A presentation regarding online resources for loacal history research, with a case study for researching the removal of Indians from Spokane, Washington.
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Local history online
1. A Northwest Historians Tour of the Internet
Larry Cebula
Washington State Digital Archives
Eastern Washington University
Spokane Mayor Burch with "Biggest Indian" Contest Winner Charles Libby, 1909.
14. Case Study:
Indians and the City Beautiful in Spokane, 1880-1910
What online resources are
Where do we look?
What necessary resources are not
Do we find things that we would
have overlooked in traditional
33. Additional Possible
Online Sources
Census Data
Additional Historical Image collections
Digitized Oral histories
A good starting point for Spokane history
is this page at the MAC:
34. What are We Missing?
Modern Secondary Sources
Ruby and Brown, Children of the Sun
Youngs, Fair and Falls
Most Archival Records
Newspapers not Digitized
Holding of Small Historical Societies
Etc. etc.
35. Needs and Prospects
Digital primary sources have a place in the
Digital primary sources have a place in
published scholarship
Historians need to keep up!
We need a centralized resource page for
deep digital archives