Camden Council, a top London borough, partnered with GrayMatter for Pentaho's data-driven solutions. Their challenge was providing real-time KPIs for visitor services, leading to improved efficiency and SLA compliance. With Pentaho, they gained access to timely KPIs and detailed reports, facilitating informed decisions. GrayMatter's expertise ensured seamless enhancement of their BI solution. This collaboration showcases how data analytics can transform service delivery.
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London Borough of Camden
Delivering Outstanding Citizen Service with Pentaho
Copyrights 息 2013 GrayMatter Software Services Pvt. Ltd.
Camden became one of the top performing boroughs in
London scoring the maximum four stars in the Audit
Commissions comprehensive assessment. With the success of
initial solution, LBC returned to GrayMatter to enhance /
include several additional scenarios in the business rules for
capturing the data in the DWH. This was meant to not only
suit the new logic in the CRM system data capture; but also
enhance the logic of DWH population through ETL. GrayMatter
successfully managed this enhancement; changes to various
components of earlier BI solution.
2. 2 Copyrights 息 2013 GrayMatter Software Services Pvt. Ltd.
Delivering Outstanding Citizen Service with Pentaho!
Company Overview:
Camden is one of the top performing boroughs in London scoring the maximum four stars in the
Audit Commissions comprehensive assessment. Camden Council has been a pioneer in using
technology effectively to deliver best in class services to residents and businesses.
Pentaho Partner:
Graymatter is Open Source Services Company focused on providing business intelligence
solutions. Graymatter has successfully implemented and deployed Pentaho for several
customers in the UK, US and India.
Key Business Challenges:
Camdens Housing Benefits and Council Tax departments use a CRM system to track services
offered to visitors who come into their reception area. A set of KPIs were defined to monitor the
progress of visitor requests, but it was extremely difficult and time consuming for business users
to have access to current KPIs of contact centers as this information was derived using complex
steps from data stored in the Lagan CRM system. It was also necessary to monitor the trends
periodically and drill down to details from the summary views to identify potential bottlenecks
and take necessary actions to ensure SLAs were met.
The London borough of Camden deployed Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise Edition on a Red Hat
Enterprise Linux server, using a JBoss application server and a PostgreSQL database, and
integrates with the organizations centralized security system based on Microsoft Active
Directory. Graymatter managed the design and deployment of the project, from dimensional
modeling to data warehouse (DWH) generation, to dashboard and report design. The
deployment takes advantage of the full breadth of capabilities of the Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise
Edition and was implemented in only four months.
The various team-level and department-level metrics were reported on top of the data
warehouse built from the Lagan CRM system. These metrics would provide KPIs for each team,
with further drill down. Also included were some reports of the overall handling of customer
CRM cases (as each encounter with a customer was called); along with the details of each case.
The logic for transforming the data was very complex and the ETL development had a
prerequisite of developing Business rules flowchart and pseudo code to take care of various
scenarios. GrayMatter developed the same and then proceeded with ETL implementation with
detailed validations by Graymatter and customer team. This was achieved successfully and
eventually rolled out into Production. GrayMatter also provided post-production support for a
short while to ensure smooth handover of solution to LBC.
3. 3 Copyrights 息 2013 GrayMatter Software Services Pvt. Ltd.
The solution had a legacy load of historical data and daily refreshes to the DWH through
scheduled ETL jobs / transformations. Thus, users were able to see up to date measures /
Subsequent enhancements:
LBCs customer, after having seen the benefit of the BI dashboards / reports, came back to LBC
with request for further enhancements to the Data Warehouse rules from the Lagan CRM
system. This was required as LBC was moving to a new version of the source Lagan CRM system
with additional features incorporated to suit their clients requirements.
With the success of initial solution, LBC returned to GrayMatter to enhance / include several
additional scenarios in the business rules for capturing the data in the DWH. This was meant to
not only suit the new logic in the CRM system data capture; but also enhance the logic of DWH
population through ETL. Eventually, these results were to reflect in the dashboards / reports
observed by them.
GrayMatter successfully managed this enhancement; changes to various components of earlier
BI solution.
Now, with Pentaho, business users are able to easily access real-time KPIs, and to drill from
summary level information into detailed reports. Users also subscribe to standard reports which
are delivered to them automatically via e-mail at periodic intervals.
They are also able to take decisions on which departments / teams / officers were contributing
to below-SLA levels of performance and how to handle them. The overall objective of attaining
higher efficiency was now being easily met.