Digital Vision for CALP taipidaThis document discusses Oxfam's Digital Vision project. It provides an overview of the project's goals, which include supporting staff to adopt digital technologies, sharing learning across projects, connecting similar projects for efficiencies, and prioritizing women's inclusion and control. It lists the project leads and their locations. The objectives are to learn from existing campaigns using digital tools, identify best practices, consider risks and challenges, and scope where digital can help campaign work.
Programa video tutorialUPBCEl documento proporciona información sobre varios programas gratuitos para capturar pantalla y grabar video en diferentes sistemas operativos. Incluye detalles sobre las características, formatos compatibles y enlaces de descarga de programas como Free Screen to Video, CamStudio, Debut Video Capture, HyperCam y Microsoft Expression Encoder.
Chapter 9 m. mercadommercado31This document discusses medical abbreviations related to the urinary system. It defines genitourinary as pertaining to the genital and urinary systems. Some common genitourinary disorders mentioned include dysuria, hematuria, hematospermia, scrotal mass, testicular pain, and priapism. Acute renal failure and chronic renal failure are defined as the rapid or slow deterioration of kidney function, respectively. Cystoscopy is described as a procedure used to examine the bladder and urethra using a lighted scope, and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is a non-invasive procedure that uses shock waves to break up kidney stones.
Saransaranya14The document discusses multinational companies and the Capability Maturity Model. It provides information on the rise of multinational companies in India since 1991 due to factors like market potential and labor costs. It lists the top multinational companies worldwide and in India. It also discusses what multinationals want from host countries and their potential positive and negative impacts on development. The document then explains that the Capability Maturity Model is a framework for improving software development processes, and outlines its five levels and criticisms of only focusing on repetitive tasks.
Presentasi TireguardTIREGUARDDokumen tersebut mempromosikan produk TIRE GUARD, sebuah formula ajaib yang dapat menutup lubang ban secara otomatis tanpa perlu menambal atau mengganti ban. TIRE GUARD bekerja dengan cara membentuk lapisan pelindung di dalam ban yang akan menutup lubang bocor secara spontan jika ban terkena paku atau benda tajam lainnya. Produk ini dijual oleh PT. PERSADA ABADI dan dapat dipesan melalui kontak yang tersedia
Arena Multimedia Media Plan
(shared using VisualBee)Satyam AroraThis document summarizes the animation training industry in India, with a focus on key player Arena Animation. It discusses Arena's market dominance with 63% share, their positioning as a professional training institute. It identifies increasing competition and lowering profits as business problems. The target group is identified as college students aged 15 and above seeking a career in IT. The media plan discusses targeting genres of educational, art and entertainment websites, and allocating Rs. 25 lakhs with a Rs. 7-8 per click search keyword advertising strategy. Major cities of coverage are named as Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Indore, with growth in Amritsar and Lucknow.
Content deployment in MOSS 2007Salaudeen RajackContent deployment allows copying content from one SharePoint site collection to another. It defines paths between source and destination sites and creates jobs to automate the deployment process on a scheduled basis. Jobs deploy content incrementally by default while maintaining most versions. The destination site must be blank for initial deployment but subsequent deployments are incremental. Content deployment operates between site collections within a farm or across farms but the servers must be in the same network.
Yrke2025 april 2011Heidi BackmanEn presentation av Utbildningsstyrelsens prognos över behoven av svenskspråkig arbetskraft och yrkes- och högskoleutbildning för svenskspråkiga år 2025.
First classRoberto Luiz ArrudaThis document welcomes the reader to a grammar class and provides contact information for the instructor, Roliveir, along with their email address at Kent State University. It asks the reader if they have a dictionary and includes an unexplained "X" twice.
Testing experience no_22_guzman_barrio_martinezRaúl MartínezThis document discusses software product quality and how one organization evolved their approach. Originally, the organization focused solely on preventing defects in their monolithic e-commerce platform. This led to slow development cycles and a low tolerance for errors. The organization then transitioned to a distributed, microservices architecture and agile processes. This reduced risk, improved speed, and allowed them to focus on continuous improvement rather than just defect prevention. The organization also expanded their view of quality to include usability, performance and other factors that impact customers.
Smarter products for_a_smarter_p_lanet-neeraj_chandraIBMThe document discusses the challenges companies face in developing smarter products in today's complex global environment. It notes that smarter products which are embedded with software and can connect to other devices are transforming industries. However, building expertise in software is difficult due to a history of cost overruns, delays, and quality issues for projects. The document argues that organizations must transform their business models to better coordinate production and management of smarter products across company and customer boundaries in order to maximize value and benefits.
Manual Esencial Biología IImaria eugenia muñozLa pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en la economía mundial y las vidas de las personas. Muchos países han impuesto medidas de confinamiento que han cerrado negocios y escuelas, y han pedido a la gente que se quede en casa tanto como sea posible para frenar la propagación del virus. A medida que los países comienzan a reabrir gradualmente, los gobiernos deben encontrar el equilibrio adecuado entre la reactivación de la economía y la prevención de nuevos brotes de la enfermedad.
Rejection Spinning Your GapsAuntMyraThis document provides steps for handling rejection when seeking employment. Step 1 advises not taking rejection personally as hiring decisions are not about individuals. Step 2 recommends anticipating and preparing for rejection by addressing any gaps in experience or skills. Step 3 is to learn from rejection by improving skills, resumes, or opportunity definitions. Step 4 is to follow up by requesting feedback. Step 5 is to move on from the rejection. The document also provides suggestions for positively addressing employment gaps of different durations, such as pursuing education, family commitments, relocation, or international work.
Milton Seligman - Ambev - Movimento CYANMovimentoO documento descreve os esforços de sustentabilidade de uma cervejaria nos últimos 18 anos, incluindo metas de redução do consumo de água e energia e aumento da reciclagem. A empresa economizou 14,2 bilhões de litros de água, usa biomassa e biogás como energia renovável, e obteve 98,2% de reaproveitamento de resíduos em 2009.
Adaptive course presentationKasperSpiro- Adaptive e-learning courses created with easygenerator guide learners to incomplete or unknown parts of a course through: learning objectives, a pre-assessment, study advice, and a dynamic table of contents.
- A pre-assessment determines what a learner already knows, and study advice guides them to relevant sections.
- Progress is tracked at the objective level, with indicators in the table of contents showing where more study is needed to complete each objective.
Gulf Coast HUG Meetup June 2015SPROUT ContentSPROUT Content recently hosted the first meetup for #GulfCoast HUG. HUGs are HubSpot User Groups, located across the world, for HubSpot users and Agency Partners and anyone interested in learning more about inbound marketing methodologies and tactics. Here's the presentation from the meeting: THE MARKETING MINDSHIFT – How To Grow your Business and Generate Leads through Content and Inbound Marketing.
Hope thankfulmicklethwaitThe document expresses gratitude for a dad who cares, loves, and comforts, a mom who helps, praises accomplishments, and provides care, and fun which allows good times with friends and is a highlight of each day.
Presentasi TireguardTIREGUARDDokumen tersebut mempromosikan produk TIRE GUARD, sebuah formula ajaib yang dapat menutup lubang ban secara otomatis tanpa perlu menambal atau mengganti ban. TIRE GUARD bekerja dengan cara membentuk lapisan pelindung di dalam ban yang akan menutup lubang bocor secara spontan jika ban terkena paku atau benda tajam lainnya. Produk ini dijual oleh PT. PERSADA ABADI dan dapat dipesan melalui kontak yang tersedia
Arena Multimedia Media Plan
(shared using VisualBee)Satyam AroraThis document summarizes the animation training industry in India, with a focus on key player Arena Animation. It discusses Arena's market dominance with 63% share, their positioning as a professional training institute. It identifies increasing competition and lowering profits as business problems. The target group is identified as college students aged 15 and above seeking a career in IT. The media plan discusses targeting genres of educational, art and entertainment websites, and allocating Rs. 25 lakhs with a Rs. 7-8 per click search keyword advertising strategy. Major cities of coverage are named as Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Indore, with growth in Amritsar and Lucknow.
Content deployment in MOSS 2007Salaudeen RajackContent deployment allows copying content from one SharePoint site collection to another. It defines paths between source and destination sites and creates jobs to automate the deployment process on a scheduled basis. Jobs deploy content incrementally by default while maintaining most versions. The destination site must be blank for initial deployment but subsequent deployments are incremental. Content deployment operates between site collections within a farm or across farms but the servers must be in the same network.
Yrke2025 april 2011Heidi BackmanEn presentation av Utbildningsstyrelsens prognos över behoven av svenskspråkig arbetskraft och yrkes- och högskoleutbildning för svenskspråkiga år 2025.
First classRoberto Luiz ArrudaThis document welcomes the reader to a grammar class and provides contact information for the instructor, Roliveir, along with their email address at Kent State University. It asks the reader if they have a dictionary and includes an unexplained "X" twice.
Testing experience no_22_guzman_barrio_martinezRaúl MartínezThis document discusses software product quality and how one organization evolved their approach. Originally, the organization focused solely on preventing defects in their monolithic e-commerce platform. This led to slow development cycles and a low tolerance for errors. The organization then transitioned to a distributed, microservices architecture and agile processes. This reduced risk, improved speed, and allowed them to focus on continuous improvement rather than just defect prevention. The organization also expanded their view of quality to include usability, performance and other factors that impact customers.
Smarter products for_a_smarter_p_lanet-neeraj_chandraIBMThe document discusses the challenges companies face in developing smarter products in today's complex global environment. It notes that smarter products which are embedded with software and can connect to other devices are transforming industries. However, building expertise in software is difficult due to a history of cost overruns, delays, and quality issues for projects. The document argues that organizations must transform their business models to better coordinate production and management of smarter products across company and customer boundaries in order to maximize value and benefits.
Manual Esencial Biología IImaria eugenia muñozLa pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en la economía mundial y las vidas de las personas. Muchos países han impuesto medidas de confinamiento que han cerrado negocios y escuelas, y han pedido a la gente que se quede en casa tanto como sea posible para frenar la propagación del virus. A medida que los países comienzan a reabrir gradualmente, los gobiernos deben encontrar el equilibrio adecuado entre la reactivación de la economía y la prevención de nuevos brotes de la enfermedad.
Rejection Spinning Your GapsAuntMyraThis document provides steps for handling rejection when seeking employment. Step 1 advises not taking rejection personally as hiring decisions are not about individuals. Step 2 recommends anticipating and preparing for rejection by addressing any gaps in experience or skills. Step 3 is to learn from rejection by improving skills, resumes, or opportunity definitions. Step 4 is to follow up by requesting feedback. Step 5 is to move on from the rejection. The document also provides suggestions for positively addressing employment gaps of different durations, such as pursuing education, family commitments, relocation, or international work.
Milton Seligman - Ambev - Movimento CYANMovimentoO documento descreve os esforços de sustentabilidade de uma cervejaria nos últimos 18 anos, incluindo metas de redução do consumo de água e energia e aumento da reciclagem. A empresa economizou 14,2 bilhões de litros de água, usa biomassa e biogás como energia renovável, e obteve 98,2% de reaproveitamento de resíduos em 2009.
Adaptive course presentationKasperSpiro- Adaptive e-learning courses created with easygenerator guide learners to incomplete or unknown parts of a course through: learning objectives, a pre-assessment, study advice, and a dynamic table of contents.
- A pre-assessment determines what a learner already knows, and study advice guides them to relevant sections.
- Progress is tracked at the objective level, with indicators in the table of contents showing where more study is needed to complete each objective.
Gulf Coast HUG Meetup June 2015SPROUT ContentSPROUT Content recently hosted the first meetup for #GulfCoast HUG. HUGs are HubSpot User Groups, located across the world, for HubSpot users and Agency Partners and anyone interested in learning more about inbound marketing methodologies and tactics. Here's the presentation from the meeting: THE MARKETING MINDSHIFT – How To Grow your Business and Generate Leads through Content and Inbound Marketing.
Hope thankfulmicklethwaitThe document expresses gratitude for a dad who cares, loves, and comforts, a mom who helps, praises accomplishments, and provides care, and fun which allows good times with friends and is a highlight of each day.