Situació actual del CatalàJordi PipóS'explica quina llengua és el català i el seu origen, el bilingüisme i els seus conflictes, l'estat actual de la llengua, la situació de diferents llengües en perill d'extinció, ...
Advanced Mineral MakeupMedAesthetics Plus- Advanced Mineral Makeup is an all-natural mineral makeup line developed by a television and film makeup artist to be paraben-free, cruelty-free, and contain no dyes, perfumes, or binders.
- The liquid foundation comes in 7 shades, provides full coverage while being weightless, and contains antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial for the skin.
- The loose powder functions as a powder, concealer, SPF, and foundation, and contains antioxidants to fight free radical damage while being suitable for all skin types.
E governmentSreeji LalThe document outlines the advantages of e-government initiatives in three key areas:
1) Automating government processes like payroll, personnel management, health administration and service delivery to improve efficiency.
2) Improving public services by making government information and forms accessible online and enabling remote education and telemedicine.
3) Supporting economic development in sectors like agriculture and rural development by providing online access to resources, market data, and extension services.
Consultative Selling: Avon Anew Skin CareElizabeth DemasElizabeth Demas walks you through the consultative selling process, going over Anew eye creams in the process. Make more money now - focus on skin care sales! For more information, visit blog at
Seven Steps To Creating Training MaterialsGreg ConsultaThe document outlines a 7-step process for developing and delivering an effective training program: 1) conduct a needs analysis to identify knowledge, skills, and operational training objectives; 2) set objectives that are realistic and meet business needs; 3) develop training materials appropriate to the needs and medium; 4) design evaluation materials to assess objectives; 5) implement the training; 6) evaluate the training and participant feedback; 7) modify future trainings based on evaluation results. It also recommends that training departments build partnerships by understanding the business, being engaged, offering training solutions, and hiring experienced consultants.
How to prepare a basic training moduleKALYANASUNDARAM Ar_UmuThis document provides guidance on preparing a basic training module. It discusses assessing learners' needs, designing the training to meet those needs, and developing the content and presentation. Key aspects include using the ADD concept of assessment, design, and development; considering learners' existing knowledge, needs, and expectations; and using effective presentation techniques like varying activities, using visuals, and practicing delivery. The goal is to create a simple, clear module that conveys the necessary information and skills to learners.
Final makeup presentation IzzahrosliMakeup can be used to alter a person's appearance in various ways for different reasons. It comes in many types like lipstick, foundation, blush, mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner. Ingredients in makeup can potentially be toxic, so it is important to be aware of what is in the products. Traditional geisha makeup features a thick white base and accentuates the eyes and lips with black and red to alter appearance according to their cultural traditions.
Mineral Makeup 101Cheryl VandemoreThe document provides an overview of mineral makeup, including how to find your foundation shade, apply foundation and concealer, use color balancing powders and blush, and tips for cleaning mineral makeup off at the end of the day. It discusses the generally beneficial properties of mineral cosmetics and provides a glossary of common mineral makeup ingredients.
How To Prepare A Basic Training ModuleBruhad BuchThis presentation is for those who are very new to Powerpoints and want to learn the art of making effective PPT's. Also the idea behind making a module, per say, is important and this PPT describes the parameters on which a Basic Training Module can be built. These parameters will help the new comers to get an Idea of how to prepare Training Modules
Advanced Mineral MakeupMedAesthetics Plus- Advanced Mineral Makeup is an all-natural mineral makeup line developed by a television and film makeup artist to be paraben-free, cruelty-free, and contain no dyes, perfumes, or binders.
- The liquid foundation comes in 7 shades, provides full coverage while being weightless, and contains antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial for the skin.
- The loose powder functions as a powder, concealer, SPF, and foundation, and contains antioxidants to fight free radical damage while being suitable for all skin types.
E governmentSreeji LalThe document outlines the advantages of e-government initiatives in three key areas:
1) Automating government processes like payroll, personnel management, health administration and service delivery to improve efficiency.
2) Improving public services by making government information and forms accessible online and enabling remote education and telemedicine.
3) Supporting economic development in sectors like agriculture and rural development by providing online access to resources, market data, and extension services.
Consultative Selling: Avon Anew Skin CareElizabeth DemasElizabeth Demas walks you through the consultative selling process, going over Anew eye creams in the process. Make more money now - focus on skin care sales! For more information, visit blog at
Seven Steps To Creating Training MaterialsGreg ConsultaThe document outlines a 7-step process for developing and delivering an effective training program: 1) conduct a needs analysis to identify knowledge, skills, and operational training objectives; 2) set objectives that are realistic and meet business needs; 3) develop training materials appropriate to the needs and medium; 4) design evaluation materials to assess objectives; 5) implement the training; 6) evaluate the training and participant feedback; 7) modify future trainings based on evaluation results. It also recommends that training departments build partnerships by understanding the business, being engaged, offering training solutions, and hiring experienced consultants.
How to prepare a basic training moduleKALYANASUNDARAM Ar_UmuThis document provides guidance on preparing a basic training module. It discusses assessing learners' needs, designing the training to meet those needs, and developing the content and presentation. Key aspects include using the ADD concept of assessment, design, and development; considering learners' existing knowledge, needs, and expectations; and using effective presentation techniques like varying activities, using visuals, and practicing delivery. The goal is to create a simple, clear module that conveys the necessary information and skills to learners.
Final makeup presentation IzzahrosliMakeup can be used to alter a person's appearance in various ways for different reasons. It comes in many types like lipstick, foundation, blush, mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner. Ingredients in makeup can potentially be toxic, so it is important to be aware of what is in the products. Traditional geisha makeup features a thick white base and accentuates the eyes and lips with black and red to alter appearance according to their cultural traditions.
Mineral Makeup 101Cheryl VandemoreThe document provides an overview of mineral makeup, including how to find your foundation shade, apply foundation and concealer, use color balancing powders and blush, and tips for cleaning mineral makeup off at the end of the day. It discusses the generally beneficial properties of mineral cosmetics and provides a glossary of common mineral makeup ingredients.
How To Prepare A Basic Training ModuleBruhad BuchThis presentation is for those who are very new to Powerpoints and want to learn the art of making effective PPT's. Also the idea behind making a module, per say, is important and this PPT describes the parameters on which a Basic Training Module can be built. These parameters will help the new comers to get an Idea of how to prepare Training Modules
El dia de la dona treballadora / خواتین کا عالمی دن /اليوم الدولي للمرأةJosepRamonGregoriMuoEl 8 de març és el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradició comença al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una conferència a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts països van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de Rússia van organitzar una manifestació per la pau i la justícia. Avui, el 8 de març hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el món per recordar la lluita de les dones per la justícia social.
Migracions Climàtiques: Una Perspectiva a nivell Local.pptxtbennasarpEsta presentación trata sobre las migraciones climáticas, centrandose sobretodo a nivel de las Islas Baleares.
Exhibició pública - Programa de mà - 2425 2TLes VinyesPrograma de mà de l'exhibició pública dels projectes de secundària del 2n trimestre del curs 2024-25.
Exhibició pública - Programa de mà - 2425 2TLes Vinyes
LlengüEs Maternes
1. LLENGÜES MATERNES El 21 de Febrer és el dia Internacional de les llengües maternes. CEIP LLUÍS VIÑAS, 25 de Febrer de 2009
2. Llengua materna La llengua materna és aquella que aprenem de petits, a casa, amb la família. És la llengua amb la que ens identifiquem i que no hem de deixar de parlar mai.
5. Sabeu quants alfabets actualment s’ utilitzen per a escriure aquestes més de 5.000 llengües ? Добрый вечер NOMÉS 27 ALFABETS! Sächsische Zeitung château تامازغا
7. Romania La llengua dels Romanesos és el Romanès, actualment la parlen uns 30 milions de persones.
9. GRAN BRETANYA La seva llengua és l’anglès. El parlen uns 340 milions arreu del món.
16. CALÓ El caló ( zincaló o romaní espanyol ) és una llengua variant del romaní utilizada pel poblat gitano, sobretot a Espanya, sense cap distribució territorial fixada. És parlada per una població estimada entre 65.000 i 170.000 a Espanya, França, Portugal i Brasil.
18. CROÀCIA La seva llengua és el Croat. Actualment la parlen 7 milions de croats.
20. CATALUNYA La nostra llengua és el Català. Uns 7 milions de persones parlem el català.