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Signi鍖cance of University events in local
           business tourism

                                 Eva Mart鱈n and Jordi Sard
                      6th ATLAS Business Tourism Meeting
                           Liverpool, 23rd November 2009

Business tourism in Lleida
Data collection method
Events organized by University of
  Lleida (UdL)
Comparison between University of
  Lleida (UdL) events and city events
University Events

 Academic and scienti鍖c
(workshops, conferences, symposia
     and scienti鍖c meetings)

University events contribute to
 develop local business tourism

127,314 inhabitants
15.22 % foreigners
Economy activity

Service sector 70% employment
Industry sector 13% employment
Construction 11.3% employment
Agriculture in the city is very low
Tourism in Lleida

Urban Tourism

Culture (events,
 monuments, museums)

Tourism in Lleida

Urban Tourism

Culture (events,
 monuments, museums)

Tourism in Lleida

its the second catalan
city on significance,
following Barcelona, in
business tourism
             ngel Ros, major of Lleida
Hotel capacity

 15 Hotels
 5 stars (1)
 4 stars (6)
 3 stars (4)

 2,062 Beds
1,032 Rooms

      Fair of Lleida
Conference rooms in hotels
Convention Centre

time ago, cities
uniqueness was having a
conference hall, nowadays
the different ones at those
dont have it
    Jon Ortuzar, Spanish Convention Centre Assotiation
Convention centre

Opening on 2nd December 2009
Close to the rail station and to the
Conference rooms (1000; 400; 200
and 35)
Business Tourism in
          Progress in hosted events

                                      Source: Turisme de Lleida

Progress in hosted events increases
Business Tourism in
           Progress in event attendance

                                          Source: Turisme de Lleida

Progress in event attendance increases
Business Tourism in
       Progress in expenses per day

                                      Source: Turisme de Lleida

  Expenses per day increases
Business Tourism in
          Economic Impact

                            Source: Turisme de Lleida

  Economic impact increases
Business Tourism in
       Progress in event duration

                                    Source: Turisme de Lleida

  Event duration decreases
Business Tourism in
                        Attendants per event


300                     305
            278               265
                  251               240
200                                       217

      152                                             142
100                                             129         117   109   101

      1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Ratio attendants/event decreases
University of Lleida

 Small size university
 About 8,000 students in seven
  faculties and three af鍖liated
University of Lleida
Campus de Cappont
Ci竪ncies Salut

(meeting rooms, auditorium, classrooms,
conference room)

Maximum capacity 2 x 300 people

Attract people from all over Catalonia,
  Spain and the entire globe

They will later spend and consume in the
  city and bring in economic pro鍖ts
Social Bene鍖ts

Good reputation (institution and
Contribute to enlarge global knowledge
Bring new in鍖ux of tourist for
   professional reasons
Data collection

   A questionaire to

Initial sample: 98 events

6 events outside organization
3 events did not answer
2 videoconference
32 events have only attendants
from the city

Analyzed: 55 events

Only 3.2% of event organizers
    declined to provide the
    attendance origin, the
  revenues and the expenses
 The rest provide all the information
University of Lleida

Event expenses are covered by:

Registration fees
Constributions from private companies
Public funding
Events income


              Registration fee
        52%   Private funding
30%           Public funding
Classi鍖cation by 鍖eld

     Health and Medicine
     Language and Literature
     Social Sciences, Law,
     Economics and Education
Health and Medicine
           27.3% total events

       Mostly national attendants

     Funding by private companies

Small news coverage from non-specialized
Social Sciences,
Economics, Law and
      47.3 % total events

    Mostly from the Region

   High impact in local media

        Short duration

           18.2 % total events

     Mostly international attendants

Small coverage from non-specialized media
Language and

7.3% total events
Few attendants
Various origins
Local media medium coverage
Main period

    Autum and Spring
November, October, March, April
     and May (76.36%)
Media coverage


                   Social Sc., Law, Education, Economics
                   Health and Medicine
22%                Language and Literature
Duration UdL events
Field                                    2006   2007
Social Sc., Law, Education & Economics   1.70   1.47
Health and Medicine                      1.69   2.00
Technological                            3.00   1.83
Language and Literature                   -     2.00
Total                                    1.93   1.80
Field                                    2006   2007
Social Sc., Law, Education & Economics   107     95
Health and Medicine                      188    186
Technological                            167    114
Language and Literature                   -      77
Total                                    147    116

   Ratio attendant/event decrease
Economic Impact

            UdL Events Lleida Events
Year 2006     2.5 M       14 M

Year 2007     2.7 M       17 M
Economic Impact

Input-Output Methodology
   Input-Output Table
 Several studies with this
Attendants origin

Origin attendants   UdL     Lleida

Spain               90.8%    85.4%

Foreigners           9.2%    14.6%

UdL events last longer (35%) that city
Average attendance in city events
lower than university events
Similar origins of attendants

  University events
contribute to develop

local business tourism
Events organized directly by UdL
    10% of total events in the city
    11-14% of total attendants at
     meetings in Lleida
    16-18% economic impact of
     business tourism
    Duration 35% longer
Economic impact is higher:
   UdL events duration on average is
    longer than the Lleida events
   Attendance in UdL events higher on
    average than attendance in Lleida
This paper may serve as a decision
tool for local governments to decide
to invest or not to invest in events
organized by UdL
It can also help UdL priorize events to
achieve desired goals: media
coverage, worldwide projection, ROI
Signi鍖cance of university events in local
           business tourism

            Thank you very much

Future works

Comparison with other activities
Analyse other activities in Lleida
If tourists come back with friends or

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  • 1. Signi鍖cance of University events in local business tourism Eva Mart鱈n and Jordi Sard 6th ATLAS Business Tourism Meeting Liverpool, 23rd November 2009
  • 2. Outline Introduction Business tourism in Lleida Data collection method Events organized by University of Lleida (UdL) Comparison between University of Lleida (UdL) events and city events Conclusions
  • 3. University Events Academic and scienti鍖c events (workshops, conferences, symposia and scienti鍖c meetings)
  • 4. Hypothesis University events contribute to develop local business tourism
  • 7. Economy activity Service sector 70% employment Industry sector 13% employment Construction 11.3% employment Agriculture in the city is very low
  • 8. Tourism in Lleida Urban Tourism Culture (events, monuments, museums) Gastronomy Business
  • 9. Tourism in Lleida Urban Tourism Culture (events, monuments, museums) Gastronomy Business
  • 10. Tourism in Lleida its the second catalan city on significance, following Barcelona, in business tourism ngel Ros, major of Lleida
  • 11. Hotel capacity 15 Hotels 5 stars (1) 4 stars (6) 3 stars (4) 2,062 Beds 1,032 Rooms
  • 12. Infrastructure Fair of Lleida Auditorium Theaters Conference rooms in hotels University
  • 13. Convention Centre time ago, cities uniqueness was having a conference hall, nowadays the different ones at those dont have it Jon Ortuzar, Spanish Convention Centre Assotiation
  • 14. Convention centre Opening on 2nd December 2009 Close to the rail station and to the fair Conference rooms (1000; 400; 200 and 35)
  • 15. Business Tourism in Lleida Progress in hosted events Source: Turisme de Lleida Progress in hosted events increases
  • 16. Business Tourism in Lleida Progress in event attendance Source: Turisme de Lleida Progress in event attendance increases
  • 17. Business Tourism in Lleida Progress in expenses per day Source: Turisme de Lleida Expenses per day increases
  • 18. Business Tourism in Lleida Economic Impact Source: Turisme de Lleida Economic impact increases
  • 19. Business Tourism in Lleida Progress in event duration Source: Turisme de Lleida Event duration decreases
  • 20. Business Tourism in Lleida Attendants per event 400 300 305 278 265 251 240 200 217 152 142 100 129 117 109 101 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Ratio attendants/event decreases
  • 21. University of Lleida (UdL) Small size university About 8,000 students in seven faculties and three af鍖liated centers
  • 22. University of Lleida Rectorat Campus de Cappont ETSEA Ci竪ncies Salut (meeting rooms, auditorium, classrooms, conference room) Maximum capacity 2 x 300 people
  • 23. Events Attract people from all over Catalonia, Spain and the entire globe They will later spend and consume in the city and bring in economic pro鍖ts
  • 24. Social Bene鍖ts Good reputation (institution and destination) Contribute to enlarge global knowledge Bring new in鍖ux of tourist for professional reasons
  • 25. Data collection A questionaire to organizers Initial sample: 98 events
  • 26. Sample 6 events outside organization 3 events did not answer 2 videoconference 32 events have only attendants from the city Analyzed: 55 events
  • 27. Sample Only 3.2% of event organizers declined to provide the attendance origin, the revenues and the expenses The rest provide all the information
  • 28. University of Lleida Event expenses are covered by: Registration fees Constributions from private companies Public funding
  • 29. Events income 18% Registration fee 52% Private funding 30% Public funding
  • 30. Classi鍖cation by 鍖eld Health and Medicine Technology Language and Literature Social Sciences, Law, Economics and Education
  • 31. Health and Medicine 27.3% total events Mostly national attendants Funding by private companies Small news coverage from non-specialized media
  • 32. Social Sciences, Economics, Law and Educational 47.3 % total events Mostly from the Region High impact in local media Short duration
  • 33. Technology 18.2 % total events Mostly international attendants Small coverage from non-specialized media
  • 34. Language and Literature 7.3% total events Few attendants Various origins Local media medium coverage
  • 35. Main period Autum and Spring November, October, March, April and May (76.36%)
  • 36. Media coverage 4% 14% Social Sc., Law, Education, Economics Health and Medicine Technology 22% Language and Literature 59%
  • 37. Duration UdL events Field 2006 2007 Social Sc., Law, Education & Economics 1.70 1.47 Health and Medicine 1.69 2.00 Technological 3.00 1.83 Language and Literature - 2.00 Total 1.93 1.80
  • 38. Attendants Field 2006 2007 Social Sc., Law, Education & Economics 107 95 Health and Medicine 188 186 Technological 167 114 Language and Literature - 77 Total 147 116 Ratio attendant/event decrease
  • 39. Economic Impact UdL Events Lleida Events Year 2006 2.5 M 14 M Year 2007 2.7 M 17 M
  • 40. Economic Impact Input-Output Methodology Input-Output Table Several studies with this methodology
  • 41. Attendants origin comparison Origin attendants UdL Lleida Spain 90.8% 85.4% Foreigners 9.2% 14.6%
  • 42. Summary UdL events last longer (35%) that city events Average attendance in city events lower than university events Similar origins of attendants
  • 43. Hypothesis University events contribute to develop Texto local business tourism
  • 44. Conclusions Events organized directly by UdL represent: 10% of total events in the city 11-14% of total attendants at meetings in Lleida 16-18% economic impact of business tourism Duration 35% longer
  • 45. Conclusions Economic impact is higher: UdL events duration on average is longer than the Lleida events Attendance in UdL events higher on average than attendance in Lleida events
  • 46. Conclusions This paper may serve as a decision tool for local governments to decide to invest or not to invest in events organized by UdL It can also help UdL priorize events to achieve desired goals: media coverage, worldwide projection, ROI
  • 47. Signi鍖cance of university events in local business tourism Thank you very much eva@estiu.udl.cat
  • 48. Future works Comparison with other activities Analyse other activities in Lleida If tourists come back with friends or family