This is the PDF used to present the possibilities for the Live Earth identity to the Live Earth Management Team.
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Live Earth Identity
1. SOS / Live Earth / Go Zero
Identity Integration System
Prepared by THE_GROOP for Live Earth / March 30, 2007
2. The Idea
How do we create the most simple and easy to understand icon or
symbol for our earth, for our struggle for survival?
How do we make it impactful? Cross language? Graphic?
Memorable? Non-cliche? Co-opt the language and tools of
corporate america and use it for good?
In addition how do we tie this to the movements SOS identity?
3. Brand Ecosphere
Each logomark represents a distinct role in the life-cycle of this
important undertaking. First with the overall movement, second
with the inception and worldwide broadcast of the movement
through the concerts and internet, and finally, and most
importantly, with the call for global action!
1 2 3
Movement Inception Action
SOS Live Earth Go Zero
Needs an identity that
integrates with SOS
Needs clarity as to how
it fits into the system
5. The Story (Symbology/
Symbol for Earth
Symbol for Music (Weak Signal / Distress) At sea the SOS distress signal was
often weak because of the distance.
On 7.07.07 the signal is going to get loud.
Really loud.
The Blue Marble
12. Live Earth Identity and Media Strategy
Prepared by THE_GROOP for Live Earth / March 30, 2007
13. Goal
To show the Live Earth team our continuing
vision for the Live Earth identity.
To demonstrate how we plan to extend the
identity and promotional campaign across
multiple channels such as Out of Home,
Online, Print, Broadcast and Promotional
14. Questions We Aim to Answer:
How do can we ensure that the logomark
looks unique?
How does the rest of the ecosystem look?
Out of Home, TV, Street, etc?
Does THE_GROOP have a sufficient
understanding of all the necessary media
channels we need to address?
Can THE_GROOP work with our chosen
media partner(s) to plan and execute the
Live Earth campaign quickly and efficiently?
15. Logomark Regional Extension
Q. How do we create a lively, visually dynamic system that
speaks to each of the locations where Live Earth will occur?
A. We invite global artists to interpret the Live Earth logo in their
style and local flavor:
Global Shanghai Johannesburg
16. Artist Collaborations
THE_GROOP will choose and collaborate with a diverse
set of artists from our expansive global network to create a
unique flavor from the base format of the promotional
Barry MCgee / USA Frek / China Shepard Fairey / USA
17. Media Ecosystem
THE_GROOP fully understands and is uniquely qualified to
collaborate with Live Earths chosen media partners to plan, design
and execute the necessary components for a global campaign. We
have worked with advertising agencies such as Crispin Porter +
Bogusky and Wieden + Kennedy on international campaigns
including China, Japan, Europe and the US.
Nike China Nike Pan-Asia Aiwa Europe / Asia
18. Social Action Media:
Viral: Out of Home:
Social Action Network
Video interviews with Artists on Current Teaser Billboards/Billboards
TV, You Tube and
Out of Home:
Teaser Campaign:
A campaign that compliments the SOS
visual language and uses the LiveEarth
Promotional Partners:
Partner with Major Brands to
Promote LiveEarth
19. Viral
THE_GROOP will work to create seven, one-minute, in-studio
interviews with each of the artists who are creating art for Live
Earth. We will spread these through Current TV, YouTube, and other online media channels.
20. Out of Home
THE_GROOP will work to create seven teaser billboards and
seven event announcement billboards for each of the concert
21. Out of Home
We will create 7 posters to be wheat pasted in all of the regions
where the Live Earth concerts will happen.
22. Out of Home
We will create 7 posters to be wheat pasted in all of the regions
where the Live Earth concerts will happen.
23. Street / One to One
Engage youth around the world with the appearance of the iconic
Live Earth logomark in unexpected places. Begin distributing the
iconic logomark on t-shirts, earth-friendly stickers, aerosol-free
spray media templates, pins, etc.
24. Street / Nightlife
Engage affluent urbanites around the world with the appearance of
the iconic Live Earth logo at nightlife venues such as clubs, hotels
and other popular destinations. Imagine a Batman-like call for
help with the iconic Live Earth logomark and the 7.7.07 all over
urban centers in the world.
25. Social Action Media
Engage youth around the world a lively action oriented community
that spreads the word, creates action and produces tangible
Partner with other Social Action Networks such as Jeff Skolls /
Participants upcoming S.A.N., Yahoo, MSN and others.
26. Promotional Partners
Engage earth friendly corporate partners to piggy back (co-brand)
on their brands. This requires lead time, so we need to act now if
these will be part of the media mix.
Decals on jetBlue: (or other) Podcasts of artist Interview, and distribution
Borrow, tail space to spread the iconic post-concert of a collectors edition iPod after
logomark around the world and get valuable with a blue scroll wheel.
impressions while the planes are on the How can you keep the movement alive after
tarmac. 7.7.07? What better way to keep your favorite Live
Earth bands than the Special Edition Live Earth
27. TV / Broadcast
Create a teaser campaign that closely follows and smoothly
transitions from the SOS campaign spots and introduces the Live
Earth logomark and the event date and URL.
These 10 second spots will be complimentary to the SOS
visual language using either color or B&W iconic images
that communicate our core ideas. The goal will be to
introduce and burn into the worlds retinas this iconic
logomark .
28. 7 reasons why THE_GROOP is the Right Identity
and Strategy Partner for You
1. Experience. We have collaborated closely with the worlds most
creative advertising agencies to create world class and multi-nation
2. We understand and excel at planning and producing for all the
necessary media channels, out of home, online, and TV.
3. We know concerts. We have done all of the identity and promotional
materials for a 15 city concert tour for Sony, Atlantic Records. (With
Ignition) We also have in our arsenal some of the top strategist and
vendors for music events.
4. No Bullshit, get it done or-else attitude with a proven track record of
successful, highly collaborative, high profile campaigns.
5. Its about YOU. How can we meet your needs? Not ours. Its not our
agenda, but the worlds agenda. No egos. Just fast, furious and
energetic collaboration.
29. 6. We are ready to start now. We hope that we have proven our
responsiveness to your needs. We are fast at ideation. We can take input
from your team and adapt to your needs. And most importantly we deliver
on strategy, on time and unmatched in creative quality.
7. We really want the opportunity to prove to you how pleasant and efficient it
can be to work with a creative firm. THE_GROOPs energy, desire and my
personal commitment will ensure the success of your vision for Live Earth.