The document discusses central place theory, which seeks to explain the number, size, and location of human settlements in an urban system by modeling settlements as central places that provide services to surrounding areas. It mentions key concepts like threshold, range, and principles of central place theory, and algorithms like Lloyd's algorithm and Steiner minimal trees that can be used for location analysis. It also discusses types of probabilities like prior, posterior, sector, and positional probabilities that are relevant for spatial modeling.
7. Analysis Questions?
1. Will Big Square open a new branch within a year?
2. Where will Big Square open the new branch?
9. Central Place Theory
A geographical theory that seeks to explain
the number, size and location of human
settlement in an urban system.
Settlements are simply functioned as
central places providing services to
surrounding areas.
10. Threshold : minimum market (population or income)
needed to bring about the selling of a particular good
or service.
Range : maximum distance consumers are prepared
to travel to acquire goods
#2: Franchise models operate like an Ideal gas where all molecules/atoms are the same or behave in a similar manner. School filters and terror attacks have too much variation (entropy) hence have less predictability.
#11: The result of these consumer preferences is that a system of centers of various sizes will emerge.
Each center will supply particular types of goods forming levels of hierarchy.
From this he deduced that settlements would tend to form in a triangular/hexagonal lattice, this being the most efficient pattern to serve areas without any overlap
#12: The theory was created by the German geographer Walter Christaller.