The document summarizes the key points from a presentation on weight management. It discusses that participants will be muted, to ask questions use the chat box, and to call the helpdesk for technical issues. It then covers the class objectives, requirements to earn incentives, tips for getting the most from the program, problems with fad diets, and recommends permanent lifestyle changes including reducing calories and daily exercise for safe and effective weight loss.
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Live! the healthy weigh! session 1 (2)
1. 1. Everyone will be muted to keep down the background noise levels.
2. If you have a question/comment during the presentation, you can
type it in the chat box.
3. For technical issues, please call the Genesys helpdesk by dialing
*10* or 1-800-305-5208.
4. We will be taking attendance. If your screen name
is different from your real name or if someone else is sharing your
computer, please identify yourselves by writing your names in the
chat box.
5. You will want pen/paper to take notes.
Welcome to the Healthy Weigh!
4. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Class Objectives
Participant will identify:
Program requirements to earn Healthy Weight
incentive credit
Two features of the wellness website helpful for
weight management
Two problems with fad diets
The most effective way to achieve successful
and safe weight loss
5. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
8 Sessions = Success
Session 1: Live! The Healthy Weigh!
Session 2: Change! The Healthy Weigh!
Session 3: Move! The Healthy Weigh!
Session 4: Eat Well! The Healthy Weigh!
Session 5: Dine Out! The Healthy Weigh!
Session 6: Cook! The Healthy Weigh!
Session 7: Mindful Eating! The Healthy Weigh!
Session 8: Moving Beyond! The Healthy Weigh!
6. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Webinar Tips
Log into the class early
Sign into the webinar with your Lawson #
Keep the Genesys Helpdesk number handy:
Print out any handouts before class
Complete assignments ahead of time
Have a notebook/pen available
7. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Program requirements to earn the
Well-Coached Badge
Mandatory attendance of Session 1
Attend 7 out of 8 sessions
Complete the Session evaluation after each weekly
session by Sunday evening
8. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Getting the most out of this program
Attend class each week
May want to attend with coworkers
Be an active class participant
Increase physical activity
Make use of the website logs
Self-record your weight weekly
Complete your wellness plan & set goals
on the wellness website
10. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Better flexibility
A slimmer appearance
Vibrant energy
Lower stress
To look and feel younger
More muscle tone
To be stronger
To prevent chronic illnesses
Better sleep
13. Fad diets why they are popular
Societal and media pressures for thinness
14. Fad diets why they are popular
Publics desire for quick fix
Cosmetic reasons
False perception that successful weight loss
interventions dont exist
15. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Fad Diets
Promise results
Too good to be true
No exercise necessary
Can eat as much as you like
Eliminate entire food groups
Lists of good and bad foods
Purchase of special food products
16. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Nearly All Diets Fail
40% regain all weight within 2 years
5-10% keep weight off permanently
17. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Problems with Fad Diets
Lack essential nutrients
Slowing metabolism
18. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
How NOT to Lose Weight Permanently
Diet pills, diuretics, herbs
Exercise pills
Fat blockers
Fat burning foods
19. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Whats Happening?
Only 12% of Americans eat a healthy diet
40% eat no fruit
10-20% eat no vegetables
Greater than 40% no fruit/vegetables except
tomatoes, potatoes, and juice
70% get less than 5 servings per day
20. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
The number of larger sized portions introduced
by fast food chains and restaurants.
Source: Young and Nestle 2002
21. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Creeping Obesity
Starting at age 25, the average American gains 1 pound a
year due to aging and a slowing metabolism
24. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Weight Category
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5 24.9
Overweight = 25 29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
25. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Weight Management Tips
Eat fewer calories
Weigh yourself every week
Cultivate social support
Make a commitment
Find the approach that works
for you
Exercise every day
26. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Diet Only Exercise Only Both
Body Fat Lean Tissue Total Weight
Source: Wellness Council of America, 2006
Effects of
Exercise, and
27. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Take Home Message:
The way to achieve successful and safe weight
loss is through permanent lifestyle change.
28. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
1. Complete your wellness plan
2. Begin increasing your daily activity through
walking, taking the stairs or biking
30. The Healthy Weigh!
Session 1
Information Sources
Lighten Up! Federal Occupational Health
NHLBI Clinical Guidelines
NIH Expert Panel on the Identification, Evaluation,
and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity of Adults
Editor's Notes
#3: (Moderator) Welcome to Session one of the Healthy Weigh! We are very excited to have participants join us from across the Bon Secours system! My name is ____________ and I am your moderator for today. By enrolling in this program, you have taken the first step on your 8 week weight management journey. If youve been struggling to lose a few (or more) pounds, a little encouragement and useful information may be all you need to reach your goal.In the next weeks we hope you will gain insight into your own lifestyle behavior and begin to make positive steps toward achieving your goals.
#4: (moderator) Your presenter today is ______________. Read bio of presenter.(presenter) Thank you, _____________. Im very excited to be here today as we begin our discussion of weight management. Many of you are familiar with the phrase: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Wouldnt be great if wellness was that simple? If all it would take is eating one apple a day? Its true that apples contain Vitamin C, phytonutrients, antioxidants and fiber, but the key to wellness is permanently changing your lifestyle habits to include healthy behaviors such as incorporating more activity, eating balanced meals and learning to manage stress. This 8 week program will provide you with the information you need to make better lifestyle choices as you proceed on your journey to better health.Sound good? Ok, lets begin by looking at our program objectives for todays session.