Cancer therapy India is the best cancer treatment center in Delhi. Get the liver cancer treatment by the best doctors having many year of experience. Read More on :-
2. What is the liver?
The liver is in the upper right part of the abdomen. It has many
functions which include:
• Storing glycogen (fuel for the body)
which is made from sugars. When
required, glycogen is broken down into
glucose which is released into the
• Helping to process fats and proteins
from digested food.
• Making proteins that are essential for
blood to clot (clotting factors).
• Helping to process and/or remove
alcohol, many types of medicines,
toxins and poisons from the body.
3. What is cancer?
Cancer is a disease of the cells in the
body. The body is made up from
millions of tiny cells. There are many
different types of cell in the body,
and there are many different types
of cancer which arise from different
types of cell. What all types of cancer
have in common is that the cancer
cells are abnormal and multiply out
of control.
4. What is primary liver cancer?
Primary liver cancer means that the
cancer started (originated) in the liver.
In the UK, primary liver cancer is
uncommon. There are around 3,000
cases of primary liver cancer each
year in the UK. It occurs most
commonly in people aged over 65
years. However, worldwide, it is one
of the most common cancers.
5. What is Secondary liver cancer?
Secondary (metastatic) liver
cancer means that a cancer which
started in another part of the body
has spread to the liver. Many types
of cancer can spread to the liver.
Most commonly, cancers of the
bowel, pancreas, stomach, lung o
r breast. The behavior, treatment
and outlook of secondary liver
cancers are often quite different to
primary liver cancer.
6. types of primary liver cancer
• Hepatoma
• Fibrolamellar hepatoma
• Cholangiocarcinoma
• Hepatoblastoma
• Angiosarcoma
7. causes primary liver cancer
• Cirrhosis
• Long-term infection with the hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus
• Ingesting some poisons or toxins
• A parasitic infection (liver fluke)
• There is some evidence that smoking can increase the risk
8. treatment options for primary liver cancer
The main treatments used for primary liver cancer are surgery and
chemotherapy. Other techniques are sometimes used. The treatment
advised in each case depends on various factors such as:
• The exact site of the primary tumour in the liver.
• The stage of the cancer (how large the cancer is and whether it
has spread). See also separate leaflet called Staging and grading
• Your general health. In particular, the general state of your liver
and liver function (many people with primary liver cancer also
have poor liver function due to cirrhosis).
9. Get the liver cancer treatment in Delhi by the
best doctors
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