The document outlines the agenda for the London Talent Management Conference 2012, which was held on an unspecified date. It lists the times, items, and names of presenters throughout the day-long conference. The conference included presentations on talent management challenges, reviews, experiences, research, plans, and external perspectives from various NHS organizations and partners. It opened with registration and welcome remarks, and closed with final remarks to conclude the event.
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London talent management conference agenda
1. London Talent Management Conference 2012
Time Item Name
08.30 Registration Team NHSL
0900 Welcome David Eccles NHSL
0905 Overview Hesketh Emden
Head of Talent Management
NHS London
0915 Our biggest challenges Hesketh Emden
0935 Talent Management Review of 2011/12 Hesketh Emden
0950 The Leadership Framework Sabhia Sheikh
NHS Institute
1020 Our Talent Management experience Ruth McAll
Queens Hospital NHS BHRUT
1035 Break
1100 Early results of Talent Management Vince Whittle Performance Edge Ltd
1115 Talent Management at work Mark Watson
Whipps Cross
1130 Jackson Samuel Career and Development Lesley Uren
research Jackson Samuel
1215 Lunch
1300 Maturing Talent Management - 2012/13 Hesketh Emden NHSL
1315 Our Talent Management experience Sue Grange
1330 External perspective -Talent Management in Alice Gavin
disaster zones Tearfund
1345 Leadership and People Management for Prof Michael West
High Quality Care: Evidence and Practice Lancaster University Management School
1445 Break
1515 External perspective - Rising Stars Mike Williams Group Director of HR &
Development Malmaison & Hotel du Vin
1545 NHS challenges and the role of the NHS Jan Sobieraj Interim DG Workforce and
Leadership Academy Managing Director of NHS Leadership
1645 Closing Remarks Hesketh NHSL
1700 End