding and innovating.
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Literary research in ayurveda dr.yogesh deole
1. Review of Literature
Prof.Dr. Yogesh S. Deole
M.D. Ph.D.(Ayurveda)
Project Co-Ordinator
Charak Samhita Research, Training
and Skill Development Centre
Professor, Kayachikitsa
2. Shastram Jyoti Prakashartham Darshanam Buddhiratmanah I
Tabhyam Bhishak Suyuktabhyam Chikitsanna Aparadhyati II
( Cha.Su.9/25,pg.64)
9/9/2020 2Dr.Yogesh Deole
Why to improve quality of review in research?
Standard parameters of writing literature
How to ? Smart tools and applications
Process of research, submission and
publication 9/9/2020 3Dr.Yogesh Deole
9. Achievable goals- Scientific writing
Comprehensive providing all information
Referred /followed by successful, prominent and wise
persons(successful practitioners),
With detailed meanings
Authenticated by authorities
Useful to all three types of learners ( with good,
moderate and poor intellect),
Free from the deformity of reiteration
Descending from the sages (which is written by
experienced, intuitive person)
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole 9
10. With well- formed presentation, discussion and
having informative title and firm base
Free from weak and difficult words
Having comprehensive knowledge of subject
With proper sequencing of its contents
Committed principally to arriving at the essence of
thoughts, which reveals clear meanings and concrete
Focused on the particular subject without wavering
ideas and irrelevant content
Quickly understandable with separated topics and
having definitions showed with examples. 9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole 10
11. What we are missing & repeating.
Idea of the work
Accuracy of the selected topic
Extra matter irrelevant to the subject
Prevalence, Severity of the issue
Lacunae and pitfalls of the previous works
The significance of the present study
Aims and Objectives of the research
e.g. Ayurveda is the science of life
9/9/2020 11Dr.Yogesh Deole
12. Process and outcomes of research
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole CSRTSDC www.charaksamhita.com 12
14. Examples
Conceptual database of Ayurvedic medicinal plants and
assessment of physical parameters of six guna
Comparative assessment of Ayurvedic parameters of
Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) along with clinical
evaluation for its different varieties in Grivastambha
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole CSRTSDC www.charaksamhita.com 14
15. Extracting keywords
Conceptual database of Ayurvedic medicinal plants
Assessment of physical parameters
Guna ---- six
Ayurvedic parameters of Ashwagandha (withania
Comparative assessment of different varieties
Clinical evaluation - Grivastambha
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole CSRTSDC www.charaksamhita.com 15
16. Materials & Methods
Should make research reproducible
Detail experimental design
Describe equipments used
Define formula and symbols
Identify statistical approach
Do not simply list your protocol, write it
out if possible
9/9/2020 16Dr.Yogesh Deole
17. Materials & methods in Ayurveda research
Ayurvedic Samhitas & Commentaries
Purusha- Adhikarana i.e. patients
Drugs used in the clinical trial with references
Procurement, Availability of herbs, drug
Method of preparation of drug
New methods utilized/modified
Problems faced in drug preparation and
acquiring patients
9/9/2020 17Dr.Yogesh Deole
19. Resources
Online sources and Standard
Systemic Reviews Database
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole CSRTSDC www.charaksamhita.com 19
20. Samhita First Hand references
http://niimh.nic.in/#/home -First hand references
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole CSRTSDC www.charaksamhita.com 20
21. Ayurveda text books
Standard Ayurveda Text books manual
referencing in library
Google scholar and books, scholar alerts
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole CSRTSDC www.charaksamhita.com 21
22. Ayurvedic Research Database
Ayurvedic research database
Ayurvedic Research Database by IPGTRA Jamnagar
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole CSRTSDC www.charaksamhita.com 22
35. Process to publication
Collection Data
Analysis Interpretation
Reference Research
9/9/2020Dr.Yogesh Deole CSRTSDC www.charaksamhita.com 35
36. During and Post publication
Publicize and index your research to improve impact
Create an account/profile on:
Google scholar(h-index, i-index), ResearchGate(RG),
ORCID and upload the published article
Discuss and share the links on social media NOT the
original works till publication of article
Review citations and feedbacks periodically
Revisit and refer your article in next ones 9/9/2020 36Dr.Yogesh Deole