1st IGeLU Conference 4 - 7 September 2006
Presentation by Ane van der Ley
North Carolina, with miles of beaches and beautiful mountains, is one of the bestand most attractive states in which to work, live and play. CNBC, Forbes, CEO
Magazine and Site
The document provides instructions for properly tagging various items for a consignment sale, including clothing, shoes, puzzles, books, strollers, and other large items. Clothing should be hung with wire hangers facing left and two-piece outfits should have pants pinned to the back of shirts. Bathing suits and pants should be hung similarly. Small shoes can be bagged while larger shoes can be tied or zip-tied. Puzzles and books can be bagged or wrapped. Multiple large items like strollers should be tied together and sold as one unit. Detailed tagging instructions are provided for individual and bundled items.
This document provides information on various social media and content sharing platforms, tools, and best practices. It discusses plugins and tools for connecting a WordPress site to platforms like Google+, Tumblr, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. It also provides tips on submitting websites to directories and using social bookmarking sites to increase traffic. The overall focus is on effective social media strategies for content distribution and promotion.
The document discusses different types of camera shots including bird's-eye view, low angle, eye-level, high angle, oblique angle, pan shot, tilt, tracking, crane shot, helicopter shot, handheld shot, worm's-eye view, long shot, medium shot, close up shot, extreme close up shot, and extreme long shot. It also covers white balance and how it is used to remove unrealistic colors in photographs.
The document is a report created by Group 103 consisting of 5 members - AgustÃn Contreras, Cassandra Willman, Gilberto Robles, Jesús Sánchez, and Daniel Vásquez. The report includes a section analyzing the elements, colors, symbols, and their meanings for a proposed Greek shield. It represents the protection and strength of Greece and its people. The report also cites 8 relevant bibliographic references.
This document summarizes Scality's presentation at the 2010 Storage Developer Conference. Scality is introducing an open source program called SCOP to promote the use of object storage and improve interoperability between applications and cloud storage services. SCOP includes a bounty program that will reward developers for integrating existing applications with Scality's Droplets library to enable them to work with different cloud storage services.
The Statue of Liberty was built in 1886 as a gift from France to the United States to honor the freedom and liberty enjoyed by Americans. It is a huge 305-foot tall sculpture located on Liberty Island in New York harbor, depicting a woman holding a torch in one hand and a tablet in the other.
The White House was built in 1800 to serve as a home and office for the President of the United States. It is a large, tall white building where the President lives and works. Important functions like living quarters for the President and operations of the executive branch of government take place within the White House.
The user guide introduces the HSPA 7.2Mbps Wi-Fi Router and provides instructions for setup and use. It describes the device features, package contents, LED indicators, and rear panel ports. It then provides a quick setup procedure and instructions for accessing the web user interface using the default login credentials. The web user interface is divided into main menu options for configuring basic settings, 3G settings, wireless, management, advanced settings, and viewing status information.
The survey responses help inform the project of creating a dress. Most respondents were female, young teenagers interested in fashion. Silk and cotton were preferred materials, and recycled materials for clothes was popular. Most preferred women's clothing over men's and had interest in western fashion styles. Many had not attended a fashion show before.
This document discusses achieving holistic happiness and well-being through balance in physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. It defines key concepts like happiness, health, holistic health, and well-being. The document suggests happiness comes from being content in all areas of life and maintaining balance through healthy choices, self-care, strong relationships and purpose. It acknowledges personal growth requires work on mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual dimensions.
George Washington was the first president of the United States. He was born on February 22 and died on December 14. Washington lived in Virginia as a woodsman in his childhood, chopping wood and later joining the army. He became a great American by being the inaugural president of the new nation.
The document lists different types of birds that may be found in someone named Layer's backyard, including Red Shouldered Hawk, Osprey, Ibis, Sandhill Crane, Wild Turkey, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, Red Winged Blackbird, Turkey Vulture, Mourning Dove, Blue Heron, and Anhinga. It notes that a young Red Bellied Woodpecker lacks red coloring on its head. The document asks how many of these birds the reader can identify in Layer's backyard.
This document contains a chemistry, life science, oceanography, or biology daily log from April 4th to April 26th, 2016. Each day's entry includes 1-2 chemistry, biology, or other science problems and questions, as well as instructions to identify pictures under a microscope and label them 1-5. The answers to the microscopic pictures are provided at the end of each entry.
This document provides analysis of three campaign posters. It asks students to identify the main message and target audience of each poster and determine how effective each poster is at communicating its message. For poster 1 about the NSPCC, the target audience is children under 16 and the poster is not effective due to too much text and dull colors. Poster 2 about quitting smoking is effective because the image clearly conveys being hooked on cigarettes and the text message is concise. Poster 3 about drinking and driving shows the consequences, and its target audience is those who drink and drive.
The document is a report created by Group 103 consisting of 5 members - AgustÃn Contreras, Cassandra Willman, Gilberto Robles, Jesús Sánchez, and Daniel Vásquez. The report includes a section analyzing the elements, colors, symbols, and their meanings for a proposed Greek shield. It represents the protection and strength of Greece and its people. The report also cites 8 relevant bibliographic references.
This document summarizes Scality's presentation at the 2010 Storage Developer Conference. Scality is introducing an open source program called SCOP to promote the use of object storage and improve interoperability between applications and cloud storage services. SCOP includes a bounty program that will reward developers for integrating existing applications with Scality's Droplets library to enable them to work with different cloud storage services.
The Statue of Liberty was built in 1886 as a gift from France to the United States to honor the freedom and liberty enjoyed by Americans. It is a huge 305-foot tall sculpture located on Liberty Island in New York harbor, depicting a woman holding a torch in one hand and a tablet in the other.
The White House was built in 1800 to serve as a home and office for the President of the United States. It is a large, tall white building where the President lives and works. Important functions like living quarters for the President and operations of the executive branch of government take place within the White House.
The user guide introduces the HSPA 7.2Mbps Wi-Fi Router and provides instructions for setup and use. It describes the device features, package contents, LED indicators, and rear panel ports. It then provides a quick setup procedure and instructions for accessing the web user interface using the default login credentials. The web user interface is divided into main menu options for configuring basic settings, 3G settings, wireless, management, advanced settings, and viewing status information.
The survey responses help inform the project of creating a dress. Most respondents were female, young teenagers interested in fashion. Silk and cotton were preferred materials, and recycled materials for clothes was popular. Most preferred women's clothing over men's and had interest in western fashion styles. Many had not attended a fashion show before.
This document discusses achieving holistic happiness and well-being through balance in physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. It defines key concepts like happiness, health, holistic health, and well-being. The document suggests happiness comes from being content in all areas of life and maintaining balance through healthy choices, self-care, strong relationships and purpose. It acknowledges personal growth requires work on mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual dimensions.
George Washington was the first president of the United States. He was born on February 22 and died on December 14. Washington lived in Virginia as a woodsman in his childhood, chopping wood and later joining the army. He became a great American by being the inaugural president of the new nation.
The document lists different types of birds that may be found in someone named Layer's backyard, including Red Shouldered Hawk, Osprey, Ibis, Sandhill Crane, Wild Turkey, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, Red Winged Blackbird, Turkey Vulture, Mourning Dove, Blue Heron, and Anhinga. It notes that a young Red Bellied Woodpecker lacks red coloring on its head. The document asks how many of these birds the reader can identify in Layer's backyard.
This document contains a chemistry, life science, oceanography, or biology daily log from April 4th to April 26th, 2016. Each day's entry includes 1-2 chemistry, biology, or other science problems and questions, as well as instructions to identify pictures under a microscope and label them 1-5. The answers to the microscopic pictures are provided at the end of each entry.
This document provides analysis of three campaign posters. It asks students to identify the main message and target audience of each poster and determine how effective each poster is at communicating its message. For poster 1 about the NSPCC, the target audience is children under 16 and the poster is not effective due to too much text and dull colors. Poster 2 about quitting smoking is effective because the image clearly conveys being hooked on cigarettes and the text message is concise. Poster 3 about drinking and driving shows the consequences, and its target audience is those who drink and drive.
1. RUG1
2008-04-02 | 1
LiveTrix —
en nederländsk MetaLib-mashup
Universitetsbiblioteket i Groningen
Avdelningen för Information och Samlingsuppbyggnad
Ane van der Leij
2. Bild 1
RUG1 To set the date:
* >Insert >Date and Time
* At Fixed: fill the date in format mm-dd-yy
* >Apply to All
RUG; 2007-08-30
3. 2008-04-02 | 2
› Lite om oss, vårt bibliotek …
› … och om Metalib/SFX
› Siffror, statistik
› Ett försök till något annat: LiveTrix
› Framtiden
5. 2008-04-02 | 4
… och Metalib / SFX
SFX vid UoG
› Införd 2002, v3 sedan 2005.
Metalib vid UoG
› V2 införd 2004 som pilotprojekt vid Medicinska
fakulteten och Universitetssjukhuset (kollegiet)
› Övergång till v3 jan. 2005, implementering i hela
universitetet sept. 2005
› Inte vår enda ingång till e-tidskrifter och databaser:
katalog, listor på biblioteksportalen.
6. 2008-04-02 | 5
Siffror, statistik (1)
› Första riktiga chans att följa användarnas beteende
› Data baserade på loggfiler
› Egen modul, data i MySQL databas
› Efter eget behov, egna önskemål, egen bearbetning
› Webbaserad, borta från produktionsomgivning och
› Tillgänglig för biblioteksledningen
7. 2008-04-02 | 6
Siffror, statistik (2): det vi såg
Sökning i Metalib gav stora mängder med fel
› Noll resultat el. felaktiga resultat: 50 %
› Därav tekniska skavanker: 15 % kunde minskas till 1,5 %
› Felstavning och skrivfel; nederländska söktermer i engelskspråkiga
› Väljer databaser på måfå
› Förstår sig inte på Snabbsökning, Metasökning, Sök databas osv.
› Använder fel söknyckel
› Använder söknycklar fel
› Förstår sig inte på boolesk sökning
› Systemet krånglar till det med fraser, boolesk sökning, egenart
8. 2008-04-02 | 7
Ett försök till något annat: Livetrix (1)
Federated search
› Ett enda gränssnitt
› Aktualitet
› Man söker inte i ett centralt index (som Google gör)
› Databaser har olika strukturer, sökprotokoll matchar dåligt
› Man förlorar databasernas egna starka särdrag
› Sökning i databaser på avstånd tar tid
› Dito för inhämtning och bearbetning av sökresultat
› Folk ska ändå välja databaser på förhand
9. 2008-04-02 | 8
Ett försök till något annat: Livetrix (2)
Lokal indexering
› Inhämtade metadata lagras lokalt och förs in i
registrar (indexeras)
› Snabb respons
› Möjligheter till relevansrankning
› Inte alla leverantörer kan eller vill ställa sina metadata till
förfogande; kan vara dyrt
› Inhämtning, bearbetning, uppläggning i register tar tid
› Mindre aktuellt
10. 2008-04-02 | 9
Ett försök till något annat: Livetrix (3)
Vad är då LiveTrix?
En Federated Search-motor som samtidigt
använder sig av inhämtade, lokalt indexerade
11. 2008-04-02 | 10
Ett försök till något annat: Livetrix (4)
Bibliotek 2.0
› Ny generation användare förväntar sig interaktivitet,
möjligheter till personalisering, feta features
› Recensioner, anmärkningar, bokmärken, social taggning /
folksonomy, rating
› Alert-tjänster
› Wikipedia
› Bokomslag, FRBR
› Reference Manager
› Impact factors av tidskrifter
13. 2008-04-02 | 12
Just nu omvandling från test (beta) till produktion:
› Tweeking och finslipning
› Inskränkning till de databaser som verkligen gäller
› Ämnesportaler ska synas mer
› Usability test
› Ny formgivning
Läsåret 2008-2009: ersätter RUG Combine (?)
Anpassning till X-server v4, Pazpar2, WebFeat
Kommer att användas av VU, EUR, SUB, m.fl. (?)