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Tomographic non-invasive imaging of C. Elegans worm: LLTech Light-CT scannerSample preparation: worms are anesthetized and encapsulated in a gel
 a gel layer is placed between slide and coverslip
 the sample is imaged using standard Light-CT scanner procedureImaging:3Dtomographic resolution:  1袖m, non invasive, non destructive
3D acquisition of whole worm: 2minutes (about 60 images, thickness 1袖m), allowing fast 3D optical biopsycoverslipEncapsulated wormsMicroscope slide
Light-CT allows fast identification of anatomy  worm 1Image plane 1 @ 15袖m depthImage plane 2 @ 30袖m depth800袖m800袖mCorpuspharynxIsthmusPosterior bulbExcretory canalspermatheca1vulvaeggsovocytesspermatheca2gonad armintestineovocytes
Light-CT allows fast identification of anatomy  worm 2Image plane 1 @ 15袖m depthImage plane 2 @ 30袖m depth800袖m800袖movocytesintestineBody wall - cuticlegonad armuterus
Light-CT allows full volumetric imaging in a few minutesLight-CT image: allows fine separation of structuresStandard microscope imageOptical sectioning:1袖m thickness imageLight-CT images at different depths reveal fine structural details
Light-CT allows fast, precise 3D rendering and volume exploration
Images with 40x objectiveMuch higherresolution

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LLTech -Imaging C Elegans Worm in 3D with Light-CT

  • 1. Tomographic non-invasive imaging of C. Elegans worm: LLTech Light-CT scannerSample preparation: worms are anesthetized and encapsulated in a gel
  • 2. a gel layer is placed between slide and coverslip
  • 3. the sample is imaged using standard Light-CT scanner procedureImaging:3Dtomographic resolution: 1袖m, non invasive, non destructive
  • 4. 3D acquisition of whole worm: 2minutes (about 60 images, thickness 1袖m), allowing fast 3D optical biopsycoverslipEncapsulated wormsMicroscope slide
  • 5. Light-CT allows fast identification of anatomy worm 1Image plane 1 @ 15袖m depthImage plane 2 @ 30袖m depth800袖m800袖mCorpuspharynxIsthmusPosterior bulbExcretory canalspermatheca1vulvaeggsovocytesspermatheca2gonad armintestineovocytes
  • 6. Light-CT allows fast identification of anatomy worm 2Image plane 1 @ 15袖m depthImage plane 2 @ 30袖m depth800袖m800袖movocytesintestineBody wall - cuticlegonad armuterus
  • 7. Light-CT allows full volumetric imaging in a few minutesLight-CT image: allows fine separation of structuresStandard microscope imageOptical sectioning:1袖m thickness imageLight-CT images at different depths reveal fine structural details
  • 8. Light-CT allows fast, precise 3D rendering and volume exploration
  • 9. Images with 40x objectiveMuch higherresolution
  • 11. Scanning through the sampleMovieobtainedwith 3 microns steps