This document is a certificate for Balvinder Mander showing that they completed the ITIL速 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management on February 24, 2016. The certificate number is GR750224952BM and includes a unique identification number of 9980086998900069. No expiration date is listed.
This randomized controlled trial compared the effectiveness of 3 months of weekly rifapentine and isoniazid treatment (combination therapy group) to 9 months of daily isoniazid treatment (isoniazid-only group) for preventing tuberculosis in high-risk patients. Over 7 years, the study enrolled approximately 4000 patients in each treatment group and followed them for 33 months. The primary outcome was development of tuberculosis. Results showed tuberculosis developed in 7 patients in the combination therapy group and 15 patients in the isoniazid-only group, demonstrating the 3-month regimen was non-inferior. Additionally, the combination therapy had a higher treatment completion rate. Long-term safety monitoring of the combination regimen will continue to be important
Easter Eggs Around the World Rundown (in slides) of famous easter eggs and easter traditions from around the world. Know how to dye easter eggs, egg decoration ideas, egg coloring ideas, etc from different parts of the world.
Cleaner Air Improves Lung Development in ChildrenYael Waknine
Long-term improvements in air quality are associated with better lung development in children. Researchers studied over 2000 children in Southern California between 1994 and 2011, as air pollution decreased due to new emissions policies. Children in later cohorts had greater lung function growth, with a 4-year increase in lung volume of over 90 mL for each 14 ppb decrease in nitrogen dioxide. Reducing particulate matter was also linked to improved lung development. The results suggest that cleaner air leads to substantial public health benefits for children.
Libre Office Math permite crear y editar f坦rmulas matem叩ticas a trav辿s de una ventana separada que proporciona operadores, funciones y formatos. El usuario puede crear s鱈mbolos individuales, 鱈ndices y exponentes, los cuales se muestran uno encima del otro justificados a la izquierda del car叩cter base.
The Municipality of Lashkar Gah in Afghanistan migrates from a pen-and-paper system to a fully automated payroll and human resources database with assistance from USAID's RAMP UP program. The new system drastically reduces delays in salary payments and the possibility of corruption. Municipal staff received training to manage the new system independently.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a integral para la investigaci坦n en salud. Explica los principios b叩sicos de la investigaci坦n en salud, c坦mo formular buenas preguntas de investigaci坦n, dise単ar estudios, planificar la investigaci坦n, redactar protocolos, obtener financiamiento, ejecutar proyectos con rigor cient鱈fico y reportar resultados. La gu鱈a cubre tanto m辿todos cualitativos como cuantitativos e incluye consideraciones 辿ticas en todas las etapas del proceso de investigaci坦n.
International Film Festivals Around the World Cool facts about film festivals like Cannes, Sundance, Toronto, Berlin, London, Rio, Tokyo, Venice, India and more
Nom 039-ssa-2002, para la prev y control de las enf de trans sexualEduardo Sandoval
Este documento presenta la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-039-SSA2-2002, la cual establece los procedimientos y criterios para la prevenci坦n y control de las infecciones de transmisi坦n sexual (ITS) en M辿xico. La norma busca promover el diagn坦stico oportuno y tratamiento adecuado de las ITS, as鱈 como su prevenci坦n, y es de observancia obligatoria para el personal m辿dico y param辿dico de todo el pa鱈s. Se define e incluyen t辿rminos relevantes y se especifican los lineamientos de vigilancia epidemiol坦
The document discusses various technical requirements to gather during the requirement gathering phase for setting up new or growing customers in a datacenter. It covers questions around network requirements like load balancing, firewalls, subnets; hardware requirements like servers, storage, backups; operating system requirements; and database requirements. The key things to inquire about include load balancing configuration, firewall rules, hardware specifications, operating systems, software dependencies, database versions and clustering.
The document provides instructions for using the Hoover's Premium database through the Daytona State College Library website to find company and industry information. In 3 sentences: The instructions explain that users should begin at the DSC Library website and select the Hoover's Premium database from the list of databases to access company profiles and industry data using a student ID and last 4 digits of SSN for login credentials. Once logged in, the instructions describe how to search for a company using the company name, select the appropriate company profile from the results, and use the links in the "Company Index" box to find specific types of information about that company.
Toyota has an integrated supply chain management system to ensure the right product reaches the right customer at the right time. They organize suppliers into tiers and encourage cooperation. Toyota develops long-term relationships with suppliers and focuses on gradual improvement rather than price negotiations. They apply lean manufacturing principles and continuous improvement to produce high quality vehicles with low costs and short lead times. Toyota's distribution system involves multiple sales channels and dealerships to effectively market and sell vehicles worldwide.
The dark web is a large portion of the internet not accessible through regular search engines and browsers. It can only be accessed through specific browsers like Tor that provide anonymity. While some use it for privacy, the dark web is known for illegal activities like buying and selling drugs, hiring hackers and hitmen, and trafficking weapons and stolen information.
The Toyota Way document outlines the principles and philosophy behind Toyota's success. It discusses 14 principles that make up Toyota's philosophy, which is focused on long-term thinking, defining and improving processes to eliminate waste, developing people, and continuously solving problems. The principles guide Toyota's operational excellence and continuous improvement approach known as the Toyota Production System.
After receiving feedback on his initial trailer, the author restructured it to improve flow and avoid revealing too many plot details. Comments highlighted sound quality as important, so he enhanced dialogue audibility. Overall, incorporating audience input helped strengthen the trailer's pacing and professional quality.
The document outlines the plot of a proposed film trailer titled "The Chase." It involves the kidnapping of a high-profile figure's son by a criminal the figure has been pursuing for 15 years seeking revenge. The criminal's family was deported and killed after being transported. The trailer would show the victim's happy family before cutting to the antagonist's arrest. It then shows the son's abduction in the woods and a final showdown between the victim and kidnapper.
The document discusses different types of shots that can be used in filmmaking, including long shots, establishing shots, close-ups, over the shoulder shots, mid shots, high angle shots, and low shots. It explains how each shot type will be used in the narrator's thriller trailer, such as using a close-up to show the lifeless expression on a dead body and using a high angle shot briefly to show the antagonist running from the scene of the murder. The shots are chosen to set the scene, convey emotion, add mystery, and effectively pace the trailer.
Distribution and marketing of movie trailersWill Beard
Film distribution is the process of releasing a movie to audiences to view for entertainment. The company controlling the film sets the release date and has control over how the movie can be viewed, such as in cinemas, on TV, or downloaded. Distribution is usually accompanied by film promotion for advertising purposes. Common ways to distribute movie trailers include online/mobile by creating early excitement on websites and ads, social media by spreading information to millions of users, word of mouth after initial exposure, and posters which confirm details and generate excitement visually. Film marketing is also important through using celebrities and ads to promote the movie and make it well known. Promotion through various channels is vital for the company to earn back the money spent producing the film
This document outlines a plan for completing a thriller film project over several weeks. It includes completing research and planning tasks like developing a narrative theory and organizing locations, actors, and props. It then involves beginning filming and assessing any needed improvements to the filmmaker's blog. Subsequent weeks are dedicated to editing footage, drafting a trailer, providing feedback, and completing ancillary tasks and evaluations.
Distribution and Marketing of movie trailersWill Beard
Film distribution involves releasing a movie to audiences in various ways like cinemas, TV, and online. The company controlling the film sets the release date and has power over other aspects. Distribution is usually accompanied by film promotion for advertising purposes. Movies can be distributed through online/mobile platforms, social media, word of mouth, and posters to generate excitement starting from when a film is announced. This allows companies to profit early and create hype to drive sales. Marketing is also important as it promotes the film using celebrities and ads to make it well known since companies spend millions producing films.
This document outlines the steps to complete a thriller film project over several weeks, including researching narrative theory and planning locations, actors, and props. It then details filming the trailer and initial footage, editing a first draft of the trailer for feedback, and completing additional tasks like evaluations by specific deadlines, with the overall goal of finishing all coursework for the project.
International Film Festivals Around the World Cool facts about film festivals like Cannes, Sundance, Toronto, Berlin, London, Rio, Tokyo, Venice, India and more
Nom 039-ssa-2002, para la prev y control de las enf de trans sexualEduardo Sandoval
Este documento presenta la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-039-SSA2-2002, la cual establece los procedimientos y criterios para la prevenci坦n y control de las infecciones de transmisi坦n sexual (ITS) en M辿xico. La norma busca promover el diagn坦stico oportuno y tratamiento adecuado de las ITS, as鱈 como su prevenci坦n, y es de observancia obligatoria para el personal m辿dico y param辿dico de todo el pa鱈s. Se define e incluyen t辿rminos relevantes y se especifican los lineamientos de vigilancia epidemiol坦
The document discusses various technical requirements to gather during the requirement gathering phase for setting up new or growing customers in a datacenter. It covers questions around network requirements like load balancing, firewalls, subnets; hardware requirements like servers, storage, backups; operating system requirements; and database requirements. The key things to inquire about include load balancing configuration, firewall rules, hardware specifications, operating systems, software dependencies, database versions and clustering.
The document provides instructions for using the Hoover's Premium database through the Daytona State College Library website to find company and industry information. In 3 sentences: The instructions explain that users should begin at the DSC Library website and select the Hoover's Premium database from the list of databases to access company profiles and industry data using a student ID and last 4 digits of SSN for login credentials. Once logged in, the instructions describe how to search for a company using the company name, select the appropriate company profile from the results, and use the links in the "Company Index" box to find specific types of information about that company.
Toyota has an integrated supply chain management system to ensure the right product reaches the right customer at the right time. They organize suppliers into tiers and encourage cooperation. Toyota develops long-term relationships with suppliers and focuses on gradual improvement rather than price negotiations. They apply lean manufacturing principles and continuous improvement to produce high quality vehicles with low costs and short lead times. Toyota's distribution system involves multiple sales channels and dealerships to effectively market and sell vehicles worldwide.
The dark web is a large portion of the internet not accessible through regular search engines and browsers. It can only be accessed through specific browsers like Tor that provide anonymity. While some use it for privacy, the dark web is known for illegal activities like buying and selling drugs, hiring hackers and hitmen, and trafficking weapons and stolen information.
The Toyota Way document outlines the principles and philosophy behind Toyota's success. It discusses 14 principles that make up Toyota's philosophy, which is focused on long-term thinking, defining and improving processes to eliminate waste, developing people, and continuously solving problems. The principles guide Toyota's operational excellence and continuous improvement approach known as the Toyota Production System.
After receiving feedback on his initial trailer, the author restructured it to improve flow and avoid revealing too many plot details. Comments highlighted sound quality as important, so he enhanced dialogue audibility. Overall, incorporating audience input helped strengthen the trailer's pacing and professional quality.
The document outlines the plot of a proposed film trailer titled "The Chase." It involves the kidnapping of a high-profile figure's son by a criminal the figure has been pursuing for 15 years seeking revenge. The criminal's family was deported and killed after being transported. The trailer would show the victim's happy family before cutting to the antagonist's arrest. It then shows the son's abduction in the woods and a final showdown between the victim and kidnapper.
The document discusses different types of shots that can be used in filmmaking, including long shots, establishing shots, close-ups, over the shoulder shots, mid shots, high angle shots, and low shots. It explains how each shot type will be used in the narrator's thriller trailer, such as using a close-up to show the lifeless expression on a dead body and using a high angle shot briefly to show the antagonist running from the scene of the murder. The shots are chosen to set the scene, convey emotion, add mystery, and effectively pace the trailer.
Distribution and marketing of movie trailersWill Beard
Film distribution is the process of releasing a movie to audiences to view for entertainment. The company controlling the film sets the release date and has control over how the movie can be viewed, such as in cinemas, on TV, or downloaded. Distribution is usually accompanied by film promotion for advertising purposes. Common ways to distribute movie trailers include online/mobile by creating early excitement on websites and ads, social media by spreading information to millions of users, word of mouth after initial exposure, and posters which confirm details and generate excitement visually. Film marketing is also important through using celebrities and ads to promote the movie and make it well known. Promotion through various channels is vital for the company to earn back the money spent producing the film
This document outlines a plan for completing a thriller film project over several weeks. It includes completing research and planning tasks like developing a narrative theory and organizing locations, actors, and props. It then involves beginning filming and assessing any needed improvements to the filmmaker's blog. Subsequent weeks are dedicated to editing footage, drafting a trailer, providing feedback, and completing ancillary tasks and evaluations.
Distribution and Marketing of movie trailersWill Beard
Film distribution involves releasing a movie to audiences in various ways like cinemas, TV, and online. The company controlling the film sets the release date and has power over other aspects. Distribution is usually accompanied by film promotion for advertising purposes. Movies can be distributed through online/mobile platforms, social media, word of mouth, and posters to generate excitement starting from when a film is announced. This allows companies to profit early and create hype to drive sales. Marketing is also important as it promotes the film using celebrities and ads to make it well known since companies spend millions producing films.
This document outlines the steps to complete a thriller film project over several weeks, including researching narrative theory and planning locations, actors, and props. It then details filming the trailer and initial footage, editing a first draft of the trailer for feedback, and completing additional tasks like evaluations by specific deadlines, with the overall goal of finishing all coursework for the project.
The document outlines a 107 second timeline for a thriller movie trailer. It begins with an R-rated establishing shot in the woods within the first 12 seconds. Logos for two production companies are then shown. The trailer will use quick cuts between shots of the woods, a church, graveyard, a murdered teenager, a detective, and glimpses of the killer to build intrigue over the first 40 seconds. It continues teasing clues, heavy breathing, and tensions between the detective and killer through dialogue and chase scenes. The trailer aims to seem fast-paced and thrilling to climax in a tense standoff between the detective and killer before revealing the title and release date at the end.
legal Rights of individual, children and women.pptxRishika Rawat
A legal right is a claim or entitlement that is recognized and protected by the law. It can also refer to the power or privilege that the law grants to a person. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education
Cardiac Arrhythmia definition, classification, normal sinus rhythm, characteristics , types and management with medical ,surgical & nursing, health education and nursing diagnosis for paramedical students.
Presentaci坦 que va acompanyar la demostraci坦 prctica de metge d'Innovaci坦 Jos辿 Ferrer sobre el projecte Benestar de BSA, nom d'IDIAP Pere Gol, el 5 de mar巽 de 2025 a l'estand de XarSMART al Mobible Word Congress.
Stability of Dosage Forms as per ICH GuidelinesKHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation covers the stability testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms according to ICH guidelines (Q1A-Q1F). It explains the definition of stability, various testing protocols, storage conditions, and evaluation criteria required for regulatory submissions. Key topics include stress testing, container closure systems, stability commitment, and photostability testing. The guidelines ensure that pharmaceutical products maintain their identity, purity, strength, and efficacy throughout their shelf life. This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical professionals, researchers, and regulatory experts.
Local Anesthetic Use in the Vulnerable PatientsReza Aminnejad
Local anesthetics are a cornerstone of pain management, but their use requires special consideration in vulnerable groups such as pediatric, elderly, diabetic, or obese patients. In this presentation, well explore how factors like age and physiology influence local anesthetics' selection, dosing, and safety. By understanding these differences, we can optimize patient care and minimize risks.
Non-Invasive ICP Monitoring for NeurosurgeonsDhaval Shukla
This presentation delves into the latest advancements in non-invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring techniques, specifically tailored for neurosurgeons. It covers the importance of ICP monitoring in clinical practice, explores various non-invasive methods, and discusses their accuracy, reliability, and clinical applications. Attendees will gain insights into the benefits of non-invasive approaches over traditional invasive methods, including reduced risk of complications and improved patient outcomes. This comprehensive overview is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of neurosurgeons in managing patients with neurological conditions.
Invasive systems are commonly used for monitoring intracranial pressure (ICP) in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and are considered the gold standard. The availability of invasive ICP monitoring is heterogeneous, and in low- and middle-income settings, these systems are not routinely employed due to high cost or limited accessibility. The aim of this presentation is to develop recommendations to guide monitoring and ICP-driven therapies in TBI using non-invasive ICP (nICP) systems.
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
Flag Screening in Physiotherapy Examination.pptxBALAJI SOMA
Flag screening is a crucial part of physiotherapy assessment that helps in identifying medical, psychological, occupational, and social barriers to recovery. Recognizing these flags ensures that physiotherapists make informed decisions, provide holistic care, and refer patients appropriately when necessary. By integrating flag screening into practice, physiotherapists can optimize patient outcomes and prevent chronicity of conditions.
The shoulder complex acts as in coordinated fashion to provide the smoothest and greatest range of motion possible of the upper limb.
Combined motion of GH and ST joint of shoulder complex helps in:
Distribution of motion between other two joints.
Maintenance of glenoid fossa in optimal position.
Maintenance of good length tension
Although some amount of glenohumeral motion may occur while the other shoulder articulations remain stabilized, movement of the humerus more commonly involves some movement at all three shoulder joints.
1. Explain the physiological control of glomerular filtration and renal blood flow
2. Describe the humoral and autoregulatory feedback mechanisms that mediate the autoregulation of renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate
Solubilization in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Concepts, Mechanisms & Enhancement...KHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation provides an in-depth understanding of solubilization and its critical role in pharmaceutical formulations. It covers:
Definition & Mechanisms of Solubilization
Role of surfactants, micelles, and bile salts in drug solubility
Factors affecting solubilization (pH, polarity, particle size, temperature, etc.)
Methods to enhance drug solubility (Buffers, Co-solvents, Surfactants, Complexation, Solid Dispersions)
Advanced approaches (Polymorphism, Salt Formation, Co-crystallization, Prodrugs)
This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical scientists, formulation experts, regulatory professionals, and students interested in improving drug solubility and bioavailability.