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K-2/62A, Mohan Garden
Uttam Nagar, N.D-110059
Mobile: 9818434748
Applied for the Post:-Marketing Cum Purchase Cum Quality Control Head
To make every effort to achieve set goal of the organization by team work and to add value to the
Experience Summary : 16+ years of dedicated service and attained experience with reputed
manufacturing industries (in capacities as Team Leader) in productions,
planning, quality control and liasioning with govt. dept. and various
testing labs & authorities.
 Working knowledge of Internet Technologies.
 Working knowledge of MS-Office
 Balanced mix of Functional & Technical experience.
 Customer Interaction and communication skills.
Computer Proficiency:
MS-Office, E-Mail, Internet
Work Experience: (in reverse chronological order)
Sl/No. Organisation Designation Duration
1 M/s Vishal Pipes Limited
Mfr. of Deepwell Hand Pumps
Marketing Cum PurchaseCum
Quality Control Head
June 2015 to till date
2 M/s National Steels
Mfr. of Deepwell Hand Pumps
Quality Control Manager April 2010 to May 2015
3 M/s J D Industries (India) Ltd.
Mfr. of M.S Pipes
Quality Control Manager May 09 to March 2010
4 M/s A.K.G.ExtrusionPvt Ltd.
Mfr. of uPVC Pipes
Quality Control Manager May 08 to May 09
5 M/s K.P. Engineering Works
Mfr. of Deepwell Hand Pumps
Quality Control Manager 28 months (Dec 05  to May 08
6 M/s Ankit Industries
Quality Control Cum
Production Manager
76+ months (Jun 1999-Nov 05)
Bachelor of Science (Honours in Mathematics)
NDT (Non Destructive Testing Material )
MT,PT & UT (Level  II)
Project Experience:
M/s Vishal PipesLimited
M/s Vishal PipesLimited .isaManufacturer& Supplier of Deepwell HandPumps. M/s Vishal Pipes Limited
isan ISO 9001:2000 certifiedcompanyengagedinmanufacturingandexportof Deepwell HandPumps
Client(s) Many Govt and Private Firms/Organisations/Households
Role Quality Control Manager cum Marketing Head
 Independently handled and responsible for day to day production, planning ,
control & customer complaints. Quality control is a vital part of our operations
using statistical quality control through the manufacturing process. Raw
materials are subject to rigid metallurgical tests under my
supervision/guidance. Checking of workmanship frequently to attain best
 Responsible to maintain all test record, conduct of Lot Inspections by Bureau
of Indian Standards (BIS) and other Govt. recognized Labs. And calibration
centres i.e. DGS&D, SGS, ISO, CEIL, RITES, CROWN etc. etc.
 Fully responsible for incoming raw material inspection, in process
inspection and final inspection.
 Responsible for the quality and testing Lab. & looking after Lab. Tests carried
out as per scheme of testing and inspection of Bureau of Indian Standards.
 Maintain the proper records, production register, stock register etc all residual
work for renewal of all licenses.
 Responsible for Storing, Stocking of materials and executing all supply orders
till the material is dispatched.
 Independently handle customer complaints at customer end as well
 Have full knowledge of Purchase, Administrative works, Liasioning
work & Marketing work.
 Responsible for preparing various factory reports & directly reporting to the
 Maintain calibration status and calibration schedule of
Testing and Inspection equipment. Full knowledge of
renewal of License works i.e. BIS, ISO,NSIC Registration etc.
Duration June 2015 to till date
Workingas Marketing Head withM/sVishal PipesLimited (Manufacturer&Supplierof DeepwellHand
PumpsconformingtoIS:15500:2004 since Feb2010 to till date. I am workingaspivotand shoulderall
responsibilityforqualityproduction. The firmisreputedanditsproductsare available atmajorparts of
the country.Independentlyhandledandresponsiblefordaytoday production,planning,control &
customercomplaints. Qualitycontrol isavital partof our operationsusingstatistical qualitycontrol
throughthe manufacturingprocess.Raw materialsare subjecttorigidmetallurgical testsundermy
supervision/guidance. Checkingof workmanshipfrequentlytoattainbestresults.Doall the requisite
workindependently maybe outof station.
Personal Information:
Date of Birth : 12th
August 1973
Marital Status : Married
Languages known
(To Read, Write & Speak)
: English, Hindi, Maithili
Strengths : Good Team player, ability to adapt & learn
quickly, hard working, optimist, sincere &
Passport Details : Applied
Salary Drawn : 55000/-
Salary Expected : ------
L K Choudhary
(Marketing Head)
Vishal Pipes Limited
Mobile:- 09818434748

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  • 1. L.K.Choudhary K-2/62A, Mohan Garden Uttam Nagar, N.D-110059 Mobile: 9818434748 Email:lkc_2k7@yahoo.co.in Applied for the Post:-Marketing Cum Purchase Cum Quality Control Head CAREER OBJECTIVE : To make every effort to achieve set goal of the organization by team work and to add value to the organization. Experience Summary : 16+ years of dedicated service and attained experience with reputed manufacturing industries (in capacities as Team Leader) in productions, planning, quality control and liasioning with govt. dept. and various testing labs & authorities. Working knowledge of Internet Technologies. Working knowledge of MS-Office Balanced mix of Functional & Technical experience. Customer Interaction and communication skills. Computer Proficiency: MS-Office, E-Mail, Internet Work Experience: (in reverse chronological order) Sl/No. Organisation Designation Duration 1 M/s Vishal Pipes Limited Mfr. of Deepwell Hand Pumps Marketing Cum PurchaseCum Quality Control Head June 2015 to till date 2 M/s National Steels Mfr. of Deepwell Hand Pumps Quality Control Manager April 2010 to May 2015 3 M/s J D Industries (India) Ltd. Mfr. of M.S Pipes Quality Control Manager May 09 to March 2010 4 M/s A.K.G.ExtrusionPvt Ltd. Mfr. of uPVC Pipes Quality Control Manager May 08 to May 09 5 M/s K.P. Engineering Works Mfr. of Deepwell Hand Pumps Quality Control Manager 28 months (Dec 05 to May 08 date) 6 M/s Ankit Industries Mfr. of L P GAS STOVES Quality Control Cum Production Manager 76+ months (Jun 1999-Nov 05) EducationalQualific ations: Bachelor of Science (Honours in Mathematics) TechnicalQualificat ions: NDT (Non Destructive Testing Material ) MT,PT & UT (Level II)
  • 2. Project Experience: M/s Vishal PipesLimited M/s Vishal PipesLimited .isaManufacturer& Supplier of Deepwell HandPumps. M/s Vishal Pipes Limited isan ISO 9001:2000 certifiedcompanyengagedinmanufacturingandexportof Deepwell HandPumps Client(s) Many Govt and Private Firms/Organisations/Households Role Quality Control Manager cum Marketing Head Independently handled and responsible for day to day production, planning , control & customer complaints. Quality control is a vital part of our operations using statistical quality control through the manufacturing process. Raw materials are subject to rigid metallurgical tests under my supervision/guidance. Checking of workmanship frequently to attain best results. Responsible to maintain all test record, conduct of Lot Inspections by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and other Govt. recognized Labs. And calibration centres i.e. DGS&D, SGS, ISO, CEIL, RITES, CROWN etc. etc. Fully responsible for incoming raw material inspection, in process inspection and final inspection. Responsible for the quality and testing Lab. & looking after Lab. Tests carried out as per scheme of testing and inspection of Bureau of Indian Standards. Maintain the proper records, production register, stock register etc all residual work for renewal of all licenses. Responsible for Storing, Stocking of materials and executing all supply orders till the material is dispatched. Independently handle customer complaints at customer end as well companys. Have full knowledge of Purchase, Administrative works, Liasioning work & Marketing work. Responsible for preparing various factory reports & directly reporting to the Director. Maintain calibration status and calibration schedule of Testing and Inspection equipment. Full knowledge of renewal of License works i.e. BIS, ISO,NSIC Registration etc. Team size 50 Duration June 2015 to till date
  • 3. Description: Workingas Marketing Head withM/sVishal PipesLimited (Manufacturer&Supplierof DeepwellHand PumpsconformingtoIS:15500:2004 since Feb2010 to till date. I am workingaspivotand shoulderall responsibilityforqualityproduction. The firmisreputedanditsproductsare available atmajorparts of the country.Independentlyhandledandresponsiblefordaytoday production,planning,control & customercomplaints. Qualitycontrol isavital partof our operationsusingstatistical qualitycontrol throughthe manufacturingprocess.Raw materialsare subjecttorigidmetallurgical testsundermy supervision/guidance. Checkingof workmanshipfrequentlytoattainbestresults.Doall the requisite workindependently maybe outof station. Personal Information: Date of Birth : 12th August 1973 Marital Status : Married Languages known (To Read, Write & Speak) : English, Hindi, Maithili Strengths : Good Team player, ability to adapt & learn quickly, hard working, optimist, sincere & honest. Passport Details : Applied Salary Drawn : 55000/- Salary Expected : ------ DATED : Signature L K Choudhary (Marketing Head) Vishal Pipes Limited Mobile:- 09818434748