Liver Anatomy (basics), types of liver injuries, ingury scoring scale for liver, CT pictures of different grades, non-operative and operative managment of liver trauma.
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10. 丐亳仗 亰舒从仂亶 舒于仄 仗亠亠仆亳
1) Deceleration (shearing) injuries occur in
motor vehicle accidents and in falls from a
height where there is movement of the liver
in its relatively fixed position;
2) Crush injuries follow direct trauma to the
abdomen over the liver area.
11. Deceleration (shearing) injuries lacerations between
the right posterior section (segments 6 and 7) and the
right anterior section (segments 5 and 8), which can
extend to involve major vessels;
Crush injuries damage to the central portion of the
liver (segment 4, 5 and 8) and also may cause bleeding
from the caudate lobe (segment 1).
15. Grade 1
A stabbing injury to the RUQ of the abdomen
Contrast CT demonstrates a small, crescent-shaped subcapsular and
parenchymal hematoma less than 1 cm thick.
16. Grade 2
A blunt abdominal trauma
CT scan at the level of the hepatic veins shows a subcapsular hematoma 3
cm thick.
18. Grade 3
A blunt abdominal trauma
Contrast CT shows a 4-cm-thick subcapsular hematoma associated with
parenchymal hematoma and laceration in segments 6 and 7 of the right
lobe of the liver..
20. Grade 4
A blunt abdominal trauma
CT scan of the abdomen demonstrates a large subcapsular hematoma
measuring more than 10 cm. The high-attenuating areas within the lesion
represent clotted blood
21. Grade 4
A blunt abdominal trauma
Contrast CT shows a large parenchymal hematoma in segments 6 and 7
of the liver with evidence of an active bleed. Note the capsular laceration
and large hemoperitoneum.
22. Grade 5
A motor vehicle accident
CT demonstrates global injury to the liver. Bleeding from the liver was
controlled by using Gelfoam.
28. Management
Nonoperative management (NOM) for blunt liver trauma (1985,
Haemodynamic stability
Absence of peritoneal sign
Availability of CT
Monitor in ICU
Facility of immediate surgery
Absence of other organ injuries
29. Non-op management (NOM)
亳 NOM 亠弍ム 仂仗亠舒亳于仆仂亞仂 于仄亠舒亠仍于舒 5-
15% 仗舒亳亠仆仂于;
1-3% 仗仂仗亠仆仆 仗仂于亠亢亟亠仆亳亶 从亳亠仆亳从舒;
仍 仗仂亶 舒于仄 亢亳于仂舒 NOM 仂弍亠仄亳仂于舒
仗舒从亳从舒 1987;
仍 仗仂仆亳从舒ム亠亶 舒于仄 亢亳于仂舒 NOM 1994 亞仂亟舒;
仂磦仍亠仆亳亠 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳亶 仗仂 NOM 仂亞仆亠亠仍仆
舒仆亠仆亳亶 仗亠亠仆亳 于 仗仂仍亠亟仆亳亠 亞仂亟;
: 束CT scan was mandatory before adopting the NOM損.
52. Thank you for attention
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