The document outlines a marketing campaign for a logistics company called Pilar Media. The 3-sentence summary is:
The campaign involves placing Pilar Media in various online directories, subscribing to newsletters, maintaining social media profiles, sending emails to logistics companies, and responding to logistics-related posts to promote Pilar Media's logistics portal and services. The document also recommends joining business communities and searching websites that logistics companies frequently visit in order to find advertising opportunities and potential customers.
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Logistic Product's online campaign
2. Campaign
Skill that must provide
Web Campaign
Campaign and Legal Document Template
Logistic and Ekspedition System
Logistic and Ekspedition Company
Logistic and Ekspedition Groups
Social Network, like :
Facebook Page and Group
Mail Blast
Web Directory and Listing
Market Place
Advertising (such banner, backlink, advertising)
CRM (Customer Relathionsip Management) and Sales Forces
News Letter that must suscribe
1 Put Pilar Media in Company Directory
2 Put PilarMedia Product n Service in Market Place / Direcktory
3 Put Logistic Portal in WebDirectory
don't forget about Linkedin
3. 4 Subcribe Newsletter (RSS)
5 Read Mail from Visitors and Customers
6 Put Logistic Portal's Service in right Web Directory
7 Sent Mail to any kind Logistic Company about Logistic Portal's service
8 Sent Mail to any kind Company about Logistic Portal's service
9 Search Web that seeking Logistic Company
Mencari situs-situs dimana sering mencari nama-nama perusahaan logistik atau dimana
perusahaan/perseorangan yang mencari tahu tentang pengiriman barang
10 Respon any logistic post/advertising
mencari iklan2 yang menayangkan iklan perusahaan logistik atau jasa2 ekspedisi (iklan yang dikomentari),
contoh :
1. Masukkan keyword : jasa pengiriman barang, ketika muncul salah satu nama perusahan dalam hasil
pencariaan di google, maka ikuti URL tersebut, catat nama perusahan dan kontak (telp/email), kemudian jika ada
kolom comment, masukkan penawaran tentang Logistic Portal's Service
atau keyword-keyword mengenai perusahaan logistik atau perusahaan EMKL
11 Join Business Community