This document provides information about the staff, research networks, educational programs, and research areas of the Learning, Communication and IT department at the University of Gothenburg. It lists the postdocs, professors, PhD students, and visiting researchers in the department. It also describes the Linnaeus Centre for Research on Learning, Interaction and Mediated Communication as the main research network and collaboration. The department is involved in the Learning priority research area and the Centre for Language Technology at the University of Gothenburg. It offers educational programs in learning, teaching and IT as well as a master's program in learning, communication and IT. The department conducts research on a variety of topics related to learning and technology including digital literacy, mobile
2. Staff
Post Docs/Researchers/Senior researchers
Prof. Berner Lindstr旦m
Johan Lundin, PhD, associate prof.
Alexandra Weilenmann, PhD, associate prof.
Mathias Klang, PhD, associate prof.
Wolmet Barendtregt, PhD
Ylva H奪rd af Segerstad, PhD
3. Staff
Marisa Ponti, PhD (post doc. Oslo)
Lars Svensson, PhD, associate prof. , (Visiting)
Ulrika Lundh Snis, PhD (Visiting)
Barry Brown, PhD, (Visiting)
Patrik Lilja, PhD
Teachers (besides research staff)
Mattias von Feilitzen
4. PhD-students
PhD Students
Catarina Player-Koro (disp. 2012)
G旦ran Karlsson (disp. 2012)
Patrik Lilja (disp. 2012
Lena Dafg奪rd (disp. 2013)
Anne hman (lic. 2013)
Anna-Lena Godhe (disp. 2014)
Torbj旦rn Ott (lic. 2014)
Martin Tallvid (disp. 2014)
Beata Jungselius (disp. 2015)
Leona Johansson Bunting (disp. 2016)
Therese Haglind (lic. 2016)
Sofia Serholt (disp. 2016)
Lisa Adamsson (disp. 2019)
5. Research networks and
LinCS (The Linnaeus Centre for Research on Learning, Interaction and
Mediated Communication in Contemporary Society) is a national centre of
excellence funded by The Swedish Research Council (total app. 50 people)
Berner Lindstr旦m,Wolmet Barendtregt,Ylva H奪rd af Segerstad, Johan
Lundin,Alexandra Weilenmann, Marisa Ponti, Patrik Lilja, Martin Tallvid,
Anna-Lena Godhe, G旦ran Karlsson,
Part of the Learning - priority research area, at GU.
Part of the Centre for LanguageTechnology, at GU
6. Educational
Learning, teaching and IT - one of the orientations of the teachers
programme at University of Gothenburg, LP 01.
Learning, communication and IT - Master programme (magister), web
7. PhD Education
Applied IT - orientation towards educational research
Center for educational research och teacher research - the
theme New media, teaching and learning (MUL)
Collaboration between: LCIT at dep. of applied IT - LinCS -
and researchers and PhD students at Univ. of Gothenburg as
well as Chalmers University.
5-10 PhD students
8. Gothenburg Knowledge LAB
Education Research
Designing for learning with digital
courses, workshops, seminars, visits
research projects, support for data
collection, design based research
development projects, educational
development, teacher development
teachers educational experiments,
technological driven
9. Games
How do we learn to game and how do we learn
through gaming
Developing new games, how to design fun games for
Use of games for learning, at home and in educational
Evaluations, do we learn more through gaming,
perspetions of quality
10. Mobile Technology
Mobile services for interaction, communication
and learning
Students mobile and personal technologies
One-to-one in schools
Writing and learning to write on mobile devices
11. Learning environments
Infrastructures for learning
Learning in different subject-matter
domains (mathematics and science)
Video and videopapers in teacher training
Project based work and IT
IT and learning elementary mathematics
12. Digital text and Literacy
Children卒s delvelopment ofnew
literacies in and out of school
Trageton-pedagogy -Writing to read
Digital story-telling
CALL video in SL learning
CALL Wikis learning technical English
13. Open and flexible learning
Distance education and flexible learning a
policy analysis
Quality in higher education
Digital resources / multimedia (OER)
IT and learning and teaching in higher
14. IT and learning at work
IT and training in industry
Teacher competence in using IT
IT to support teachers competence
Systems for knowledge and competence