This document discusses various global challenges facing the world in the coming decades, including population growth, energy and pollution issues, fair trade, and international cooperation. It outlines a 3-day program to educate students on these topics through research, exchange with other schools, presentations, and debates. The program is supported by several organizations and aims to prepare students to address these complex problems from both local and global perspectives. It concludes by sharing an open letter about humanity's connection to each other and the natural world.
Challenges for the 21st century:
- How to deal with energy?
- How to deal with waist disposal?
- How to deal with faire trade?
- How to deal with each other?
Are you ready for the next level? Are you able
1) Organise and plan?
2) To do research in your field of interest?
3) To communicate within and across borders?
4) To present?
5) To debate?
70. Program:
Dag 1:
- Start in the class!
- Introducing each other;
- Introducing your subject (by making a
- Making a research plan;
- Follow a workshop about presentation;
- Prepairing your research in the field (day 2).
71. Day 2:
- Exchange within the class: what did you learn
- Going to research field;
- Making report about exchange country;
- Compare your data with the data from the
school abroad;
- Prepaire day 3;
72. Day 3:
- Prepaire presentation;
- Present in the class;
- Coolpolitics: debat about a better world.
73. Tips:
- Use your smartphone for collecting data!
- Think it through what kind of data you want to use in your
- Use your freedom and time responsible! Be accountable!
- Your gast at differents spots around Nijmegen. Behave as
74. Local/Global Thinking is made
possible by
- Hope XXL
- Coolpolitics
- lokaalmondiaal
- Het Gilde
- Groene Hert
- Men at Work
- Radboud Universiteit
- Cos
75. Wubbo Ockels last letter
1. Mankind is inseparable
2. The purpose of humankind is to survive
3. Mankind has made the earth and nature
4. Our goal is to support the earth and thus the
mankind and nature
5. We must respect everyone who is fighting for
that purpose
76. 6. Everyone is connected to everyone through
7. Everybody is connected to nature and the
8. We are all astronauts Spaceship Earth
9. Who has no respect for others, has no
respect for humanity
10. Mankind, nature and earth are inseparable
Dr. Ockels
77. Rob Beumer, Jack Splinter,
Marcella Conceicao Lima,
Frits Bloemberg, Liz
Jansen, Andre van der
Stouwen, Marieke
Versteeg, Iris van
Wanrooij, Rogier Elshout,
Zarayda Groenhart, Frits
Ogg, Toon Buiting,
Michelle Stuiver, Dick van
den Heuvel, Leonard
Houben, Tom Bouwer,
Ronald Jansen, Dennis
Ratering .