The document summarizes plans for the LockSchuppenAg company to renovate a rail roundhouse in Dresden, Germany into a future lab and coworking space called NooPolis. Key aspects include investing 5-7 million euros in the project, creating an open organization with open venture capital and a peer academy. NooPolis will use virtual currency called KayGroschen and include a stock exchange, wiki-based constitution and governance, and serve as a testbed for new technologies and economic models. The goal is to build NooPolis and host a SingularSummitEurope conference in September/October 2009 to discuss issues around the future and technological singularity.
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LockSchuppen - The Story
1. OpenSource - OpenContent -
The LockSchuppenAg
RealLife CaseStudy of an quot;Openquot;-
3. CaseStudy: ?LockSchuppen?
Restructure of the adjacent
RailRoundHouse to the FutureLab
quot;Dresden 2056quot;:
app. 5-7 Mio Eur Invest (final
Open Organization
Public European Elite-
ThinkTank, inspired by:
SingularityUniversity, Team
5. ?FutureLab?
quot;Panometer 2056quot;
The FutureLab will enable visi-
tors to interactively experience
the technological possibilities of
the future - based on
TechnicalSingularity .
MindQuest 's will lead Your way through the future. After see-
ing what's possible you can walk around the PeerAcademy
and the Co-WorkingSpace where the real action today takes
6. VirtualEconomy
Inspired by: SecondLife (LindenDollar)
Currency: KayGroschen
Dedicated to: AlanKay (TuringAward 2003)
MoneySupply: 10.000.000 KayGroschen
ExchangeRate KayGroschen<->EuRo
will be determined by auctions on the
EnteringMoney for new CitiZen's of NooPolis
7. Dresden
Pieschen ----->
Administration of KayGroschen for all
100% transparency
RSS-Feed for all account changes
The probably most important new bank
startup in the free-state of Saxony since the
free give-in of SachsenLB to a bank in
Southern Germany.
2012: Name change into DresdnerBank???
10. NooPolis StockExchange
Goal: 1-Click-Startups:
within appr. 15 min
from the business idea
up to the first trading in KayGroschen
Total transparency within NooPolis reduces complexity:
11. NooPolis: A WikiBased MicroNation
We ActionResearch the most important parts of a society:
CivilRights: Constitution - Jurisprudence
Politics: Elections - Administration - Legislation - Household
Economy: Econcomy - CompanyRegister - StockExchange
12. NooPolis: WikiBased
Everything is wikibased and therefor editable:
Constitution who can change what, when and how
HouseHold monetary issues
Votings at disagreements
Elections of trusted mediators
Editing possible only with RealName
CamelCase for ultra-fast linkages within Wiki itself
Theoretical foundation: Nomic (PeterSuber,
13. GroundRules
Participation only with
through invitation (WebOfTrust)
June 2009: 75 CitiZen's
100% Transparency:
any change of a WikiPage is present in the long-term
RSS-WebFeed of RecentChanges and single WikiPage's
API for future Mashups
Started in: German, Now: English, Soon: Espa?ol, ÖÐÎÄ etc.
17. WebTwoNull in Action
Wiki GoogleEarth
Twitter WebLog
Flickr WikiPedia
EtherPad Mail
Skype StadtWiki
Xing Delicious
FaceBook DimDim
PieschenRadio RSS
PieschenTv Doodle
FlashMob StudiVz
Mobile BarCamp Ning
GoogleDocs SecondLife
OpenStreetMap LinkedIn
18. How could you participate?
design a 3D-CAD-Model of the LockSchuppen
find Investors (for provision)
invest yourself
calculate building costs
construct PaperModel of the LockSchuppen
construct LegoModel
check fiscal questions around LockSchuppen und
create a (or more) StartUp yourself
find visitors and tenants
Join LockSchuppen (@FaceBook)
19. SingularSummitEurope
classical conference with KeyNote's
SingularCamp with OpenSpace elements
issues around the future and Singularity
One or two days in September/October 2009
TuDresden or GehAcht or PanoMeter
CongressCenterDresden or SemperOper'a