2. Intro & Why Are We Here This is a Test Key Basic Questions Who, What, Where Resources & Examples Test Answers How Did You Do? Keeping a Balanced Perspective Summary Questions
3. What jobs are growing? What qualifications do I need for the job? How much does the job pay? How do I know which job is best for me? Which jobs have the most openings? Where are the employers who are hiring? Can I find the job duties for certain occupations?
9. Employed Worked at least one hour for pay During the week that includes the 12 th Unemployed No job attachment Able, available for and actively seeking work Can be experienced or a new or re-entrant
10. Labor Force 16+ years old Employed + Unemployed Unemployment rate Unemployed 歎 Labor油Force Expressed as % Labor Force Participation rate Labor油Force 歎 Working Age Population
11. Discouraged Workers Harder to define and sometimes undercounted Generally are on long-term layoff with no immediate prospects Underemployment Also hard to define and count Basically can be anyone working below their skill level Might be underemployed by choice
14. UI quarterly contribution reports UCFE federal agency employment Supplementary employer surveys by state LMI offices Multiple establishment detail (MWR) Industrial coding (annual refile survey) Follow-ups triggered by edits
15. Employment benchmarks for all BLS federal/state employer survey programs CES, OES & OSHA Critical for Bureau of Economic Analysis Personal income State and national product Local planning Only consistent source of county employment and wages by industry Analysis requiring universe or detailed data
17. Covered employment from QCEW, supplemented with non-covered adjustments, is used to benchmark levels. A monthly employer survey is a major part of the program, using a variety of collection methods.
18. A primary economic indicator of employment, earnings, and working hours for national, state, and selected areas Total employment growth used by Federal Reserve Incorporated in preliminary estimates of National Product and Income Incorporated into productivity estimates
19. And now on to The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Program
20. OES: An employer survey which produces employment and wage-rate estimates by occupation and industry for states and areas BLS and ETA originally shared responsibility with the states. When BLS took total federal responsibility for the program, existing funds were spread over all states.
21. Data developed with most current 3 years of data Surveys conducted twice annually Employment by occupation tallied for each detailed industry Staffing ratios developed representing each occupations share of industry employment
22. Data tallied by wage ranges Wage-rate averages generated by weighted interpolations Prior data aged (brought up to date) by other BLS wage survey trends (ECI)
23. ETA funded but tied to OES Composed of adjusted OES staffing ratios applied to industry employment projections Short-term projections 2 years out Long-term projections: 10 years out Technical assistance available at the following site: dev.projectionscentral.com
24. The fourth BLS program is The LAUS Program Which stands for Local Area Unemployment Statistics
25. Less erratic trend than direct CPS monthly state estimates Cheaper than direct CPS estimates Predicts annual averages more accurately than handbook-trended estimates Note: U.S. data comes directly from the CPS, not from a model.
26. Handbook method - used to allocate labor market areas (LMAs) from state estimates Population-claims method used where possible for estimates of LMA parts Census-share method used for parts of LMAs when claims are not available No statistical measures of precision
28. Began life as PMLPC in 1984 under JTPA Renamed Mass Layoff Statistics in 1989 Intent: To track serious layoffs and closings by industry Not very useful for Rapid Response Good post-occurrence analytical tool Many states dont have enough activity to publish data
33. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration Bureau of Labor Statistics Department of Commerce Census Economic Development Administration Other Agencies/Federal Entities Congress Joint Economic Committee White House Council of Economic Advisors Universities and Think Tanks (National Academies, Brookings, Urban Institute, NBER)
34. Manpower, Inc. (Survey of Business Hiring) The Conference Board (help wanted & job bank openings) Hudson Institute (Workforce 2020) Media (News, Business Journals, etc.) EMSI (Customized WIA Labor Market Profiles) Haver Analytics (Economic Profiles) Brandt Info Services (Green Job Estimates) Others (National, State, Regional, & Local Groups)
35. Chambers of Commerce Economic Development Power & Utility Companies Banks Manufacturers
36. Americas Career One Stop, www.acinet.org/acinet/ O*Net, www.onetcenter.org Occupational Outlook Handbook, www.bls.gov/oco/ & Occupational Outlook Quarterly, www.bls.gov/opub/ooq/
37. Labor Market Information Shops in the States Various National Groups (Be Sure & Review the Assumptions!) Regional State & Local Groups (Depends on the Use Revenue and Tax Projections, Construction & Zoning Issues, Market Development (Store & Mall Location State Occupational and Industry Projections
38. LMI State OES Programs Salary.com O*Net web site SalaryExpert.com Google.com
39. Career Builder College Grad Job Hunter Monster.com Nation Job Network Job Central.com Indeed.com SnagaJob.com Craigs List (Be careful of scams) Lowcountry Help Wanted.com Post & Courier (Charleston.net) WorkSC.org (State Lib.)
40. Jibber Jobber Job Hunters Bible Wall Street Journal Online Career Tool The Riley Guide Flowork International Quintessential Careers Yahoo and AOL Hot Jobs
41. Google It! Dun & Bradstreet Hoovers Online Rutgers Library Company Research Guide Vault.com Wetfeet.com Charleston Regional Business Journal
42. www.projectionscentral.com : displays projected data for all states www.dev.projectionscentral.com : technical assistance for producing projections
43. Employment Dynamics from BLS: Job gains and losses by area from QCEW www.bls.gov/bdm Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics from Census: Uses UI and Census data to measure detailed workforce activity by area LEHD/LED also produces Quarterly Workforce Indicators www.lehd.did.census.gov
46. Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer & Labor Services, Department of Labor, www.dol.gov/dol/topic/training/apprenticeship.htm The Corporation for National & Community Services (Americorps, Senior Corp, etc.) The Job Corps, Department of Labor, www.jobcorps.gov Peace Corps, www.peacecorps.gov
47. Department of Defense, www.defense.gov Military.com TodaysMilitary.com USMilitary.about.com Individual Service Branch web sites
49. Interest Location Family Aptitude/Skills Wages Job Availability Return on Investment Barriers (Trans., Addic., Children, etc.)
50. Lot of new LMI now available Information Overload Paralysis by Analysis Value added role to interpret data to make LMI relevant and useful Guidance and available resource right data at the right time for enhanced choice