Oi Playschool and Education Times are hosting "Little Idols", a talent event for children ages 2-5 in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The event aims to provide children an opportunity to showcase talents in dance, music, acting, and recitation that often go unrecognized at home. Children can register between November 9-23 for Rs. 300 and participate in auditions on November 24. A finale will be held on November 30 where winners will be selected from each category and receive prizes like tablets. Only registered children will be allowed for the auditions.
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Little idols---
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Oi Playschool in association with "Education Times" presents the first ever event targeting children in the age group of 2-5 yearsonly: "Little Idols" - Celebrating Talent.
This event is first of its kind in the twin cities (Hyderabad & Secunderabad) and will have children participating from various schools and preschools giving them an opportunity to showcase their talents that often go unrecognized when children do it at home.
How to register:
1. Little Idols involve 3 categories: Dance - in any form , Music - singing rhymes, reciting shlokas and many more and Acting.
2.There is a nominal registration fee of Rs.300 to enroll your child in this wonderful event.
3.You can visit any of the nearest Oi Playschool centre and register your child or alternately, you can fill the form by clicking the link below,
4.Each child will get a Participation Kit with a T-Shirt, Cap and a participation certificate.
Event Dates & Venue:
1. Registrations open from 9th Nov'13 and closes on 23rd Nov'13.
2. Auditions on 24th Nov'13 at Oakridge International School - Gachibowli and Bachupally campuses.
3. Finale on 30th Nov'13 at Oakridge International School - Gachibowli Campus.
4.Winners will be selected from each of the 3 categories and will win exciting gadgets like Tablets and many more.
Only registered children will be allowed for auditions on 24th Nov'13.
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/people/Desktop/little%20idols.txt [12/19/2013 12:05:02 PM]