The Platform Company arranges loaned collateral such as letters of credit for clients. It now offers a new monetization program where it will help clients access funding by presenting collateral to monetization parties. Clients must place an upfront delivery cost in escrow. If the Platform Company is unable to provide acceptable monetization terms, the escrowed security deposit is returned to the client.
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Loan Collateral # 3 - How does it Work?
1. As an introduction, The Platform Company is an international, Brussels-based private consultant firm that specifically arranges loaned
collateral at our clients request. You may refer to the loaned collateral as leases, and we specifically can loan collateral such
as Standby Letters of Credit or Bank Guarantees.
Our product has a few unique characteristics that I firmly believe sets us apart from other groups, such as:
SWC, LLC does charge upfront processing fee to spend the funds in preparing the client to actually qualify and manage a professional responses for them to the source.
- Our collateral is structured to allow clients to lien against it, in the first position. This is not credit enhancement collateral, and can be fully collateralized;
- Funds remain in escrow until:
- Collateral is fully confirmed, authenticated and accepted by the clients specified receiving banker. We implement no time frame on this task.
- A credit facility is granted against our collateral. For strong projects, we take the position of being so confident in our
collateral product that funds are only released from escrow when a credit facility is granted to the client, and;
- Very low fees. We require the delivery/issuance cost to be placed into escrow. The remaining fees, we allow to be paid monthly or upon monetization of the collateral.
Loaned Collateral and Monetization Program
The Platform Company understands that a great majority of Clients view Loaned
Collateral as a viable financial fund-raising option, but do not process
the expertise of having contacts available to successfully monetize or
fund against the collateral.
We have stepped up. We now will not only deliver Loaned Collateral,
we will also setup Monetization at our Clients requested terms. If
we fail, Clients pay nothing. We are so confident in our abilities for
2. approved applications that we are not providing a
Security/Performance Deposit in Escrow. If we fail, Clients take
the deposit.
funding commitment is provided. No rush.
up to a 30-Day Hold.
fund to be returned at no cost, at any time.
the event that The Platform Company is unable to provide monetization commitments on approved files,
the security deposit is transferred to the Client.
1. Clients submit basic Underwriting documentation (CIS Disclosures, Copy of the Principals
* Passport and Proof of Funds for the Delivery Cost).
2. File is forwarded to Underwriting for approval.
* 3. If file is approved, Underwriting will disclose the name of the Escrow Firm for approval.
4. Upon approval, Escrow Firm will issue a 30-Day Escrow Hold agreement.
* 5. Client executes wire to Escrow Firms specified account.
6. The Platform Company issues supporting bank documentation for the issuing of collateral and contacts
* monetization parties.
7. The Platform Company presents monetization options to Client.
8. If Client is satisfied, new Escrow and Collateral Issuance Agreements are drawn up and
9. Collateral is transmitted to the receiving monetizer.
3. 10. Funds do not leave escrow until the receiving banker confirmed a facility has been granted
to the borrower.
Key Points
Why do I have to escrow funds?
Funding and Monetization Groups require Proof of Collateral to transact, not just a promise for a
multi-million dollar instrument. Upon Clients escrowing the delivery cost, The Platform Company issues the Proof
of Collateral and speaks to the Funding Groups on our Clients behalf.
Why cant you just issue the Proof of Collateral without me escrowing funds?
The Platform Company is not a charity group as much as we would like to be. We work with groups and projects
that we feel have a strong likelihood for success we invest in that. We are not interested in
obtaining loans against our own collateral. We are interested in loaning our collateral to worthwhile
groups and helping those groups monetize the collateral. Without escrowing the delivery cost, you
bring nothing to the table.
I've been burned by XXX group; I don't want to place funds in escrow. Can we work
something out?
Clients must put skin in the game. What if the monetization terms are not acceptable to me? Easy,
you contact the escrow attorney and have the escrow funds released back to you. Before we start our
monetization search, we will ask clients for acceptable terms. If clients have unrealistic expectations,
4. we will advise them and possibly decline the application.
Do I really get the security deposit if you can't get me a monetizer?
Yes. However the Escrow Attorney will confirm with us to see if we can provide written proof that
we have provided monetization terms acceptable to the Client. If we cannot, the security deposit is
Monetization Information
Typical terms are as follows:
Funding at 88% to 92% LTV
No interest
Recourse and non-recourse available
Funding within 72 hours of receipt of collateral
Funds must be used for legal purposes