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VMware vCenter Operations StandardReal-time Performance Management for VMware AdministratorsMichael Woduschegg, Enterprise Management CEE
Why vCenter Operations Standard?80% of VMware admin time spent isolating performance problems	“1st generation” green-yellow-red static threshold reporting insufficient and too complex to usePoint solutions only address a subset of issuesVMware administrators have two conflicting goalsMaximize ROI by increasing VM densityEnsure required capacity for business growth and other changes in real-timeEnsure that virtual component performance supports required application performance
VMware vCenter Operations Standard BasicsClear and quick way to identify VMware performance problemsEasy to use for VMware AdministratorsDeeply integrated as a vCenter paneIntuitive screens guide users to issues needing attentionAutomatically collects data from vCenterTime-series performance data, topological relationships and configuration change eventsVMware vCenter Operations Standard business benefitsIncreased performance for end users of business applications and servicesReduced infrastructure costs through increased VM to ESX densityReduced VM administration costs and optimized VMware admin productivity
Understanding your Virtual Environment - WorkloadWorkload MeasuresDemand for resources vs. Resources currently usedResult is a percentage of WorkloadLow number is Good – Object has the resources it needsCan go above 100% - Object is “Starving”Workload summarized across critical resources CPUStorage I/OWorkload Details ViewDetailed understanding of the lacking resource and associated metricsView the state of the Peer and Parent Objects and troubleshootAm I a victim or a villain?  Is this a population problem?Should we move the VM?Network I/O
Memory (VM and ESX Allocation)
A Configuration issue?
Lack of resources?
Virtual infrastructure is fine.  OS or application issue?Understanding your Virtual Environment - HealthHealth MeasuresHow normal is this object behaving: 0-100 (Higher is Healthier)Learns dynamic ranges of “Normal” for each metricLearns patterns of behavior and identifies metric abnormalitiesLower the health the more abnormalitiesOnce a virtual element Health problem is identifiedSingle screen provides details on problem based on behavioral understanding of the elementPoints to the Root Cause metrics to help you troubleshootEliminates 100s of clicks and memorization of many metric behaviors that 1st generation monitoring tools requireHealth and Workload together tell you a lotWorkload High & Health High – Normal Behavior for this timeframeWorkload High & Health Low – Something is amiss!Important NoteLow Health does not imply a problem. It tells you that the object is acting differently than normal.
Understanding your Virtual Environment - CapacityCapacity MeasuresHow much time do you have left before a object runs out of resources?Based on a 0-100 scale – Higher the number the longer you haveThresholds User Configurable30 Days Left = RED60 Days Left = OrangeEtc.Capacity measured for critical resources CPUStorage I/OCapacity Details ViewShows the chart and trend for each of the above resourcesDenotes current stateProjected breach point and days leftNetwork I/O
MemoryBusiness Benefits
Increased Visibility Single pane of glass
All VC data contextually consolidated One click to any detail
Filters on “all” “normal” and “problem” Searches on any string.
Lack of holistic VC environment view
Can’t determine state of all elements (clusters, hosts, guests) at once
Overwhelming details obscure valuable information.BEFOREAFTERVisibility, comprehension of virtualized environment in one screen
Better product usability
Visually isolate problems via a “HUD” for vCenter
Unnecessary details hidden until necessary.ݺߣ 9Reduced ComplexityProvide a single measure of normality across all virtualized elements – Health

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  • 1. VMware vCenter Operations StandardReal-time Performance Management for VMware AdministratorsMichael Woduschegg, Enterprise Management CEE
  • 2. Why vCenter Operations Standard?80% of VMware admin time spent isolating performance problems “1st generation” green-yellow-red static threshold reporting insufficient and too complex to usePoint solutions only address a subset of issuesVMware administrators have two conflicting goalsMaximize ROI by increasing VM densityEnsure required capacity for business growth and other changes in real-timeEnsure that virtual component performance supports required application performance
  • 3. VMware vCenter Operations Standard BasicsClear and quick way to identify VMware performance problemsEasy to use for VMware AdministratorsDeeply integrated as a vCenter paneIntuitive screens guide users to issues needing attentionAutomatically collects data from vCenterTime-series performance data, topological relationships and configuration change eventsVMware vCenter Operations Standard business benefitsIncreased performance for end users of business applications and servicesReduced infrastructure costs through increased VM to ESX densityReduced VM administration costs and optimized VMware admin productivity
  • 4. Understanding your Virtual Environment - WorkloadWorkload MeasuresDemand for resources vs. Resources currently usedResult is a percentage of WorkloadLow number is Good – Object has the resources it needsCan go above 100% - Object is “Starving”Workload summarized across critical resources CPUStorage I/OWorkload Details ViewDetailed understanding of the lacking resource and associated metricsView the state of the Peer and Parent Objects and troubleshootAm I a victim or a villain? Is this a population problem?Should we move the VM?Network I/O
  • 5. Memory (VM and ESX Allocation)
  • 8. Virtual infrastructure is fine. OS or application issue?Understanding your Virtual Environment - HealthHealth MeasuresHow normal is this object behaving: 0-100 (Higher is Healthier)Learns dynamic ranges of “Normal” for each metricLearns patterns of behavior and identifies metric abnormalitiesLower the health the more abnormalitiesOnce a virtual element Health problem is identifiedSingle screen provides details on problem based on behavioral understanding of the elementPoints to the Root Cause metrics to help you troubleshootEliminates 100s of clicks and memorization of many metric behaviors that 1st generation monitoring tools requireHealth and Workload together tell you a lotWorkload High & Health High – Normal Behavior for this timeframeWorkload High & Health Low – Something is amiss!Important NoteLow Health does not imply a problem. It tells you that the object is acting differently than normal.
  • 9. Understanding your Virtual Environment - CapacityCapacity MeasuresHow much time do you have left before a object runs out of resources?Based on a 0-100 scale – Higher the number the longer you haveThresholds User Configurable30 Days Left = RED60 Days Left = OrangeEtc.Capacity measured for critical resources CPUStorage I/OCapacity Details ViewShows the chart and trend for each of the above resourcesDenotes current stateProjected breach point and days leftNetwork I/O
  • 12. All VC data contextually consolidated One click to any detail
  • 13. Filters on “all” “normal” and “problem” Searches on any string.
  • 14. Lack of holistic VC environment view
  • 15. Can’t determine state of all elements (clusters, hosts, guests) at once
  • 16. Overwhelming details obscure valuable information.BEFOREAFTERVisibility, comprehension of virtualized environment in one screen
  • 18. Visually isolate problems via a “HUD” for vCenter
  • 19. Unnecessary details hidden until necessary.ݺߣ 9Reduced ComplexityProvide a single measure of normality across all virtualized elements – Health
  • 20. Automatically aggregate, correlate states of 100s of metrics into two scores for each element – Health and Workload
  • 21. Administrators blind to brewing problems
  • 22. Too much data, too many clicks
  • 24. Impossible to understand health of elementsBEFOREAFTERReduce complexity of usage
  • 25. Remove guesswork, provide clarity into the environment
  • 27. Enable administrators to do more with less.ݺߣ 10Understand Normal Metric Behavior Unable to understand normal range of metrics
  • 28. Is 65% usage normal for an hour, day, week or month?
  • 29. Or, is it the beginning of a problem?
  • 30. Visibility into normal operation of every metric in VC
  • 31. Continuous, automatic learning of normal behaviorBEFOREAFTERUnderstand metric behavior based on history
  • 32. Project forward future behavior hours or days in advance
  • 33. Remove guess work and confusion, clarify expectations
  • 34. Equivalent of 10 people watching, measuring and adjusting system constantly.ݺߣ 11Workload OptimizationCalculates and stores workload profile of each ESX
  • 35. Increase density by matching opposite VM behaviors on an ESX
  • 36. Ensure smooth, consistent use of resources
  • 37. VC unaware of affinities and workload profiles of all VMs
  • 38. Only understands raw resource consumptionBEFOREAFTERIncrease density of VMs per ESX
  • 39. Optimize use of resources
  • 40. Consistent and maximized ESX workloads ݺߣ 12Understand Impact of ChangeChanges and events mashed on health chart for every element
  • 41. Easier to see impact of change and before and after performance
  • 42. Change is common and necessary in VM environments
  • 43. Change can lead to degradation in performance BEFOREAFTERImmediate visibility into impact of change
  • 44. Visual correlation to component's health
  • 45. Admin can immediately determine if change had positive (expected) or negative (unexpected) effect on the element ݺߣ 13Multidimensional AnalysisSlice, dice, visualize entire environment by any of 100s of VC-collected metrics
  • 46. Which of my many Hosts have high levels of CPU Ready contention but low memory usage?Hmmmm… Where do I start?BEFOREAFTERFull Business Intelligence like capabilities
  • 47. Slice and dice historical collected data across any dimension
  • 48. Visualize results in heat maps, single click drill down to resource details. vCenter Operations Architecture, Process and Deployment
  • 49. vCenter Operations Standard ArchitectureFour Main Services: Collector, Analytics, Web, ActiveMQ
  • 52. File-based DB (FSDB) for raw metric storage
  • 53. Single Collector for vCenter embedded in appliancevCenter Operations Standard Processing3: Incoming data points are tested against Dynamic Threshold bands and used to calculate Health, Workload and Capacity2a: Analytics runs daily to determine hour-by-hour Dynamic Thresholds for next 24 hours4: Results provided to UI: Update “Badges”, provide Root Cause for Health scores, etc.1a: vCenter Collector collects metrics, topology & change events from vCenter - Ongoing -2c: Store metric Dynamic Thresholds data in PostgresSQL DB1b: Data stored in FSDB2b: Full FSDB is scanned by the analytic algorithms to determine per metric best match the next 24 hour period
  • 54. VMware vCenter Operations EditionsvCenter Operations Enterprise+ Full Configuration & Compliance Management+Other VMware & 3rd Party Integrations (View, management, servers, storage)vCenter Operations Advanced+ Capacity PlanningvCenter Operations Standard PerformanceReal-time CapacityConfiguration ChangevSphereVMware Cloud / vCenterNon-VMware (incl. physical) environments
  • 55. Understanding the vCenter Operations EditionsScopeFunction

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Introduction
  • #4: Clear and quick way to identify VMware performance problemsVMware vCenter Operations Standard analyzes each element in the VMware environment and calculates:WorkloadHealthCapacityEasy to use for VMware AdministratorsDeeply integrated as a vCenter paneIntuitive screens guide users to issues needing attentionAutomatically collects data from vCenterTime-series performance data, topological relationships and configuration change eventsLots of hidden information in vCenter is now readily available and analyzed in vC OpsVMware vCenter Operations Standard business benefitsIncreased performance for end users of business applications and servicesReduced infrastructure costs through increased VM to ESX densityReduced VM administration costs and optimized VMware admin productivity
  • #8: Note to Presenter: It is recommended that you use only a few of the Problem Solution slides and hide the rest. Try and focus on the Problems that would best resonate with your customer.
  • #16: Here we see the vCenter Operations Standard architecture. Main SystemThe vCenter Operations server consists of UI components, the analytics process and message broker. vCenter Operations has two data stores. Time series metric data is stored in a proprietary file systems database (FSDB) that is highly optimized for quick read/right access. vCenter Operations also uses a PostgresSQL database (included with the appliance) to store meta data (Analytics results, etc.).Remote CollectorsAt the left you see vCenter.Vc Ops Std uses a vCenter Collector (embedded in the appliance) to get data from your existing virtual infrastructure. A collector can have several adapters instances.