Local facts are difficult to put into on blockchain. Just simple thought about local facts
1. Location & Language separation on blockchain
2. Deposit on fact providers
3. Ask professionals including Prediction market
Semantic, terminological and linguistic analysis of xbrlTobias Wunner
Analysis of financial vocabularies at EKAW 2010 terminology & ontology workshop in Lisbon.
[1] REUSE AND ADAPTATION OF ONTOLOGIES AND TERMINOLOGIES, http://www-limbio.smbh.univ-paris13.fr/ReuseOnto-EKAW2010/
[2] http://ekaw2010.inesc-id.pt/
[3] Monnet Twitter, http://twitter.com/monnetproject
O presente artigo discute a configura??o dos fluxos da delibera??o pública no atual ambiente comunicacional, o qual é constituido majoritariamente pelos mass media e pela web social. Neste sentido, este trabalho concluiu que, para o estudo dos efeitos da internet para os mass media, é preciso evitar uma chave interpretativa prévia de ruptura ou de continuidade; é preciso considerar separadamente a morfologia e os usos das diferentes
plataformas e ambientes online; a web social e os mass media podem desempenhar papeis complementares, nomeadamente na discuss?o e visibilidade dos temas e quest?es que ocupam a agenda política.
Mahesh M is seeking a challenging career where he can apply his knowledge and skills. He has over 5 years of experience in desktop support, hardware and networking engineering. He has worked with several banks supporting their LAN, WAN, internet and intranet systems. Mahesh has certifications in CCNA, MCSA, and CCNP. He holds a diploma in computer hardware and maintenance from Kerala University and has experience coordinating events and enjoys reading, writing, and traveling.
Philip Nielsen has over 30 years of experience in hardware and software engineering across various industries including aerospace, semiconductor manufacturing, telecommunications, and medical devices. He has a proven track record of designing automated test equipment and developing software to improve production testing processes, reducing costs and improving throughput. Notable achievements include developing a system that reduced test time from 20 minutes to under 1 minute, saving over $600,000 annually in equipment costs.
Cibercultura aula 01 comunica??o digital (of. 2)Caio Oliveira
Primeira aula da disciplina. Também foi a primeira aula do curso. Algumas explica??es sobre a din?mica do curso e os primeiros conceitos da disciplina.
El documento presenta las ventajas y desventajas de varias tecnologías emergentes como Google Glass, vehículos inteligentes, básculas inteligentes, relojes que despiertan con olores, manos biónicas, wifi en aerosol, realidad virtual, tecnología neuromórfica y Microsoft Band. Para cada tecnología, se enumeran sus principales beneficios y limitaciones.
Este documento contém 12 quest?es sobre identifica??o de sujeitos em ora??es. As quest?es abordam diferentes tipos de sujeitos como indeterminado, composto, simples e ora??o sem sujeito. O documento fornece feedback após cada resposta e encoraja o leitor a continuar praticando.
Geographical dispersion, organisational and cultural differences, and numerous participants characterise international foresight exercises. In this paper, the authors develop four principles for the design and management of global foresight exercises building on the experience from designing and managing a foresight process in connection with the Intelligent Management FacturingManufacturing Systems (IMS) 2020 project. The authors reflect and discuss against the exercise the suitability of the four principles for global foresight in general. For instance, understanding interconnected innovation systems is crucial for helping participants to position the exercise and their own activities better in the global context; responsiveness towards diversity of stakeholders strengthen commitment and encourage learning and creative problem solving; embeddedness of foresight in existing international networks benefits from existing organisational structures and facilitates for timely and efficiently mobilisation of stakeholder communities; finally, ‘glocal’ impact orientation connects foresight activities to both local and international decision-making structures. Furthermore, the findings indicate that scalable design is one of the key determinants for succesfulsuccessful adaption of foresight to geographical dispersion and numerous participants.
Workshop Espiritualidade S?o Paulo 2016Airton Rocha
O documento é uma cole??o de cita??es bíblicas e frases que expressam a voca??o de servir a Deus e anunciar o evangelho sem medo, como Maria e Madalena fizeram. O autor se sente chamado e ungido por Deus para usar seus dons para servir a Ele.
El documento resume la historia del cine desde sus inicios en 1895 cuando los hermanos Lumière realizaron la primera proyección pública en París, hasta la evolución del cine mudo al sonoro y el desarrollo continuo de nuevas tecnologías como el color y formatos tridimensionales. Explica que pioneros como Edison, Muybridge y Méliès contribuyeron al desarrollo temprano de la grabación de imágenes en movimiento y la narrativa cinematográfica.
This document outlines a course on public finance. It begins by defining public finance and the public finance cycle. It then discusses the formulation of fiscal policy and the generation of revenue through taxation and other sources. It describes the various types of taxes and revenues. It also covers government expenditures through the national and local budget process. Other topics include public borrowing, budget accountability, and the role of the Commission on Audit in ensuring accountability.
Demographic concepts , trends and population problemsAsha B Nair
This document discusses population studies and demography. It defines population studies as the scientific study of human populations, including changes in size, composition, and distribution. It outlines K. Park's five stages of population growth: high stationary, early expanding, late expanding, low stationary, and declining. It then discusses tools for measuring static and dynamic population features like age/sex composition, birth and fertility rates, death rates, and migration rates. Finally, it covers several theories of population like the Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory as well as social factors influencing population growth.
Restribute ~ Wealth re-distirbution by blockchain hardfork ~ Tomoaki Sato
This document discusses redistributing wealth through blockchain hardforks. It begins by defining permissionless blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It then discusses how wealth is initially distributed through mining, crowdsales, and trading on exchanges. The document uses Ethereum's hardfork after the DAO hack as an example of how a hardfork can create two networks with different distributions of wealth over time. It proposes that periodic hardforks could be used to intentionally redistribute wealth in a decentralized way, avoiding corruption risks of centralized authorities but with lower operational costs. Finally, it outlines plans to measure the effects of redistribution and conduct a social experiment with an initial hardfork.
This document provides an overview of global marketing. It begins with definitions of global marketing and discusses reasons for internationalization such as accessing new markets and increasing competitiveness. It then covers factors that determine entry mode decisions and various entry mode strategies. The document also discusses deciding on the global marketing program and organization. Key topics covered include scanning the global marketing environment, reactive and proactive motives for internationalization, and conducting marketing research in global markets.
The document describes Cryptoland, a digital asset marketplace platform that allows farmers in Thailand to tokenize agricultural commodities and real estate assets into securities. Nearly 150,000 farmers in Thailand have borrowed over 22 billion THB from loan sharks at interest rates as high as 30% per month. Cryptoland aims to provide an alternative by allowing farmers to list their agricultural land on the platform and divide it into tokens backed by the real estate's value. This enables investors around the world to invest small amounts and receive returns such as produce, rent or profits. The platform utilizes blockchain and smart contracts for transparency and security while providing farmers with better access to investment capital.
Google's cloud computing services and free apps like Gmail and Google Docs position it as a leader in future internet applications. HTML5 will allow for large web applications that run like standalone programs locally on devices even without an internet connection. As apps move to the cloud, copyright and intellectual property management will become important issues to address. The document discusses the history and future of computing, from mainframes to personal computers to the modern internet and cloud computing era of HTML5 apps.
The document discusses the need for an "AiLibrary" that would serve as a centralized digital library accessible via the internet. It notes that such a library could help address common questions people have when conducting online research. It also discusses the potential for the AiLibrary to partner with companies like Apple, Google, and others to gain access to technology and resources. The document emphasizes that the AiLibrary would focus on being easily accessible to users and serving as an educational resource for people without access to traditional colleges and universities.
A living hell - lessons learned in eight years of parsing real estate data lokku
The document summarizes the challenges faced by Nestoria in processing real estate listings data from various sources. It discusses issues like inconsistent and changing data formats, poor data quality, lack of unique identifiers, and misaligned incentives between Nestoria and its data partners. Despite the garbage in, Nestoria aims to turn it into something useful through extensive testing, embracing UNIX principles, and focusing on cultural rather than just technical problems.
Where to invest money and time in VR & AR - Andrew LacyAndrew Lacy
A high level guide for investors and entrepreneurs looking to invest their money or start a company in the virtual reality and augmented reality space.
Mobile Portfolio of Cole's Experience with AT&T TeamsCole Whitney
The document provides an overview of several potential mobile marketing experiments for convenience stores and gas stations. It discusses experiments involving personalized messaging delivered at points of sale, virtual gift cards paid via mobile phones, interim mobile payment solutions using NFC or QR codes before full NFC integration, coupon offers from wholesalers applied via scanning or NFC, virtual receipts delivered via email or mobile apps instead of printed, and personalization of the customer experience based on profiles. The goal is to test new mobile and digital capabilities to enhance customer value and drive additional in-store sales.
The document proposes a patent invalidation search engine called patentKO.com that uses big data and machine learning to quickly and inexpensively generate draft patent invalidation reports. It is presented by BLT Systems, a company founded by Jeonghan Eom, an attorney, and others with technical backgrounds. The system would collect patent, paper and news data using MapReduce to match keywords and claims and provide an editable report within 10 minutes for $50, much faster and cheaper than traditional options. It discusses pain points with current services, the solution, team, competition, differentiation, revenue model, milestones and financial projections, anticipating $200k revenue in 2014. Appendices provide more technical details on the Hadoop/Map
Este documento contém 12 quest?es sobre identifica??o de sujeitos em ora??es. As quest?es abordam diferentes tipos de sujeitos como indeterminado, composto, simples e ora??o sem sujeito. O documento fornece feedback após cada resposta e encoraja o leitor a continuar praticando.
Geographical dispersion, organisational and cultural differences, and numerous participants characterise international foresight exercises. In this paper, the authors develop four principles for the design and management of global foresight exercises building on the experience from designing and managing a foresight process in connection with the Intelligent Management FacturingManufacturing Systems (IMS) 2020 project. The authors reflect and discuss against the exercise the suitability of the four principles for global foresight in general. For instance, understanding interconnected innovation systems is crucial for helping participants to position the exercise and their own activities better in the global context; responsiveness towards diversity of stakeholders strengthen commitment and encourage learning and creative problem solving; embeddedness of foresight in existing international networks benefits from existing organisational structures and facilitates for timely and efficiently mobilisation of stakeholder communities; finally, ‘glocal’ impact orientation connects foresight activities to both local and international decision-making structures. Furthermore, the findings indicate that scalable design is one of the key determinants for succesfulsuccessful adaption of foresight to geographical dispersion and numerous participants.
Workshop Espiritualidade S?o Paulo 2016Airton Rocha
O documento é uma cole??o de cita??es bíblicas e frases que expressam a voca??o de servir a Deus e anunciar o evangelho sem medo, como Maria e Madalena fizeram. O autor se sente chamado e ungido por Deus para usar seus dons para servir a Ele.
El documento resume la historia del cine desde sus inicios en 1895 cuando los hermanos Lumière realizaron la primera proyección pública en París, hasta la evolución del cine mudo al sonoro y el desarrollo continuo de nuevas tecnologías como el color y formatos tridimensionales. Explica que pioneros como Edison, Muybridge y Méliès contribuyeron al desarrollo temprano de la grabación de imágenes en movimiento y la narrativa cinematográfica.
This document outlines a course on public finance. It begins by defining public finance and the public finance cycle. It then discusses the formulation of fiscal policy and the generation of revenue through taxation and other sources. It describes the various types of taxes and revenues. It also covers government expenditures through the national and local budget process. Other topics include public borrowing, budget accountability, and the role of the Commission on Audit in ensuring accountability.
Demographic concepts , trends and population problemsAsha B Nair
This document discusses population studies and demography. It defines population studies as the scientific study of human populations, including changes in size, composition, and distribution. It outlines K. Park's five stages of population growth: high stationary, early expanding, late expanding, low stationary, and declining. It then discusses tools for measuring static and dynamic population features like age/sex composition, birth and fertility rates, death rates, and migration rates. Finally, it covers several theories of population like the Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory as well as social factors influencing population growth.
Restribute ~ Wealth re-distirbution by blockchain hardfork ~ Tomoaki Sato
This document discusses redistributing wealth through blockchain hardforks. It begins by defining permissionless blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It then discusses how wealth is initially distributed through mining, crowdsales, and trading on exchanges. The document uses Ethereum's hardfork after the DAO hack as an example of how a hardfork can create two networks with different distributions of wealth over time. It proposes that periodic hardforks could be used to intentionally redistribute wealth in a decentralized way, avoiding corruption risks of centralized authorities but with lower operational costs. Finally, it outlines plans to measure the effects of redistribution and conduct a social experiment with an initial hardfork.
This document provides an overview of global marketing. It begins with definitions of global marketing and discusses reasons for internationalization such as accessing new markets and increasing competitiveness. It then covers factors that determine entry mode decisions and various entry mode strategies. The document also discusses deciding on the global marketing program and organization. Key topics covered include scanning the global marketing environment, reactive and proactive motives for internationalization, and conducting marketing research in global markets.
The document describes Cryptoland, a digital asset marketplace platform that allows farmers in Thailand to tokenize agricultural commodities and real estate assets into securities. Nearly 150,000 farmers in Thailand have borrowed over 22 billion THB from loan sharks at interest rates as high as 30% per month. Cryptoland aims to provide an alternative by allowing farmers to list their agricultural land on the platform and divide it into tokens backed by the real estate's value. This enables investors around the world to invest small amounts and receive returns such as produce, rent or profits. The platform utilizes blockchain and smart contracts for transparency and security while providing farmers with better access to investment capital.
Google's cloud computing services and free apps like Gmail and Google Docs position it as a leader in future internet applications. HTML5 will allow for large web applications that run like standalone programs locally on devices even without an internet connection. As apps move to the cloud, copyright and intellectual property management will become important issues to address. The document discusses the history and future of computing, from mainframes to personal computers to the modern internet and cloud computing era of HTML5 apps.
The document discusses the need for an "AiLibrary" that would serve as a centralized digital library accessible via the internet. It notes that such a library could help address common questions people have when conducting online research. It also discusses the potential for the AiLibrary to partner with companies like Apple, Google, and others to gain access to technology and resources. The document emphasizes that the AiLibrary would focus on being easily accessible to users and serving as an educational resource for people without access to traditional colleges and universities.
A living hell - lessons learned in eight years of parsing real estate data lokku
The document summarizes the challenges faced by Nestoria in processing real estate listings data from various sources. It discusses issues like inconsistent and changing data formats, poor data quality, lack of unique identifiers, and misaligned incentives between Nestoria and its data partners. Despite the garbage in, Nestoria aims to turn it into something useful through extensive testing, embracing UNIX principles, and focusing on cultural rather than just technical problems.
Where to invest money and time in VR & AR - Andrew LacyAndrew Lacy
A high level guide for investors and entrepreneurs looking to invest their money or start a company in the virtual reality and augmented reality space.
Mobile Portfolio of Cole's Experience with AT&T TeamsCole Whitney
The document provides an overview of several potential mobile marketing experiments for convenience stores and gas stations. It discusses experiments involving personalized messaging delivered at points of sale, virtual gift cards paid via mobile phones, interim mobile payment solutions using NFC or QR codes before full NFC integration, coupon offers from wholesalers applied via scanning or NFC, virtual receipts delivered via email or mobile apps instead of printed, and personalization of the customer experience based on profiles. The goal is to test new mobile and digital capabilities to enhance customer value and drive additional in-store sales.
The document proposes a patent invalidation search engine called patentKO.com that uses big data and machine learning to quickly and inexpensively generate draft patent invalidation reports. It is presented by BLT Systems, a company founded by Jeonghan Eom, an attorney, and others with technical backgrounds. The system would collect patent, paper and news data using MapReduce to match keywords and claims and provide an editable report within 10 minutes for $50, much faster and cheaper than traditional options. It discusses pain points with current services, the solution, team, competition, differentiation, revenue model, milestones and financial projections, anticipating $200k revenue in 2014. Appendices provide more technical details on the Hadoop/Map
Ethereum Devcon1 Report (summary writing)Tomoaki Sato
Ethereum devcon1 in London, 27th November By Tomoaki Sato I have been to the conference, so I wrote this summary and doing presentation in Japan. The meetup name is "Smart Contract Japan". Some of the presentations are missing, or added.
Please refer these official sources also
Devcon1 youtube presentations
Devcon1 slides on reddit
State Of Smart Contract Platforms from Smart Contract JP Tomoaki Sato
This document summarizes several smart contract platforms:
- It lists 11 existing platforms including Ethereum, Codius, Orisi, and Hyperledger.
- It provides brief descriptions of each platform, focusing on their approaches to eliminating counterparty risk, using oracles, and facilitating decentralized applications.
- It also discusses the business models of Digital Asset Holdings and Symbiont, both of which aim to build platforms for automated financial transactions using smart contracts.
This document outlines plans for the first meeting of Smart Contract Japan's development section. It discusses the mission of Smart Contract Japan to study, develop, and research smart contract technologies globally. The first section will involve writing and running smart contracts together in Hack sessions on Saturdays from 4-9:30pm GMT+9. Participants will use Slack for messaging and Github for sharing code. The goals of the first section are to write codes, run and research smart contracts, and publish results on YouTube or research articles on basics, usage and societal impacts of smart contracts.
The document provides an overview of smart contracts, including their basis, usage, and implications for society. It defines smart contracts as "proofs of agreement" that can be placed on a blockchain to be executed decentralizedly. Examples are given of direct uses like publishing smart contracts as tokens or using decentralized applications that run on smart contracts. Potential applications discussed include financial derivatives, insurance, voting, identity/reputation systems, and crowdfunding. The document also examines smart contracts from the perspective of developers and impacts on government and regulations.
Dappsmedia smartcontract _write_smartcontracts_on_console_ethereumTomoaki Sato
1. The document discusses smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, including what they are, common applications, and different types of smart contracts.
2. It provides steps to install the Ethereum blockchain using Geth, write an example token contract, publish the contract to the blockchain, and send transactions to the contract while checking the results.
3. The goal is to understand the end-to-end process of developing and deploying smart contracts on Ethereum from writing code to interacting with live contracts on the blockchain.
Mastering FortiWeb: An Extensive Admin Guide for Secure DeploymentsAtakan ATAK
The document was created with reference to the official FortiWeb Admin Guide published by Fortinet. To maintain subject integrity and leverage the manufacturer's expertise, the section headings were closely followed, and the content was developed accordingly.
You can access short videos demonstrating the technical configurations covered in this document on the YouTube page below:
AstuteAP: AI-Powered Supplier Invoice Automation for Seamless Accounts Payabl...AstuteBusiness
AstuteAP is an AI-powered tool that automates supplier invoice processing, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings by streamlining accounts payable workflows with intelligent automation and seamless integration.
Introduction on how unique identifier systems are managed and coordinated - R...APNIC
Sunny Chendi, Senior Regional Advisor, Membership and Policy at APNIC, presented an 'Introduction on how unique identifier systems are managed and coordinated - RIRs (APNIC for APAC), ICANN, IETF and policy development' at MyAPIGA 2025 held in Putrajaya from 16 to 18 February 2025.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm with Recurrent Neural Networks for Atta...IJCNCJournal
The increasing use of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices has brought about new security vulnerabilities, emphasizing the need to create strong and effective security solutions. This research proposes a two-layered approach to enhance security in IIoT networks by combining lightweight encryption and RNN-based attack detection. The first layer utilizes Improved Elliptic Curve Cryptography (IECC), a novel encryption scheme tailored for IIoT devices with limited computational resources. IECC employs a Modified Windowed Method (MWM) to optimize key generation, reducing computational overhead and enabling efficient secure data transmission between IIoT sensors and gateways. The second layer employs a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for real-time attack detection. The RNN model is trained on a comprehensive dataset of IIoT network traffic, including instances of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Man-in-the-Middle (MitM), ransomware attacks, and normal communications. The RNN effectively extracts contextual features from IIoT nodes and accurately predicts and classifies potential attacks. The effectiveness of the proposed two-layered approach is evaluated using three phases. The first phase compares the computational efficiency of IECC to established cryptographic algorithms including RSA, AES, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, SHA-256 and ECDSA. IECC outperforms all competitors in key eneration speed, encryption and decryption time, throughput, memory usage, information loss, and overall processing time. The second phase evaluates the prediction accuracy of the RNN model compared to other AI-based models DNNs, DBNs, RBFNs, and LSTM networks. The proposed RNN achieves the highest overall accuracy of 96.4%, specificity of 96.5%, precision of 95.2%, and recall of 96.8%, and the lowest false positive of 3.2% and false negative rates of 3.1%.
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cyber hacking and cyber fraud by internet online moneyVEENAKSHI PATHAK
Cyber fraud is a blanket term to describe crimes committed by cyberattacks via the internet. These crimes are committed with the intent to illegally acquire and leverage an individual's or business’s sensitive information for monetary gain
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This project provides a cracked version of IDM, enabling users to use the premium features without purchasing a license. This project is for educational purposes only. Using cracked software is illegal and unethical. We strongly recommend purchasing a legitimate license from the official IDM website to support the developers and respect copyright laws.
HITRUST Overview and AI Assessments Webinar.pptxAmyPoblete3
This webinar provides an overview of HITRUST, a widely recognized cybersecurity framework, and its application in AI assessments for risk management and compliance. It explores different HITRUST assessment options, including AI-specific frameworks, and highlights how organizations can streamline certification processes to enhance security and regulatory adherence.
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Localfacts smartcontractjp
1. Thought about Local facts
How do we put local facts into
blockchain ?
Tomoaki Sato
Smart Contract Japan
2. How to get better results about the stock price
of Japanese SME company on blockchain ?
3. Blockchain is not good at local facts
as the google does...
good at ‘googlable’ information, but often misresults about
the private information(company, real-property pricing, how
to make money ? or somethings...)
4. 1. Add location & Language Filter
2. Deposit of fact providers
3. Ask many professionals
5. Add location or language filter
yield more good results, but not enough
9. 2. Deposit of fact providers
~Fact providers should have responsibility of their information~
10. Deposit as professional fact provider
PoS Blockchain
Fact vaildation fee
Proof of Stake Rewar
Local fact
Local fact
Deposit Deposit
Local fact
When a provider cheat,
they lose the deposit.
11. Cheating = vote to minority.
Losing = moves the value from minority to majority
PoS Blockchain
Local fact
Local fact
Deposit Deposit
Local fact
Local fact
When a provider cheat,
they lose the deposit and
the value moves to
other validator in the same region
1 fact &&
1 local
12. 3. Ask many professionals
(including prediction markets)
13. Prediction market as a professional
How much is the company’s stock price of the seller ?
(what we call oracle)
Prediction marketPrediction marketProfessional
14. Prediction market as a professional
How much is my company’s stock price?
Please attach your sign to your prediction
(what we call oracle)
Prediction marketPrediction marketProfessional