Dr Jayaprakash Narayan adopted a village and ward in Anantapuram, Telangana, and will soon adopt a village in Uttarandhra. He will host a TV debate show on issues in Andhra Pradesh every Saturday at 6 PM. Loksatta Hyderabad unearthed 3600 crore worth of scams in GHMC and protested against corruption in unique ways like throwing money in a river and holding vehicle rallies. Loksatta celebrated its 9th anniversary in Anantapuram on November 7th.
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2. Dr Jayaprakash Narayan adopted Rudrampeta
Village and 50th ward of Anantapuram . He will
be adopting one village in Telangana and
Uttarandhra soon.
3. Dr Jayaprakash Narayan will be coordinating a
TV show debating the issues of Andhra
Pradesh on
Every Saturday evening 6 PM.
4. Loksatta Hyderabad team under the leadership of General
Secretary and RTI activist Sambi Reddy and others have
unearthed 3600 crores of scams in GHMC
5. !!! Corruption in GHMC !!!
protested against
corruption in
GHMC in unique
ways .
Throwing money
in Moosi river;
Vehicle Rally;
Playing Games
just like GHMC.
8. On this 21st October , Loksatta released biweekly loksatta times magazine with
main emphasis on Police reforms and got it unveiled by DGP of Telangana Shri
Anurag Sharma and in various police stations in Hyderabad.
9. !!! Selfie with Hyderabad Pothole !!!
Loksatta Hyderabad team
protested against Potholes in
a unique way of Selfie with
10. !!! KCR CBN Deal !!!
Loksatta protested against
KCR and CBN silence on
Cash4Note scam.
11. !!! KCR. Where are the jobs ?? !!!
Loksatta Telangana protested
against KCR govt for jobs
notification. Next day, CM has
signed the file to issue job
12. !!! Vote for Any party .. Seat for TRS !!!
Loksatta Telangana protested
against jump jilaani MLAs
jumping into TRS after getting
elected from other parties
13. !!! Making Hyderabad Safe !!!
Loksatta demanded and protested
to setup CCTVs in Hyderabad since
long. This June Police commissioner
informed that 3000 CCTVs will be
installed by next March
14. !!! No Playground for Children !!!
Because Children dont vote ???
Loksatta protested against
KCR govt for taking away
playgrounds and parks in
18. !!! Loksatta Andhra Pradesh !!!
Akshaya Gold was
brought to justice
by Loksatta
19. Loksatta Party has
been fighting since
2012 against the
illegal and
bauxite mining in
Agency areas of
Vizianagaram of
Andhra Pradesh.
State Government
has stopped the GO
which illegally allows
bauxite mining.
20. Loksatta Karnataka has contested in BBMP elections held
in August . We were able to establish our presence and
some of our candidates got good number of votes. Alas,
couldnt win against money power of BJP and Congress.
21. !!! Loksatta Karnataka !!!
Loksatta Karnataka protest against horse trading and
'resort politics' in Bengaluru.
22. !!! Loksatta Karnataka !!!
Loksatta Karnataka National Convention was held in
Bangalore in April
Bengaluru LOKal -
Government by the People.
A Loksatta Party initiative is
being unveiled at the
24. !!! Loksatta Tamil Nadu !!!
Loksatta TN Hunger Strike
in Karur demanding Right
to Services.
Loksatta Party is demanding Live Telecast of
TN Assembly and is campaigning for the cause
for the past 3 years. Loksatta also filed a PIL in
2012 for the same cause and the same is
pending before Madras High Court.
Loksatta Party Tamil Nadu fought for anti
Liquor movement and Govt has arrested our
25. !!! Loksatta Tamil Nadu !!!
Loksatta Party has
been forefront in
relief operations
during Chennai
floods. Loksatta state
units have sent their
volunteers to help
Loksatta Tamil Nadu
26. Various city units of Loksatta had done protests and candle
light rallies against Non utilization of Nirbhaya funds of
27. Loksatta youth leader from Vizag, Boni Anilkumar got
selected & represented our party in Royal Parliamentary
affairs training program at London.
Loksatta made the final push for NJAC act to bring
transparency in judicial appointments.
Loksatta party was started in Bihar and also expanding its
base in Maharashtra.
28. Loksatta Andhra pradesh constantly engaged with CID and
made inquiry to start, even after that we took initiative and
ensured that every victim will be heard. Akshaya Gold Scheme
Loksatta Andhra Pradesh has fought against Jindal land
scam and ensured that lands are being returned to land
Loksatta Andhra Pradesh fought against land encroachments in
Godavari district (Raj Varma Mudunuri) ,Nellore districts(Satish
reddy), Chitoor (Rambabu Ayyagari) .
29. 17 loksatta spokespersons have participated in hundreds of
TV debates in all popular channels
Loksatta Srikakulam team led by Rambabu Panchadi
created Raithu Samakhyam and are fighting for farmer
Raithu Samakhyam fight has ensured tenant farmers get
bank loans.
30. Loksatta Tirupati has fought against increasing illegal activities of
Liquor mafia
Loksatta has fought for transparency in PDS (ration shops) and
the reason for smart cards in PDS shops
Brought out irregularities in issuing Prospecting license on the
Sadukonda Reserve Forest mining in Chittor
United handloom workers in and around Madanapalli and fighting
for their rights - in process of forming labour union (Sramika Satta)