This document provides guidance on using location data and APIs for hack projects. It discusses using standards like WOEIDs to identify locations, and APIs from Yahoo and OpenStreetMaps to geocode addresses, find places near a point, and get place details. The document encourages using these data sources and interfaces to build projects that incorporate location.
12. DATA
scan your text and extract places
select * from geo.placemaker where documentContent = "aruba, jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya" and
find details about a place
-select name,country from geo.places(100) where text='Delhi
find what places are at a point
select * from geo.placefinder where text='12.973111, 77.611541748' and gflags='R
geographical info of a place
select placeTypeName, name from geo.places.belongtos where member_woeid in (select woeid from
geo.places where text="New Delhi, India" limit 1)
What is a location? What is the earth like? Lat, Lon. Altitude? GPS?South, West, North, land up in the same place. Where? North Pole!
Indeed, everythings a shape. Introdice the woeidDirections - Distances - Geometry, 'speed' affects decision to take a route - Calculating Distances, Radial Distances, Routing, Nearest Place etc.
Anyone with an iphone here? [mention the arrow]Geolocationapi / geoip resolution
People don't think in tuples/ lat lon pairs- Named places, Listings, POIs. Addresses.
Mention delhi east timor, michigan, etc name,country from geo.places(100) where text='Delhi'