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ܧѧݧߧ ѧߧڧݧڧ
ڧ: MicroSoft Internet Explorer.? UserData object.? 64Kb per domain (x10 for trusted domains) Adobe Local Storage Objects AMASS (AJAX MAssive Storage System) Later AMASS->Dojo Toolkit (dojo.storage) Google.Gears (plugin, permissions)
HTML5 Storage ? (DOM Storage, Web Storage, Local Storage) - ѧߧ֧ߧڧ էѧߧߧ key -> value - էѧߧߧ ߧ ֧֧էѧ ߧ ֧ӧ֧ - ӧ֧ߧ  ҧѧ٧֧, ߧ ߧاߧ ҧڧҧݧڧ֧, ݧѧԧڧߧ... - 5 ( IE - 10Mb)  8.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 10.5
 էѧߧߧ ѧߧ ܧѧ ܧ ݧ٧ӧѧ ParseInt() & ParseFloat() window.localStorage vs. winsdow.sessionStorage - getItem() - setItem() - removeItem() localStorage['a'] && localStorage.a localStorage.key() localStorage.clear() localStorage.length IE : localStorage.remainingSpace
Web SQL DB - SQLite (SQL syntax) - SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE... - - 4.0 4.0 10.5
dbh = openDatabase( "MyDB" ,  "1.0.0" ,  "My Database" , 1048576); dbh.transaction(function(tx) {? ?  tx.executeSql( ???  ' CREATE TABLE table01 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT) ', ???  [],? //params? ???  function(tx, rs){}, //result handler? ???  function(tx, er){} //error handler? ?  ); });
dbh.transaction(function(tx) {? ?  tx.executeSql( ???  ' INSERT INTO TABLE table01 (id, name) VALUES (?, ?) ', ???  [i, name], ???  function(tx, rs){}, ???  function(tx, er){} ?  ); });
dbh.transaction(function(tx) { ?  tx.executeSql( ???  ' SELECT * FROM table01 WHERE name = ? ',?? ???  [name],?? ???  function(tx, rs){},? ???  function(tx, er){} ?  ); });
SQLResultSet ?  insertId :? Error: ... (SELECT QUERY) ? ?  rows :?SQLResultSetRowList ? ? ?  length :? 1 ? ? ?  __proto__ :?SQLResultSetRowList ? ? ? ?  constructor :?function SQLResultSetRowList()... ? ? ? ?  item :?function item() ... ? ?? ? ??  arguments :? null ? ???????  caller :? null ? ???????  length :? 0 ? ???????  name :? "item" ? ???????  prototype :?item ? ???????  __proto__ :?function Empty() {} ? ?????  __proto__ :?Object ? ???  rowsAffected :? 1 ? ?  __proto__ :?SQLResultSet SQLError ? code :? 5 ? message :? "no such table: table01" ? __proto__ :?SQLError
IndexedDB IE9 ? 4.0 - 8.0 -
idb = window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || null; ? //new ActiveXObject("SQLCE.Factory.4.0"); //new ActiveXObject("SQLCE.FactorySync.4.0"); var request = window.indexedDB.open("DatabaseName", "DatabaseDescription"); ? request.onsuccess = function(event){ ?  var database = event.result; ?  write("Database Opened", database); }; ? request.onerror = function(e){ ?  writeError(e); };
WebDatabase ? var  kids  =   [ ?  {   name :   &quot;Anna&quot;   } , ? ?  {   name :   &quot;Betty&quot;   } , ?  {   name :   &quot;Christine&quot;   } ? ] ; ? var  db  =  window. openDatabase ( &quot;CandyDB&quot; ,   &quot;1&quot; ,   &quot;My candy store database&quot; ,   1024 ) ; ? ? db. transaction ( function ( tx )   { ?  for   ( var  index  =   0 ;  index  <  kids. length ;  index ++ )   { ???  var  kid  =  kids [ index ] ; ? ???  tx. executeSql ( ? ?????  &quot;INSERT INTO kids (name) VALUES (?);&quot; ,   ? ?????  [ kid ] , ? ?????  function ( tx ,  results )   { ? ???????  alert( &quot;Saved record for &quot;   +  kid. name   +   &quot; with id &quot;   +  results. insertId ); ? ? ?  } ???  ) ; ?  } }) ;
IndexedDB ? var  kids  =   [ ? ?  {   name :   &quot;Anna&quot;   } ,   ? ?  {   name :   &quot;Betty&quot;   } ,   ? ?  {   name :   &quot;Christine&quot;   }   ? ] ; ? ? var  request  =  window. indexedDB . open ( &quot;CandyDB&quot; ,   &quot;My candy store database&quot; ) ; ? ? request. onsuccess   =   function ( event )   { ?  var  objectStore  =  event. result . objectStore ( &quot;kids&quot; ) ; ? ?  for   ( var  index  =   0 ;  index  <  kids. length ;  index ++ )   { ? ???  var  kid  =  kids [ index ] ; ? ???  objectStore. add ( kid ) . onsuccess   =   function ( event )   { ? ?????  alert( &quot;Saved record for &quot;   +  kid. name   +   &quot; with id &quot;   +  event. result );   ? ???  } ;   ? ?  } ? } ;
ڧѧ: http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc197062%28VS.85%29.aspx http://htmlbook.ru/html5/storage / http://diveintohtml5.org/storage.html http://dev.w3.org/html5/webdatabase/ http://hacks.mozilla.org/2010/06/comparing-indexeddb-and-webdatabase/  http://mikewest.org/2010/12/intro-to-indexeddb http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/webdev/117473/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/scriptjunkie/gg679063 ?

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  • 2. ڧ: MicroSoft Internet Explorer.? UserData object.? 64Kb per domain (x10 for trusted domains) Adobe Local Storage Objects AMASS (AJAX MAssive Storage System) Later AMASS->Dojo Toolkit (dojo.storage) Google.Gears (plugin, permissions)
  • 3. HTML5 Storage ? (DOM Storage, Web Storage, Local Storage) - ѧߧ֧ߧڧ էѧߧߧ key -> value - էѧߧߧ ߧ ֧֧էѧ ߧ ֧ӧ֧ - ӧ֧ߧ ҧѧ٧֧, ߧ ߧاߧ ҧڧҧݧڧ֧, ݧѧԧڧߧ... - 5 ( IE - 10Mb) 8.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 10.5
  • 4. էѧߧߧ ѧߧ ܧѧ ܧ ݧ٧ӧѧ ParseInt() & ParseFloat() window.localStorage vs. winsdow.sessionStorage - getItem() - setItem() - removeItem() localStorage['a'] && localStorage.a localStorage.key() localStorage.clear() localStorage.length IE : localStorage.remainingSpace
  • 5. Web SQL DB - SQLite (SQL syntax) - SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE... - - 4.0 4.0 10.5
  • 6. dbh = openDatabase( &quot;MyDB&quot; , &quot;1.0.0&quot; , &quot;My Database&quot; , 1048576); dbh.transaction(function(tx) {? ? tx.executeSql( ??? ' CREATE TABLE table01 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT) ', ??? [],? //params? ??? function(tx, rs){}, //result handler? ??? function(tx, er){} //error handler? ? ); });
  • 7. dbh.transaction(function(tx) {? ? tx.executeSql( ??? ' INSERT INTO TABLE table01 (id, name) VALUES (?, ?) ', ??? [i, name], ??? function(tx, rs){}, ??? function(tx, er){} ? ); });
  • 8. dbh.transaction(function(tx) { ? tx.executeSql( ??? ' SELECT * FROM table01 WHERE name = ? ',?? ??? [name],?? ??? function(tx, rs){},? ??? function(tx, er){} ? ); });
  • 9. SQLResultSet ? insertId :? Error: ... (SELECT QUERY) ? ? rows :?SQLResultSetRowList ? ? ? length :? 1 ? ? ? __proto__ :?SQLResultSetRowList ? ? ? ? constructor :?function SQLResultSetRowList()... ? ? ? ? item :?function item() ... ? ?? ? ?? arguments :? null ? ??????? caller :? null ? ??????? length :? 0 ? ??????? name :? &quot;item&quot; ? ??????? prototype :?item ? ??????? __proto__ :?function Empty() {} ? ????? __proto__ :?Object ? ??? rowsAffected :? 1 ? ? __proto__ :?SQLResultSet SQLError ? code :? 5 ? message :? &quot;no such table: table01&quot; ? __proto__ :?SQLError
  • 10. IndexedDB IE9 ? 4.0 - 8.0 -
  • 12. idb = window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || null; ? //new ActiveXObject(&quot;SQLCE.Factory.4.0&quot;); //new ActiveXObject(&quot;SQLCE.FactorySync.4.0&quot;); var request = window.indexedDB.open(&quot;DatabaseName&quot;, &quot;DatabaseDescription&quot;); ? request.onsuccess = function(event){ ? var database = event.result; ? write(&quot;Database Opened&quot;, database); }; ? request.onerror = function(e){ ? writeError(e); };
  • 13. WebDatabase ? var kids = [ ? { name : &quot;Anna&quot; } , ? ? { name : &quot;Betty&quot; } , ? { name : &quot;Christine&quot; } ? ] ; ? var db = window. openDatabase ( &quot;CandyDB&quot; , &quot;1&quot; , &quot;My candy store database&quot; , 1024 ) ; ? ? db. transaction ( function ( tx ) { ? for ( var index = 0 ; index < kids. length ; index ++ ) { ??? var kid = kids [ index ] ; ? ??? tx. executeSql ( ? ????? &quot;INSERT INTO kids (name) VALUES (?);&quot; , ? ????? [ kid ] , ? ????? function ( tx , results ) { ? ??????? alert( &quot;Saved record for &quot; + kid. name + &quot; with id &quot; + results. insertId ); ? ? ? } ??? ) ; ? } }) ;
  • 14. IndexedDB ? var kids = [ ? ? { name : &quot;Anna&quot; } , ? ? { name : &quot;Betty&quot; } , ? ? { name : &quot;Christine&quot; } ? ] ; ? ? var request = window. indexedDB . open ( &quot;CandyDB&quot; , &quot;My candy store database&quot; ) ; ? ? request. onsuccess = function ( event ) { ? var objectStore = event. result . objectStore ( &quot;kids&quot; ) ; ? ? for ( var index = 0 ; index < kids. length ; index ++ ) { ? ??? var kid = kids [ index ] ; ? ??? objectStore. add ( kid ) . onsuccess = function ( event ) { ? ????? alert( &quot;Saved record for &quot; + kid. name + &quot; with id &quot; + event. result ); ? ??? } ; ? ? } ? } ;
  • 15. ڧѧ: http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc197062%28VS.85%29.aspx http://htmlbook.ru/html5/storage / http://diveintohtml5.org/storage.html http://dev.w3.org/html5/webdatabase/ http://hacks.mozilla.org/2010/06/comparing-indexeddb-and-webdatabase/ http://mikewest.org/2010/12/intro-to-indexeddb http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/webdev/117473/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/scriptjunkie/gg679063 ?